question about sys_call_table size

question about sys_call_table size

am 12.11.2008 02:49:02 von

I have two questions:

1. Does anyone ever encounter a problem that must be solved by adding
new system calls. If yes, please briefly describe your problem.

2. If I add thousands of new system calls (say 2000) in linux kernel
and add these new system calls into sys_call_table, will there be any
stability or performance issues(or other concerns) on this new kernel?

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Re: question about sys_call_table size

am 15.11.2008 01:52:49 von rene

SU1ITyBhZGQgbmV3IHN5c2NhbGxzIGl0J3Mgbm90IGEgZ29vZCBpZGVhLCBh bmQgdGhlIG1haW4g
cmVhc29uIGlzClBvcnRhYmlsaXR5LiBUaGUgUE9TSVggc3RhbmRhcmRzIGRl ZmluZXMgYSBzZXQg
b2Ygc3lzY2FsbHMgdG8Kb3BlcmF0aW5nIHN5c3RlbXMgYW5kIGEgbG90IG9m IG90aGVyIHRoaW5n
cy4gUG9ydCBjb2RlIChsaWtlIGxpYmMpIHRvCmEgUE9TSVggc3lzdGVtIGlz IG11Y2ggbW9yZSBl
YXN5IHRoYW4gcG9ydCB0byBhIG5vbi1QT1NJWCwgYW5kIHRoaXMgaXMKd2h5 IHdlIGhhdmUgc29m
dHdhcmVzIHJ1bm5pbmcgaW4gbWFueSBwbGF0Zm9ybXMgKHNwZWNpYWxseSBp biBVbml4CnBsYXRm
b3JtcywgbGlrZSBMaW51eCwgU29sYXJpcywgQlNELi4uKS4gT3RoZXIgcG9p bnQgaXMgY29tcGF0
aWJpbGl0eSwKaWYgTGludXggS2VybmVsIDIuNi4yNyBhZGQgYSBuZXcgc3lz Y2FsbCB0byB0aGUg
c3lzdGVtLCBzb2Z0d2FyZXMgdGhhdAp1c2UgdGhpcyBzeXNjYWxsIHdpbGwg bm90IHdvcmsgb24g
b2xkZXIgdmVyc2lvbnMsIGltYWdpbmUgbm93IG90aGVyCm5ldyBzeXNjYWxs IGluIDIuNi4yNy40
IHJlbGVhc2UsIHNhbWUgdGhpbmcuLi4gc29mdHdhcmVzIHdpbGwgYnJlYWsK YmV0d2VlbiB2ZXJz
aW9ucywgdGhhdCBpcyBiYWQuCgpDaGVlcnM7CgpSZW6ougoKCk9uIFR1ZSwg Tm92IDExLCAyMDA4
IGF0IDExOjQ5IFBNLCDqkIf4s8kgPGdjY2hlbi5vcmdAZ21haWwuY29tPiB3 cm90ZToKPiBIaS4u
Cj4gSSBoYXZlIHR3byBxdWVzdGlvbnM6Cj4KPiAxLiBEb2VzIGFueW9uZSBl dmVyIGVuY291bnRl
ciBhIHByb2JsZW0gdGhhdCBtdXN0IGJlIHNvbHZlZCBieSBhZGRpbmcKPiBu ZXcgc3lzdGVtIGNh
bGxzLiBJZiB5ZXMsIHBsZWFzZSBicmllZmx5IGRlc2NyaWJlIHlvdXIgcHJv YmxlbS4KPgo+IDIu
IElmIEkgYWRkIHRob3VzYW5kcyBvZiBuZXcgc3lzdGVtIGNhbGxzIChzYXkg MjAwMCkgaW4gbGlu
dXgga2VybmVsCj4gYW5kIGFkZCB0aGVzZSBuZXcgc3lzdGVtIGNhbGxzIGlu dG8gc3lzX2NhbGxf
dGFibGUsIHdpbGwgdGhlcmUgYmUgYW55Cj4gc3RhYmlsaXR5IG9yIHBlcmZv cm1hbmNlIGlzc3Vl
cyhvciBvdGhlciBjb25jZXJucykgb24gdGhpcyBuZXcga2VybmVsPwo+IFRo YW5rc35+fgo+Cj4g
Z2NjaGVuCj4gLS0KPiBUbyB1bnN1YnNjcmliZSBmcm9tIHRoaXMgbGlzdDog c2VuZCB0aGUgbGlu
ZSAidW5zdWJzY3JpYmUgbGludXgtbmV3YmllIiBpbgo+IHRoZSBib2R5IG9m IGEgbWVzc2FnZSB0
byBtYWpvcmRvbW9Admdlci5rZXJuZWwub3JnCj4gTW9yZSBtYWpvcmRvbW8g aW5mbyBhdCAgaHR0
cDovL3ZnZXIua2VybmVsLm9yZy9tYWpvcmRvbW8taW5mby5odG1sCj4gUGxl YXNlIHJlYWQgdGhl
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Re: question about sys_call_table size

am 15.11.2008 05:24:51 von Peter Teoh

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 9:49 AM, 陳國成 wrote:
> Hi..
> I have two questions:
> 1. Does anyone ever encounter a problem that must be solved by adding
> new system calls. If yes, please briefly describe your problem.
> 2. If I add thousands of new system calls (say 2000) in linux kernel
> and add these new system calls into sys_call_table, will there be any
> stability or performance issues(or other concerns) on this new kernel?
> Thanks~~~

should not be a problem....but u will be overwhelmed with context
switching all the every tasks is switched between
userspace/kernelspace via system call.

u will have a crawling system...unless u hardly used any of the
syscall, or having multicore CPUs, or employ some heuristics to delay
the processing of the syscalls (just like Xen), so as to combine and
execute all of them at the same time. this is also the reason for
the motivation behind asynchronous system call....check out
kernelnewbies project site.

am i correct?

Peter Teoh
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