XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI

XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI

am 13.02.2009 07:02:30 von Herb Munson

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Well, I'm now set up with CGI on my XP - IIS 5.1 - PHP 5.2.6 system. And
its much more fun now, it doesn't seem to be kicking off all those Access
Violations, as isapi did. Many thanks for that.

But now where xdebug worked (on those rare occasions without access
violations) - nada. NetBeans tries to load xdebug, and tries and tries, and
nothing good happens (it doesn't connect).

I'm using php_xdebug-2.0.4-5.2.8-nts.dll, corresponding to the download link
"5.2 VC6 Non-thread-safe". Looks right to me, but what do I know. (Yup, the
ini file points to this replacement for the ts version I used before, and
the 4 xdebug parameters are set.) If the dll isn't the problem, there
doesn't seem to be much more that could be wrong. So simple, yet I've
screwed it up.

Any suggestions? It would REALLY be nice to have a debugger. Banging my
head against the wall is starting to hurt quite a bit.


Re: XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI

am 13.02.2009 16:11:42 von Elizabeth M Smith

Herb Munson wrote:
> Well, I'm now set up with CGI on my XP - IIS 5.1 - PHP 5.2.6 system. And
> its much more fun now, it doesn't seem to be kicking off all those Access
> Violations, as isapi did. Many thanks for that.
> But now where xdebug worked (on those rare occasions without access
> violations) - nada. NetBeans tries to load xdebug, and tries and tries, and
> nothing good happens (it doesn't connect).
> I'm using php_xdebug-2.0.4-5.2.8-nts.dll, corresponding to the download link
> "5.2 VC6 Non-thread-safe". Looks right to me, but what do I know. (Yup, the
> ini file points to this replacement for the ts version I used before, and
> the 4 xdebug parameters are set.) If the dll isn't the problem, there
> doesn't seem to be much more that could be wrong. So simple, yet I've
> screwed it up.
> Any suggestions? It would REALLY be nice to have a debugger. Banging my
> head against the wall is starting to hurt quite a bit.

As the Xdebug docs mention:

If you're loading it as a zend module remember to use
zend_extension=/path/to/xdebug NOT

or it'll never load (since you're using the non-thread safe version)


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RE: XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI

am 13.02.2009 21:59:04 von Herb Munson

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To try and understand why netBeans 6.5 (Build 200811100001) spins its wheels
trying to connect to xdebug, I ran sysinternals process monitor and included
only events wherein the "process name" included "php". Rationale: I assume
that if I run a project from netBeans, or use Mozilla to open
http://localhost/phpinfo.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=mysession, then php will
try to load xdebug, and that event will show up in procmon. (btw, iwbn if
procmon would make it easier to filter out anything outside the time of the
first and last events in the current display.)

The expected xdebug events do not happen.

1. Experiment 1. Initially, procmon shows no events. Start the
netBeans debugger.

Procmon is populated with 2781 events for which the process name contains

"find" finds 2 instances of the string "xdebug" in those events, both in the
"detail" field of a directory query.

There are 40 instances of "php5ts.dll", including a successful "load image"!
I thought CGI was non-ts; why is php-cgi.exe loading this?

2. Experiment 2. Procmon again cleared of events. Mozilla opens

Populated with 5685 events

Finds 2 instance of "xdebug", both in "detail" of directory query.

So it looks to me as though php is not to load "xdebug". Why not?
Is my approach nuts? (at this point.I am!)

Suggestions? Is there some other way to figure out what's going on?


BTW, my php.ini settings:

zend_extension = C:\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.0.4-5.2.8-nts.dll


; Module Settings ;



xdebug.remote_enable = on

xdebug.remote_handler = dbgp


xdebug.remote_port = 9000


RE: XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI

am 13.02.2009 22:45:09 von Herb Munson

Right, I'm using

zend_extension = C:\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.0.4-5.2.8-nts.dll

I just posted the results of some experiments with procmon - along with the
pertinent entries in my ini file. Incidentally, Procmon shows that
php-cgi.exe seems to load php5ts.dll; what's up with that?? From procmon:

Proess PID Operation Path Result
php-cgi.exe 5864 Load Image C:\php\php5ts.dll

Hmmm. Does php-cgi.exe know to look for the non-ts extension? Could you
not have both keyword assignments in the ini, and let php take the one it

Anyway, thank you for the response, and I'll keep bashing away at this...


-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth M Smith [mailto:auroraeosrose@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 7:12 AM
To: php-windows@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI

Herb Munson wrote:
> Well, I'm now set up with CGI on my XP - IIS 5.1 - PHP 5.2.6 system. And
> its much more fun now, it doesn't seem to be kicking off all those Access
> Violations, as isapi did. Many thanks for that.
> But now where xdebug worked (on those rare occasions without access
> violations) - nada. NetBeans tries to load xdebug, and tries and tries,
> nothing good happens (it doesn't connect).
> I'm using php_xdebug-2.0.4-5.2.8-nts.dll, corresponding to the download
> "5.2 VC6 Non-thread-safe". Looks right to me, but what do I know. (Yup,
> ini file points to this replacement for the ts version I used before, and
> the 4 xdebug parameters are set.) If the dll isn't the problem, there
> doesn't seem to be much more that could be wrong. So simple, yet I've
> screwed it up.
> Any suggestions? It would REALLY be nice to have a debugger. Banging my
> head against the wall is starting to hurt quite a bit.

As the Xdebug docs mention:

If you're loading it as a zend module remember to use
zend_extension=/path/to/xdebug NOT

or it'll never load (since you're using the non-thread safe version)


PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI

am 14.02.2009 19:54:31 von Elizabeth M Smith

Herb Munson wrote:
> Right, I'm using
> zend_extension = C:\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.0.4-5.2.8-nts.dll
> I just posted the results of some experiments with procmon - along with the
> pertinent entries in my ini file. Incidentally, Procmon shows that
> php-cgi.exe seems to load php5ts.dll; what's up with that?? From procmon:
> Proess PID Operation Path Result
> php-cgi.exe 5864 Load Image C:\php\php5ts.dll
> Hmmm. Does php-cgi.exe know to look for the non-ts extension? Could you
> not have both keyword assignments in the ini, and let php take the one it
> needs?
> Anyway, thank you for the response, and I'll keep bashing away at this...
> Herb

If it's trying to load php5ts.dll I suspect that your IDE has it's own
install of PHP somewhere (fun fun)

Do a search for php-cgi.exe on your system and see how many hits you are
getting. You can have a LOT of different php's installed simultaneously
which can be both helpful and confusing (heh, I think I have 16 on this
test box here - ugh)

Really I haven't had any luck getting debugging working on windows with
PHP with any IDE but Komodo ;) So - good luck!


PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

RE: XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI

am 16.02.2009 23:48:49 von Herb Munson

Looking for multiple php installations was a good idea, but doesn't look
that's the problem. "Procmon" shows that the only successful registry
requests for php.ini were those for c:/windows/php.ini, and the only "load
image" requests for images containing the string "php" were for images in
C:\php\. The only php exe that was loaded was c:\php\php-cgi.exe.

The netbeans install did load a ton of php stuff, but as far as I can tell
(using procmon) it is unused. (installing Eclipse did the same thing.)

So the netBeans debugger still does not load, and I still am stuck. (I no
longer think php5ts.dll is a problem; I suspect the other dll's simply set
things up to load php5ts, which is nearly 5meg while the others are about

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth M Smith [mailto:auroraeosrose@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:55 AM
To: php-windows@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: XDEBUG with 5.2.6, IIS 5.1, CGI

Herb Munson wrote:
> Right, I'm using
> zend_extension = C:\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.0.4-5.2.8-nts.dll
> I just posted the results of some experiments with procmon - along with
> pertinent entries in my ini file. Incidentally, Procmon shows that
> php-cgi.exe seems to load php5ts.dll; what's up with that?? From procmon:
> Proess PID Operation Path Result
> php-cgi.exe 5864 Load Image C:\php\php5ts.dll
> Hmmm. Does php-cgi.exe know to look for the non-ts extension? Could you
> not have both keyword assignments in the ini, and let php take the one it
> needs?
> Anyway, thank you for the response, and I'll keep bashing away at this...
> Herb

If it's trying to load php5ts.dll I suspect that your IDE has it's own
install of PHP somewhere (fun fun)

Do a search for php-cgi.exe on your system and see how many hits you are
getting. You can have a LOT of different php's installed simultaneously
which can be both helpful and confusing (heh, I think I have 16 on this
test box here - ugh)

Really I haven't had any luck getting debugging working on windows with
PHP with any IDE but Komodo ;) So - good luck!


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