chattr immutable

chattr immutable

am 16.02.2009 12:46:19 von Dermot Paikkos


I have a FC4 box with a Samba 3.014. There is one large share
configured. I wanted to make a folder within that share un-deleteable
but also allow smb users to write files to the folder. I tried

mkdir myfolder; chmod 777 myyfolder; chattr +i myfolder

Then from a windows box tried to delete the folder and got permissions
denied, so far so good. They I tried to copy a file to the folder and
was denied also, not so good.

I have tried a combinations of +i +a but I can't get the desired effect.
Is what I am attempting possible or should I create a new share and use
smb.conf to administer the file permissions?


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Re: chattr immutable

am 16.02.2009 13:30:32 von Herta Van den Eynde

What does your smb.conf look like?

Kind regards,


2009/2/16 Dermot Paikkos
> Hi,
> I have a FC4 box with a Samba 3.014. There is one large share
> configured. I wanted to make a folder within that share un-deleteable
> but also allow smb users to write files to the folder. I tried
> mkdir myfolder; chmod 777 myyfolder; chattr +i myfolder
> Then from a windows box tried to delete the folder and got permissions
> denied, so far so good. They I tried to copy a file to the folder and
> was denied also, not so good.
> I have tried a combinations of +i +a but I can't get the desired effect.
> Is what I am attempting possible or should I create a new share and use
> smb.conf to administer the file permissions?
> TIA,
> Dp.
> --
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Re: chattr immutable

am 16.02.2009 13:48:17 von Glynn Clements

Dermot Paikkos wrote:

> I have a FC4 box with a Samba 3.014. There is one large share
> configured. I wanted to make a folder within that share un-deleteable
> but also allow smb users to write files to the folder. I tried
> mkdir myfolder; chmod 777 myyfolder; chattr +i myfolder
> Then from a windows box tried to delete the folder and got permissions
> denied, so far so good. They I tried to copy a file to the folder and
> was denied also, not so good.
> I have tried a combinations of +i +a but I can't get the desired effect.
> Is what I am attempting possible or should I create a new share and use
> smb.conf to administer the file permissions?

1. "chattr +i" is a blunt instrument; once set, the file or directory
is completely immutable.

2. "chattr +a" doesn't allow appends; it denies everything except
appends, so "chattr +a +i" is equivalent to just "chattr +i".

3. Modifying a directory isn't an "append", so "chattr +a" isn't
useful here.

If filesystem permissions cannot be used (e.g. because both the
directory and its parent need to be writable by the user), you can
still prevent the directory from being deleted by adding a file or
subdirectory which the user cannot delete.

One option is to add a subdirectory, owned by root, writable only by
root, and containing at least one file. The user won't be able to
delete the file as they don't have write permission on the
subdirectory, and a non-empty directory cannot be deleted.

Another option is to just add a file within the directory and use
"chattr +i" on the file.

Glynn Clements
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RE: chattr immutable

am 16.02.2009 17:18:17 von Dermot Paikkos

> Dermot Paikkos wrote:
> >
> > mkdir myfolder; chmod 777 myyfolder; chattr +i myfolder
> >
> > Then from a windows box tried to delete the folder and got
> permissions
> > denied, so far so good. They I tried to copy a file to the folder
> > was denied also, not so good.
> >
> > I have tried a combinations of +i +a but I can't get the desired
> effect.
> > Is what I am attempting possible or should I create a new share and
> use
> > smb.conf to administer the file permissions?
> 1. "chattr +i" is a blunt instrument; once set, the file or directory
> is completely immutable.
> 2. "chattr +a" doesn't allow appends; it denies everything except
> appends, so "chattr +a +i" is equivalent to just "chattr +i".
> 3. Modifying a directory isn't an "append", so "chattr +a" isn't
> useful here.
> If filesystem permissions cannot be used (e.g. because both the
> directory and its parent need to be writable by the user), you can
> still prevent the directory from being deleted by adding a file or
> subdirectory which the user cannot delete.
> One option is to add a subdirectory, owned by root, writable only by
> root, and containing at least one file. The user won't be able to
> delete the file as they don't have write permission on the
> subdirectory, and a non-empty directory cannot be deleted.
> Another option is to just add a file within the directory and use
> "chattr +i" on the file.

One of the other things I was hoping to do was deny users from renaming
the folder or the other classic mistake, accidently drag and drop a
folder into another folder.

I can't think of a set of UNIX permission or smb.conf directives that is
going to allow make a directory readonly but allow a group to create
files within the directory.

Thanx for the suggestions though. They will have to do.


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Re: chattr immutable

am 16.02.2009 21:14:27 von adamb

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RE: chattr immutable

am 16.02.2009 21:57:25 von Glynn Clements

Dermot Paikkos wrote:

> One of the other things I was hoping to do was deny users from renaming
> the folder or the other classic mistake, accidently drag and drop a
> folder into another folder.

Create, move, rename and delete are determined by the permissions on
the containing directory. It isn't possible to set different
restrictions for different files or subdirectories within a given
directory, nor allow creation but forbid deletion.

The only exception is that if the directory has the sticky bit set
(chmod +t), users cannot move, rename or delete a file or subdirectory
which they do not own.

If the user owns the directory, they can clear this flag, but that may
not be an issue if you're simply trying to prevent accidents rather
than deliberate acts.

However, it may prove problematic if there are plausible scenarios in
which files owned by another user can end up in the directory, as you
can end up with files which can only be removed by root.

> I can't think of a set of UNIX permission or smb.conf directives that is
> going to allow make a directory readonly but allow a group to create
> files within the directory.

Creating files within a directory directly contradicts the notion of
"read only".

You can get slightly more flexibility if you use POSIX ACLs rather
than the historical ugo/rwx permission model. You're still limited to
read/write/execute permission, but you can assign permissions to
multiple named users and to multiple named groups.

Also, Samba has a variety of configuration options which allow the
Unix permission model to be bypassed. E.g. the "dos filemode" option
allows any user with write permission on a file or directory to change
the permissions and/or owner.

Glynn Clements
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RE: chattr immutable

am 17.02.2009 12:10:27 von Dermot Paikkos

> -----Original Message-----
> mkdir /opt/my_share
> chmod 1777 /opt/my_share
> mkdir /opt/my_share/sub_share
> chmod 1777 /opt/my_share/sub_share
> Note that I have also added the restricted deletion bit to the
> sub_share. If you want to let users delete each others files inside
> that directory, you can omit the 1 at the beginning (777).
> I haven't tested any of this over a samba share, but I don't see why
> wouldn't work there too.
> Hope I have understood you correctly.

Yes I did and it achieves exactly what I want. The top level folder
(within the share) cannot be renamed, deleted or moved but everyone can
write to the folder.

I have always had the "traditional view" of the sticky bit. I thought it
was was just for excutable. Wikpedia has a nice "usage" section on
Sticky bit.

Thanx Adam and Glynn. That was really useful.

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