About PHP and Apache 1.3.xx

About PHP and Apache 1.3.xx

am 08.04.2009 16:49:33 von Alejandro Esteban Galvez

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Hi people!
I am new in this of PHP in Windows, and i am interested on known how I =
can link PHP4 and Apache 1.3

PD: Don't worry for my english. I speak tittle english, because i am =


Alejandro Esteban Galvez
Administrador de Red IPICHMC Rimed,
Radio-Aficionado CL2AEG
Linux User #472120 - http://i18n.counter.li.org/
Correo: alejandro@infomed.sld.cu
Correo y Jabber: alejandro@ipichmc.rimed.cu
=0A---------------------------------------=0A Red Telematica de Salud - Cuba=

=0A =09 CNICM - Infomed=0A


Re: About PHP and Apache 1.3.xx

am 08.04.2009 22:59:40 von Ferenc Kovacs

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On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Alejandro Esteban Galvez <
alejandro@infomed.sld.cu> wrote:

> Hi people!
> I am new in this of PHP in Windows, and i am interested on known how I can
> link PHP4 and Apache 1.3
> PD: Don't worry for my english. I speak tittle english, because i am cuban,
> bye
> --------------------------------------------
> Alejandro Esteban Galvez
> Administrador de Red IPICHMC Rimed,
> Radio-Aficionado CL2AEG
> Linux User #472120 - http://i18n.counter.li.org/
> Correo: alejandro@infomed.sld.cu
> Correo y Jabber: alejandro@ipichmc.rimed.cu
> www.ipichmc.rimed.cu
> ---------------------------------------
> Red Telematica de Salud - Cuba
> CNICM - Infomed
> PHP4 isn't supported anymore.The last version of the apache 1.3 came more
than a year ago with the following instruction:
"Apache 1.3.41 is the current stable release of the Apache 1.3 family. We
strongly recommend that users of all earlier versions, including 1.3 family
release, upgrade to to the current 2.2 version as soon as possible."
So I think you shouldn't bother with Apache 1.3 and PHP4.

