Installing community PHP on Windows through WebPI

Installing community PHP on Windows through WebPI

am 09.04.2009 08:26:46 von Mai-lan Tomsen Bukovec

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The recent release of the Microsoft Web Platform Installer (WebPI) v2 beta =
installs the latest community PHP stable release (5.2.9-2 right now) on Win=
dows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008. We ar=
e installing the build from and running th=
e Windows Installer for PHP silently as part of the Web PI experience.

To learn more, we have a walk-through for how to use WebPI to lay down comm=
unity PHP and an overview of Web PI v2 beta form-installer/=
>. You can get free best effort support on the Web PI customer forum />. We also have team members who are part of this =
PHP on Windows community list and can help out with questions here too.

Much thanks to John and Pierre for their support in working with us on this=
WebPI integration!


Product Unit Manager, IIS

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