MySQL column_info() output order
am 07.05.2009 15:26:09 von Sebastian ReinhardtHello,
I'm new within Perl -Scripting and there are a lot of questions.
To query an MYSQL- database, I have written a short CGI/Perl- Script. It
is working well, except the naming of the result table!
I try to fetch the column names from my database, to use it for the
result table's head. I get the names, no problem so far, but these names
are not in same order, as stored in the database!
To fetch the names I use following code:
my $sth = $dbh->column_info(undef,$d_base,$d_table,'%');
my $col_info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
my $i = 0;
foreach my $info(@$col_info)
How can I get it in correct/ stored order?
Sebastian Reinhardt
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