search and replace
am 08.05.2009 10:35:15 von zilore mumbaHello Perl community,
Once more excuse me for asking something very basic. I have a file which has five-digit strings. Some of the groups may contains from one to five slashes, as below.
///// ///// 92765 15426 679// 28011 10660 831//
In the code below I am reading from file1, replacing every occurence of / by 9 and rewriting the strings in file2, and deleting original file1. I am getting an error as "use of uninitialised value is substitution s///" indicating the error is on the line with "$slashes =~ s/\/{1,5}/9{1,5}/g;".
am working on Windows with Cygwin.
My reading of the literature does not yield any solution. Assistance will be appreciated.
#!/usr/bin/perl --
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
# Variable declaration
my $debug = 1;
my $file1 = "file1.txt";
print "file1='$file1'\n" if $debug;
my $file2 = "file2.txt";
print "file2='$file2'\n" if $debug;
my @slashes;
my $slashes;
open (OUT1, "<$file1") or die "open '$file1: failed $! ($^E)";
open (OUT2, ">$file2") or die "open '$file2: failed $! ($^E)";
@slashes =
close OUT1;
for my $i (@slashes) {
$slashes =~ s/\/{1,5}/9{1,5}/g;
print OUT2 "@slashes";
close OUT2;
unlink $file1 or die "Failed to delede $file1: $!\n";
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