Question about Maria readers/writers

Question about Maria readers/writers

am 22.05.2009 16:32:02 von mos

From the MySQL v6 manual: html

When using transactional tables, Maria supports a single writer and
multiple readers. The single writer supports both
UPDATE operations.


All issued SELECT's are running concurrently. While a SELECT is running,
all writers (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE) are blocked from using any of the used
tables (ie, they wait for the table to be free before continuing).

If it does support a single writer and multiple readers, why are the
writers blocked when a Select is running? Shouldn't a single writer be able
to run with concurrent Selects?


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RE: Question about Maria readers/writers

am 22.05.2009 19:23:10 von Martin Gainty

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only if you are implementing INNODB Transactional Storage Engine

MySQL uses table-level locking for MyISAM=2C
MEMORY and MERGE tables=2C
page-level locking for BDB tables=2C and
row-level locking for InnoDB tables.

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> Date: Fri=2C 22 May 2009 09:32:02 -0500
> To:
> From:
> Subject: Question about Maria readers/writers
> From the MySQL v6 manual:
> html
> +++++
> When using transactional tables=2C Maria supports a single writer and=20
> multiple readers. The single writer supports both=20
> INSERT and=20
> UPDATE operations.
> All issued SELECT's are running concurrently. While a SELECT is running=
> all writers (INSERT=2C DELETE=2C UPDATE) are blocked from using any of th=
e used=20
> tables (ie=2C they wait for the table to be free before continuing).
> +++++
> If it does support a single writer and multiple readers=2C why are the=20
> writers blocked when a Select is running? Shouldn't a single writer be ab=
> to run with concurrent Selects?
> Mike=20
> --=20
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:

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