Replication problems: slave fails to update

Replication problems: slave fails to update

am 02.06.2009 21:19:43 von Proemial

I'm trying to resolve a frustrating replication problem with my databases.

The master contains a number of schema, only using Innodb tables.
Updates happen regularly, usually using bulk inserts of the form
INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE UPDATE. Data is mostly numbers. The missing
queries contain no non-deterministic functions, no BLOB/TEXT fields,
no triggers or procedures, and no variables. The queries are
generated by various C programs, connecting through Connector/ODBC.

typical table (explain results):
'nodeID', 'int(10) unsigned', 'NO', 'PRI', '', ''
'calculationID', 'int(10) unsigned', 'NO', 'PRI', '', ''
'columnID', 'tinyint(3) unsigned', 'NO', 'PRI', '1', ''
'value', 'double', 'NO', '', '', ''
'lastUpdate', 'timestamp', 'NO', '', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'on update

typical bulk insert:
INSERT INTO risk.risk_node_tree (nodeID, calculationID, columnID,
value, lastUpdate)
VALUES (1,2,1,1000,null),... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value=VALUES(value)

Replication is active, and I am able to test it by doing single point
modifications through the query browser.

However, the bulk inserts seem to vanish: The Master updates, but the
slave does not. There are no errors in the log file. SHOW SLAVE
STATUS states no problems.

I have attempted changing binlog_format, and have received the same
results on all three settings. The Master has no settings to ignore
any particular schema.

Using the query browser, and running the same exact query with the
same user, results in the query properly replicating.

Both instances are 5.1.34.

This is causing me to have to resynchronize the databases every night,
which is getting to be something of a chore.

Does anyone have any idea what might be happening, or could suggest an
avenue of investigation? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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binlog questions

am 03.06.2009 06:10:39 von Joshua Gordon

We outputted the bin log using the following command:

mysqlbinlog -v --base64-output=3DDECODE-ROWS oo-mysql1-bin.000087

We then looked in this file and found some odd things. For example
there is the below insert statement:

### INSERT INTO panel.history
### SET
### @1=3D-182667600 (4112299696)
### @7=3DNULL

The table structure for history is:

CREATE TABLE `history` (
`historyid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`panelid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`projectid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`resultid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`pulldate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`resultdate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`senddate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`sendcount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`bouncecount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`link` char(128) DEFAULT NULL,
`projectgroupcode` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`vendorid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`ipaddress` char(15) DEFAULT NULL,
`enddate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`bloodhoundid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`incentive` int(4) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`historyid`),
KEY `RESULTDATE` (`resultdate`),
KEY `PULLDATE` (`pulldate`),
KEY `PANELID_PROJECTID` (`panelid`,`projectid`),
KEY `PROJECTGROUPCODE` (`projectgroupcode`),
KEY `projectid_vendorid` (`projectid`,`vendorid`),
KEY `bloodhoundid` (`bloodhoundid`)
) ENGINE=3Dndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=3Dlatin1

So it is trying to put a negative value in for the first column?

Then you have stuff like:

### INSERT INTO panel.history
### SET
### @1=3D1169499418
### @7=3D348123-41-35 05:64:02

That looks valid but there is no row in the history table with that
historyid so why isn't it there? all in all it seems very inconsistent
with the columns it uses and what shows up etc.. any insight would be
appreacited thank you.

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