Session Confusion.
am 22.07.2009 19:19:44 von Dare Williams
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Dear Forums,
Kindly advice me professionally because, am getting more confused on what t=
o do about my application that needed to be online very soon.
The fear is about Session and Authentication.
Here are my questions.
1. Must a Page Authentication be done by Session or Cookie. If not wh=
at are the other options.
2. How secured is Session without encoding.
3. Must you encode Sessions at all time and if not what type of Sessi=
4. Is it dangerous to pass one Session on several Page.
5. What about locking a Session to an IP ......(tips needed)
5. Session Security tips please.
Thank You All.
Re: Session Confusion.
am 22.07.2009 19:34:43 von Phpster
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Dare Williams wrote=
> Dear Forums,
> Kindly advice me professionally because, am getting more confused on what=
to do about my application that needed to be online very soon.
> The fear is about Session and Authentication.
> Here are my questions.
> 1. Must a Page Authentication be done by Session or Cookie. If not =
what are the other options.
hidden id field in the html form
> 2. How secured is Session without encoding.
encoding data? can be done, but as long as the session is stored local
to the site and not in a shared folder on a shared hosting machine,
its pretty safe
Another option is to store the session in the database
> 3. Must you encode Sessions at all time and if not what type of Ses=
all depends on the application and your own level of paranoia
> 4. Is it dangerous to pass one Session on several Page.
Nope, its the essence of sessions. How else to get the session data
shared between pages?
> 5. What about locking a Session to an IP ......(tips needed)
Don't. Some ISPs host a pool of addresses and the user's IP may switch
during a single session.
> 5. Session Security tips please.
This was just discussed in another thread here on sessions today.
Search the archives.
> Thank You All.
> Williams.
Cat, the other other white meat
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Re: Session Confusion.
am 22.07.2009 21:32:19 von 9el
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Dear Dare,
I would recommend you to get the free copy of *chapter 10: Security from
Zend Certification Study guide* by Ben Ramsey & Davey Shafik at
shorter tips:
1. You can apply session_regenerate_id() to prevent *session riding*
or *session
2. You can keep $_SESSION['user_agent']=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] and
check for logged in user to prevent *session hijacking*
3. Cookie must be encrypted.
4. Filter All inputs and validate them
5. Escape all output
6. while filtering inputs use whitelist & blacklist method
RE: Session Confusion.
am 22.07.2009 22:36:13 von jenai tomaka
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For the authentication you can do a form=2C it will pass the login
informations to some class who do the sql validation and put in session
the informations of user=2C but not the password=2C i prefer put in session
because when he close the browser the session will down
for 2 ,
On the first point=2C session variables are not something people can get=20
to from the client side unless you send them to them. What you see on=20
the client side is a session identifier that allows the server to=20
retrieve the actual session values.
for 3
You dont need encode all the session for the security=2C if you want more s=
ecurity for some variables=2C encode just these
for 4
One of the intentions of the session is store informations for the easy apl=
ication access
for 5
I think its not a good idea=2C the ip can change in the middle of the aplic=
Yuri Yarlei.
Programmer PHP=2C CSS=2C Java=2C PostregreSQL=3B
Today PHP=2C tomorrow Java=2C after the world.
Kyou wa PHP=2C ashita wa Java=2C sono ato sekai desu.
> Date: Wed=2C 22 Jul 2009 10:19:44 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [PHP] Session Confusion.
> Dear Forums=2C
> Kindly advice me professionally because=2C am getting more confused on wh=
at to do about my application that needed to be online very soon.
> The fear is about Session and Authentication.
> Here are my questions.
> 1. Must a Page Authentication be done by Session or Cookie. If not what=
are the other options.
> 2. How secured is Session without encoding.
> 3. Must you encode Sessions at all time and if not what type of Session=
> 4. Is it dangerous to pass one Session on several Page.
> 5. What about locking a Session to an IP ......(tips needed)
> 5. Session Security tips please.
> Thank You All.
> Williams.
> =20
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