Saving server side file to local machine with JS
am 27.07.2009 05:39:35 von Skip EvansSorry, I should have been clearer.
When PHP finishes creating the file I need one of the JS alert
type windows to appear that says..
"Your file has completed, would you like to save it to your
Like you get when you download a file.
If I knew the JS code to do this I perhaps could embed it in
the PHP at the end of the function that creates the file???
Is that clearer?
Paul M Foster wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 09:55:14PM -0500, Skip Evans wrote:
>> Okay, I know I've done this before, but now I'm blanking out.
>> I have code that creates a CSV file, and when it's done I want
>> a JS alert to pop up and let them save the file.
>> Isn't this some kind of alert() type call on the JS side???
>> I know I've done this before and I've been on Google an
hour now!
> Not sure I understand your question, but there is a
function called
> alert() in javascript. It opens a window with your error
message in it.
> I don't know of a way to trigger this from PHP, since PHP
is server-side
> and Javascript is client-side. You might be able to have
javascript scan
> for the existence/closing of the file in question and then
alert the
> user. Or you could have PHP, when the file is complete,
launch a new
> page which contains the javascript code to alert the user.
> Paul
Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
503 S Baldwin St, #1
Madison WI 53703
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