Asterisk anyone?

Asterisk anyone?

am 29.07.2009 21:18:08 von Skip Evans


I've been asked to write a simple couple of public pages that
would let an Asterisk customer modify their account
configuration, but the client has no idea how Asterisk stores
its data, apparently not in MySQL.

Anyone know of any resources for accessing Asterisk from PHP?

If anyone has done this can you tell me if I'm on the right
track here? ndExamples

Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
503 S Baldwin St, #1
Madison WI 53703
Those of you who believe in
telekinesis, raise my hand.
-- Kurt Vonnegut

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Re: Asterisk anyone?

am 29.07.2009 22:01:06 von Per Jessen

Skip Evans wrote:

> Hey,
> I've been asked to write a simple couple of public pages that
> would let an Asterisk customer modify their account
> configuration, but the client has no idea how Asterisk stores
> its data, apparently not in MySQL.

Depends on which data we're talking about. Asterisk is very flexible.

> Anyone know of any resources for accessing Asterisk from PHP?
> If anyone has done this can you tell me if I'm on the right
> track here?
> ndExample=

That's definitely the right place to go, but it's not exactly enough to=

asnwer your question.=20


Per Jessen, Zürich (27.8°C)

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Re: Asterisk anyone?

am 29.07.2009 23:38:18 von Skip Evans

Per Jessen wrote:
> Depends on which data we're talking about. Asterisk is very flexible.

For example, the first screen they want people to be able to
change data on is:

call waiting,do not disturb
and then it looks like numbers (forwarding?)

I'm trying to figure out now are these values stored in a
regular relational database like MySQL.

But so far the documentation I see is really all about how to
handle calls, not manage customer data.

Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
503 S Baldwin St, #1
Madison WI 53703
Those of you who believe in
telekinesis, raise my hand.
-- Kurt Vonnegut

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Re: Asterisk anyone?

am 30.07.2009 10:06:40 von Sancar Saran

On Wednesday 29 July 2009 10:18:08 pm Skip Evans wrote:
> Hey,
> I've been asked to write a simple couple of public pages that
> would let an Asterisk customer modify their account
> configuration, but the client has no idea how Asterisk stores
> its data, apparently not in MySQL.
> Anyone know of any resources for accessing Asterisk from PHP?
> If anyone has done this can you tell me if I'm on the right
> track here?
> ndExamples


Asterisk's default storage was text files.

You should check Trixbox.

It was a Asterisk with MySQL backend. Also it has all bells and whistles. And
web based management console.

Even it comes packed with a centos.

Your link shows how to remote asterisk console from web.


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Re: Asterisk anyone?

am 30.07.2009 16:30:11 von Per Jessen

Skip Evans wrote:

> Per Jessen wrote:
>> Depends on which data we're talking about. Asterisk is very
>> flexible.
> For example, the first screen they want people to be able to
> change data on is:
> call waiting,do not disturb
> and then it looks like numbers (forwarding?)
> unconditional,unavailable,busy
> I'm trying to figure out now are these values stored in a
> regular relational database like MySQL.

I think that is part of the dialplan, which is typically kept in a text=

file in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf or extensions.ael. I'm not sure
if there is an option to use a database, coz' the dialplan can be quite=


> But so far the documentation I see is really all about how to
> handle calls, not manage customer data.

Yeah, that is what asterisk is all about - "customer data" depends on
the context.


Per Jessen, Zürich (22.8°C)

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Re: Asterisk anyone?

am 30.07.2009 23:58:23 von Skip Evans

I'm looking at this page now that shows working with the
database through socket type stuff, but now the ball is in the
client's court what they want to do. Not sure, so I'm just
reading up. isk+Database+maintenance

But thanks all for the pointers. It has been helpful. I've
looked up Trixbox, thanks.


Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
503 S Baldwin St, #1
Madison WI 53703
Those of you who believe in
telekinesis, raise my hand.
-- Kurt Vonnegut

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Re: Asterisk anyone?

am 31.07.2009 02:07:29 von Nathan Nobbe

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On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Skip Evans wrote:

> Hey,
> I've been asked to write a simple couple of public pages that would let an
> Asterisk customer modify their account configuration, but the client has no
> idea how Asterisk stores its data, apparently not in MySQL.
> Anyone know of any resources for accessing Asterisk from PHP?
> If anyone has done this can you tell me if I'm on the right track here?
> ndExamples

this should get you off to a good start, port



Re: Asterisk anyone?

am 31.07.2009 09:27:48 von Per Jessen

Nathan Nobbe wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Skip Evans
> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I've been asked to write a simple couple of public pages that would
>> let an Asterisk customer modify their account configuration, but the=

>> client has no idea how Asterisk stores its data, apparently not in
>> MySQL.
>> Anyone know of any resources for accessing Asterisk from PHP?
>> If anyone has done this can you tell me if I'm on the right track
>> here?
>> ndExamples
> this should get you off to a good start,
> port

Yes, the CDR is often recorded in a database, but it's write-only as fa=
as Asterisk is concerned. It can be used for billing and such
afterwards, but then we're no longer in Asterisk territory.


Per Jessen, Zürich (17.8°C)

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