ZCE Question

ZCE Question

am 08.08.2009 22:18:39 von Augusto Flavio

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Has someone an clue about this zce question:

The following is a common XML structure used in service oriented
architectures, what does it represent?



None of the above
A fragment of a complete SOAP request

i think the answer is: SOAP

some idea?


Augusto Morais


Re: ZCE Question

am 08.08.2009 22:20:16 von Eddie Drapkin

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Augusto Flavio wrote:
> Has someone an clue about this zce question:
> The following is a common XML structure used in service oriented
> architectures, what does it represent?
>  myMethod
>   HI!


> Answer...
>    None of the above
>    A fragment of a complete SOAP request
>    XML-RPC
>    REST
>    SOAP
> i think the answer is: SOAP
> some idea?
> thanks
> Augusto Morais

Looks like XMLRPC to me.

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Re: ZCE Question

am 09.08.2009 09:26:33 von Richard Heyes


> Looks like XMLRPC to me.

Agreed - it's not gibberish so it can't be SOAP...

Richard Heyes
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