Question: what are frameworks?

Question: what are frameworks?

am 09.08.2009 13:47:37 von Parham Doustdar

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Hi there,
I've heard of frameworks, but I don't quite know what they are used for. =
I've done a little search on the internet, but even though I've been =
able to find different PHP frameworks, I'm not quite sure what they =
offer, or in what they differ, or why I shouldn't just use PHP as it is.
Can someone give a little bit of explaination?

Contact info:
Skype: parham-d
MSN: fire_lizard16 at hotmail dot com
email: parham90 at GMail dot com

Re: Question: what are frameworks?

am 09.08.2009 14:27:24 von Ralph Deffke

good question !! I think the word "framework" is modern fashion term in the
first case. in former days we used to say "library" C comes with a standard
library, in modern words C comes with a standard framework. I use my own
framework, means I reuse my code written for similar things before, so I use
my "framework". its like a painter, he uses a ready made frame to paint what
ever he wants,

u can use the yahoo UI framework to "paint" ur page. A operating system is a
"framework" unifieing the underlaying hardware.

as in former days u said "library" u say more modern "framework" in both
cases its a bunch of functions doing some stuff the user of the framework
hasn't to take care about by using the framework.

hope that helps

""Parham Doustdar"" wrote in message
Hi there,
I've heard of frameworks, but I don't quite know what they are used for.
I've done a little search on the internet, but even though I've been able to
find different PHP frameworks, I'm not quite sure what they offer, or in
what they differ, or why I shouldn't just use PHP as it is.
Can someone give a little bit of explaination?

Contact info:
Skype: parham-d
MSN: fire_lizard16 at hotmail dot com
email: parham90 at GMail dot com

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Re: Re: Question: what are frameworks?

am 09.08.2009 14:56:09 von Michael Peters

Ralph Deffke wrote:
> good question !! I think the word "framework" is modern fashion term in the
> first case. in former days we used to say "library" C comes with a standard
> library, in modern words C comes with a standard framework. I use my own
> framework, means I reuse my code written for similar things before, so I use
> my "framework". its like a painter, he uses a ready made frame to paint what
> ever he wants,
> u can use the yahoo UI framework to "paint" ur page. A operating system is a
> "framework" unifieing the underlaying hardware.
> as in former days u said "library" u say more modern "framework" in both
> cases its a bunch of functions doing some stuff the user of the framework
> hasn't to take care about by using the framework.
> hope that helps

I think framework is different than library.
Pear is a collection of libraries.
PECL (and binary modules that ship with php) are a collection of libraries.

I don't use pre-packaged frameworks so it probably is best for me not to
define them, but I think they are a basically a collection of classes
and libraries intended to make rapid development of web applications faster.

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Re: Question: what are frameworks?

am 09.08.2009 15:25:28 von Tony Marston

""Parham Doustdar"" wrote in message
> Hi there,
I> I've heard of frameworks, but I don't quite know what they are used for.
> I've done a little search on the internet, but even though I've been able
> to find different PHP frameworks, I'm not quite sure what they offer, or
> in what they differ, or why I shouldn't just use PHP as it is.
> Can someone give a little bit of explaination?
> Thanks!

A framework is more than just a simple collection of libraries, it is a
support structure in which another software project (application) can be
organised and developed. The simplest framework is nothing more than a menu
system which informs the user what application components are available, and
provides the means for the user to choose an option from that list and cause
it to executed or activated. This means that each application component can
be developed without the need for any code to handle the menu functionality.
The component is simply plugged into the framework and it is instantly

This simple framework can be extended to provide other features, such as
security. Instead of allowing just anybody to access the application it may
need to be restricted to registered users only, and this can be accomplished
by inserting a login mechanism into the framework. It may then be decided
that not every user is allowed to access every component, so additional
access control mechanisms can be built in. It should be possible to extend
the framework without having to touch every single component that runs
within it.

The framework may provide other facilities, such as providing the ability to
navigate between components, to pass messages between components, audit
logging, workflow, et cetera. This allows the application programmers to
concentrate on the needs of the application without being bogged down with
other details.

Some people seem to think that each application needs its own separate
framework in order to satisfy the unique needs of that application, but they
have simply not learned to abstract out that functionality which is common
to every application. It is therefore possible to build a framework that can
be used by any number of different applications. RADICORE is such a

An advantage of a reusable framework is that once a programmer has become
familiar with it he can carry that knowledge forward into the next
application without having to learn a different framework.
A framework is a support structure in which another software project
(application) can be organised and developed. The simplest framework is
nothing more than a menu system which informs the user what application
components are available, and provides the means for the user to choose an
option from that list and cause it to executed or activated. This means that
each application component can be developed without the need for any code to
handle the menu functionality. The component is simply plugged into the
framework and it is instantly available.

This simple framework can be extended to provide other features, such as
security. Instead of allowing just anybody to access the application it may
need to be restricted to registered users only, and this can be accomplished
by inserting a login mechanism into the framework. It may then be decided
that not every user is allowed to access every component, so additional
access control mechanisms can be built in. It should be possible to extend
the framework without having to touch every single component that runs
within it.

The framework may provide other facilities, such as providing the ability to
navigate between components, to pass messages between components, audit
logging, workflow, et cetera. This allows the application programmers to
concentrate on the needs of the application without being bogged down with
other details.

Some people seem to think that each application needs its own separate
framework in order to satisfy the unique needs of that application, but they
have simply not learned to abstract out that functionality which is common
to every application. It is therefore possible to build a framework that can
be used by any number of different applications. RADICORE is such a

An advantage of a reusable framework is that once a programmer has become
familiar with it he can carry that knowledge forward into the next
application without having to learn a different framework.

There are lots of different PHP frameworks available for the simple reason
that there are lots of different PHP programmers who each have their own
methodologies and techniques. Some frameworks are written to aid the
development of particular kinds of software, such as building web sites or
CMS systems, whereas others (like Radicore) are for building web

Tony Marston

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Re: Re: Question: what are frameworks?

am 09.08.2009 15:29:14 von Sudheer Satyanarayana

Michael A. Peters wrote:
> Ralph Deffke wrote:
>> good question !! I think the word "framework" is modern fashion term
>> in the
>> first case. in former days we used to say "library" C comes with a
>> standard
>> library, in modern words C comes with a standard framework. I use my own
>> framework, means I reuse my code written for similar things before,
>> so I use
>> my "framework". its like a painter, he uses a ready made frame to
>> paint what
>> ever he wants,
>> u can use the yahoo UI framework to "paint" ur page. A operating
>> system is a
>> "framework" unifieing the underlaying hardware.
>> as in former days u said "library" u say more modern "framework" in both
>> cases its a bunch of functions doing some stuff the user of the
>> framework
>> hasn't to take care about by using the framework.
>> hope that helps
> I think framework is different than library.
> Pear is a collection of libraries.
> PECL (and binary modules that ship with php) are a collection of
> libraries.
> I don't use pre-packaged frameworks so it probably is best for me not
> to define them, but I think they are a basically a collection of
> classes and libraries intended to make rapid development of web
> applications faster.
You might consider reading this:


With warm regards,
Sudheer. S
Business:, Tech stuff:, Personal:

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Re: Re: Question: what are frameworks?

am 09.08.2009 18:00:58 von Phpster

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Sudheer
Satyanarayana wrote:
> Michael A. Peters wrote:
>> Ralph Deffke wrote:
>>> good question !! I think the word "framework" is modern fashion term in
>>> the
>>> first case. in former days we used to say "library" C comes with a
>>> standard
>>> library, in modern words C comes with a standard framework. I use my own
>>> framework, means I reuse my code written for similar things before, so I
>>> use
>>> my "framework". its like a painter, he uses a ready made frame to paint
>>> what
>>> ever he wants,
>>> u can use the yahoo UI framework to "paint" ur page. A operating system
>>> is a
>>> "framework" unifieing the underlaying hardware.
>>> as in former days u said "library" u say more modern "framework" in both
>>> cases its a bunch of functions doing some stuff the user of the framework
>>> hasn't to take care about by using the framework.
>>> hope that helps
>> I think framework is different than library.
>> Pear is a collection of libraries.
>> PECL (and binary modules that ship with php) are a collection of
>> libraries.
>> I don't use pre-packaged frameworks so it probably is best for me not to
>> define them, but I think they are a basically a collection of classes and
>> libraries intended to make rapid development of web applications faster.
> You might consider reading this:
> --
> With warm regards,
> Sudheer. S
> Business:, Tech stuff:,
> Personal:
> --
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It's also worth noting that the frameworks goals may differ. The
CodeIgniter framework has support for both PHP 4 and PHP5, which makes
it more flexible where hosts have not upgraded to php5 for whatever
reason. Many of the others (like cake, symfony and zend) tend to only
support php5 and are also more object oriented from a coding

Then there implementation features; CodeIgniter has a smaller
learning curve, footprint and is faster than many of the others. Zend
allows developers to pick and choose the framework components to use
as well having a very rich feature set. symfony has a full ORM layers
that handles mapping object to the database layer. Cake, symfony and
zend offer features to generate the basic classes for each database

In all cases the idea of the framework is to abstract the heavy
lifting (the common features of developing uploaders, database
handlers, forms handling, validation etc) and allowing developers to
simply use the framework functionality to handle that, freeing up time
to focus on getting the business logic of the application in place.



Cat, the other other white meat

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Re: Question: what are frameworks?

am 10.08.2009 02:59:12 von Sancar Saran

On Sunday 09 August 2009 02:47:37 pm Parham Doustdar wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've heard of frameworks, but I don't quite know what they are used for.
> I've done a little search on the internet, but even though I've been able
> to find different PHP frameworks, I'm not quite sure what they offer, or =
> what they differ, or why I shouldn't just use PHP as it is. Can someone
> give a little bit of explaination?
> Thanks!

They are the different way of the programming php.

PHP is the Temple Of the Shaolin, those fw programmers are master of the=20

They are generate their way of the PHP-FU. Like kung-fu there are many ways=
do things in php.=20

=46rom my point of view. All of them sh*t load of bloated code masterpieces=

After RoR craze, Nearly every PHP developer sees the light in a one night.=
Then PHP Frameworks was skyrocketed. And Zend jump the bandwagon.

Main point of Framework craze was not technical. PHP was loose type languag=
you can easily mess up your self in seconds and in the Internet you can see=
giantic size of spagetti code. Because of this, Java and .net programmers=20
constantly mauls PHP as non enterprise language.

So ? What is the point ? The point is, As a company owner or the project=20
manager when you get a Certified this or that framework master, you can eas=
adopt a standard to your projects, plus, you can get support and more=20
important than that you can show your badges and whistles to your customer =
prove yourself as a Experienced php crafter.

In simple, They says to your customer, you are in safe, these guys knows ph=
you can buy things from them even if they blows things up, you can find ano=
certified master somewhere else.

=46rom my point of view.

If you want to learn a Framework, I suggest you to learn a CMS/Framework,=20
something like TYPO3.

Because, after installing learning maybe certifying a framework, you have t=
do tons of coding to generate a usable platform. For example you have to wr=
a session controller, have to generate a administrator interface, this that=
yada yada.

So why you have to do all of this. Use a CMS/Framework and do just you need.

Plus, TYPO3 also has same badges and whistles (if you wish) for your=20
customers. Even in Germany it has bigger balls too.


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