does ado/myodbc not support blob data insert in vc6?

does ado/myodbc not support blob data insert in vc6?

am 11.08.2009 03:52:16 von linuxnms


ENV: mysql server 5.1, myodbc 5.1.5, vc 6.0, I use ado to operate mysql. I found it can't work to insert a blob data to mysql server. And it is no problem to get the blob data from mysql server. what's the matter?
I used the source code of MSDN about AppendChunk and GetChunk Methods Example (VC++)
The connection to mysql server was changed by following:
_bstr_t strCnn("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=test; USER=root; PASSWORD=111;OPTION=3;");

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