running str_replace, it misbehaves!
am 16.08.2009 23:06:55 von Allen McCabe--0016368340d448f51f047148aa07
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Hi friends, I'm trying to get an encrypting program working to possibly use
for password insertion into a db.
I set up a function that runs str_replace on a string (user supplied) two
times. It searches for a single letter or number, and replace it with a
pair. The next str_replace searches that new string for different pairs, and
replaces them with a three-character string (symbol, character, character).
I'm using % as my symbol, so I'm pretty sure this isn't the issue.
It encodes, but the resulting string is way longer than expected!
I set sup a decode function, with the same str_replace values, just with the
replaces flipped. This works to return to me my original value, but I have
to decode about 6 times (after encoding once). Basically, running a string
through the encoding function will decode back to its original value, but I
have to run it through the decode function multiple times to do so.
Here is an example of my code:
function format_string($string,$functions)
{ $funcs = explode(",",$functions);
foreach ($funcs as $func)
if (function_exists($func)) $string = $func($string);
return $string;
function enc_string($string)
{ $search = array("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i",".........."); //62
$replace = array("j9","k8","q7","v6","..........."); //62 values
$string = str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
$search2 =
array("9k","8q","7v","6w","5x","4y","3z","2j","............. ..."); // 126
$string = str_replace($search2, $replace2, $string);
return $string;
function scrub($input)
{ $string = format_string($input,"strip_tags,trim");
$string = enc_string($string);
return $string;
{ $input = $_POST['input'];
$enc_password = scrub($input);
function format_string2($string2,$functions)
{ $funcs = explode(",",$functions);
foreach ($funcs as $func)
if (function_exists($func)) $string2 = $func($string2);
return $string2;
function dec_string($string2)
{ $search3 = array("%A1","%B2","%C3","........"); // 126 values
$replace3 = array("9k","8q","7v","......."); //126 values
$string2 = str_replace($search3, $replace3, $string2);
$search4 = array("j9","k8","q7","......"); //62 values
$replace4 = array("a","b","c","..........."); //62 values
$string2 = str_replace($search4, $replace4, $string2);
return $string2;
function scrub_set2($input2)
{ $string2 = format_string2($input2,"strip_tags,trim");
$string2 = dec_string($string2);
return $string2;
{ $input2 = $_POST['input2'];
$dec_password = scrub_set2($input2);