SMDR/CDR daemon/processor
am 17.08.2009 23:47:23 von List Manager
I was asked the other day to build a Station Message Detail Recording
(SMDR) or Call Detail Record (CDR) processor for a client. I started
searching for examples of such a thing. I mostly found commercial apps
to handle the job.
I could not find anything on Hotscripts,, and a few others.
I did find a few Open Source things on Source Forge.
It is active, but has missing files...
References /home/administrator/*
Those were not included though...
Written in PHP, but it hasn't been touched since 2004.
Haven't had a chance to look at it yet.
My question: has anybody worked with any type of project that involved
capturing/parsing/storing/regurgitating such information?
also, have you ever worked with this or similar devices?
Jim Lucas
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Re: SMDR/CDR daemon/processor
am 18.08.2009 07:37:50 von Per Jessen
Jim Lucas wrote:
> I was asked the other day to build a Station Message Detail Recording=
> (SMDR) or Call Detail Record (CDR) processor for a client. I started=
> searching for examples of such a thing. I mostly found commercial app=
> to handle the job.
What sort of processing do you need? I just record all CDRs in a
database, mostly as an easily accessible audit trail.
> My question: has anybody worked with any type of project that involve=
> capturing/parsing/storing/regurgitating such information?
Asterisk does the capturing/parsing/storing bit for you, but you didn't=
mention Asterisk, so that may not be of much use.
Per Jessen, Zürich (19.3°C)
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Re: SMDR/CDR daemon/processor
am 18.08.2009 08:16:01 von List Manager
Per Jessen wrote:
> Jim Lucas wrote:
>> I was asked the other day to build a Station Message Detail Recording
>> (SMDR) or Call Detail Record (CDR) processor for a client. I started
>> searching for examples of such a thing. I mostly found commercial apps
>> to handle the job.
> What sort of processing do you need? I just record all CDRs in a
> database, mostly as an easily accessible audit trail.
The idea is to create a SMDR/CDR processor that will work with most main stream PBX systems. Not
just Asterisk. NEC, Avaya, Panasonic, etc...
Example is, even NEC has a hand full of formats that is outputs the data in. Include/exclude the
date column. That sort of thing.
>> My question: has anybody worked with any type of project that involved
>> capturing/parsing/storing/regurgitating such information?
> Asterisk does the capturing/parsing/storing bit for you, but you didn't
> mention Asterisk, so that may not be of much use.
It is a part of the project in whole, it merely is but one of many different formats.
Thanks for the information!
> /Per
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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