Re: After browser quit

Re: After browser quit

am 30.08.2009 14:48:58 von olavell

Wouter van Eekelen wrote:

> After a little search it seems to be possible to do that within php,
> see:
> ion.php
> This will call a function when the browser is stopped.

No, it will certainly not.

> Exactly what I needed! :) Thanks for your repsonse.

I don't understand what it is you are trying to achieve, could you
explain? If you really need something (anything) to happen when a user
closes the browser then a. your script is probably ill designed and b. it
can NOT be done with PHP. Martie is right, you will have to look into
Javascript. But only after you have asked yourself "why?" and came up
with a really good answer ;)

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