a doubt with class DOM
am 02.09.2009 07:02:09 von Carlos Garcia
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if my xml is something big=2C how reliable is saving changes to my xml this=
or another shape of save changes of my xml?
Sorry my english is bad =3DP.-
Best regards=2C Karl.-
Carlos A. Garcia Hernandez
Jos=E9 Clemente Orozco Mza. 7 Lt. 14 Pedro Ojeda Paullada Ecatepec=2C Edo. =
De M=E9xico / T: +(52 55) 57809620 / E: carlos.garcia@imkarl.net / W: www.i=
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Feliz aniversario Messenger!
Re: a doubt with class DOM
am 03.09.2009 14:41:29 von Raymond Irving
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It works ok for me and I think it's very reliable. You might want to run a =
few test on it though.
Another approach is to break up your xml into smaller documents and then us=
e php string functions to merge them together.
Raymond Irving
Rich Ajax/PHP Development=20
--- On Wed, 9/2/09, Carlos Garcia wrote:
From: Carlos Garcia
Subject: [PHP] a doubt with class DOM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 1:02 AM
if my xml is something big, how reliable is saving changes to my xml this w=
or another shape of save changes of my xml?
Sorry my english is bad =3DP.-
Best regards, Karl.-
Carlos A. Garcia Hernandez
Jos=E9 Clemente Orozco Mza. 7 Lt. 14 Pedro Ojeda Paullada Ecatepec, Edo. De=
M=E9xico / T: +(52 55) 57809620 / E: carlos.garcia@imkarl.net / W: www.imk=
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____________________________________________________________ _____
Feliz aniversario Messenger!
RE: a doubt with class DOM
am 03.09.2009 21:47:50 von Carlos Garcia
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Thanks for your answer=2C I change to class simplexml=2C the class DOM save=
all tree on RAM=2C and simplexml used a little RAM=2C right?
He size file XMl is small no more 500 kb=2C i do not think having problem.
Best regards.-
Sorry for my english.-
Carlos A. Garcia Hernandez
Jos=E9 Clemente Orozco Mza. 7 Lt. 14 Pedro Ojeda Paullada Ecatepec=2C Edo. =
De M=E9xico / T: +(52 55) 57809620 / E: carlos.garcia@imkarl.net / W: www.i=
Por favor considere sus responsabilidades ecol=F3gicas=2C no imprima este d=
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provisions may entitle Carlos A. Garc=EDa Hern=E1ndez to seek for damages.
> Date: Thu=2C 3 Sep 2009 05:41:29 -0700
> From: xwisdom@yahoo.com
> To: son_gohan_khan@hotmail.com
> CC: php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP] a doubt with class DOM
> It works ok for me and I think it's very reliable. You might want to run =
a few test on it though.
> Another approach is to break up your xml into smaller documents and then =
use php string functions to merge them together.
> __
> Raymond Irving
> Rich Ajax/PHP Development=20
> http://raxanpdi.com
> --- On Wed=2C 9/2/09=2C Carlos Garcia wrote:
> From: Carlos Garcia
> Subject: [PHP] a doubt with class DOM
> To: php-general@lists.php.net
> Date: Wednesday=2C September 2=2C 2009=2C 1:02 AM
> if my xml is something big=2C how reliable is saving changes to my xml th=
is way:
> $doc->save('file.xml')=3B
> or another shape of save changes of my xml?
> Sorry my english is bad =3DP.-
> Thanks.-
> Best regards=2C Karl.-
> Carlos A. Garcia Hernandez
> Jos=E9 Clemente Orozco Mza. 7 Lt. 14 Pedro Ojeda Paullada Ecatepec=2C Edo=
.. De M=E9xico / T: +(52 55) 57809620 / E: carlos.garcia@imkarl.net / W: www=
> Por favor considere sus responsabilidades ecol=F3gicas=2C no imprima este=
documento a menos que sea realmente necesario. / Please consider your ecol=
ogical responsibilities. Don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.
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o en su caso los archivos adjuntos al mismo=2C pueden contener informaci=F3=
n de car=E1cter confidencial y/o privilegiada=2C y se env=EDan =FAnica y ex=
clusivamente a la atenci=F3n de la persona y/o entidad a quien va dirigido.=
La copia=2C revisi=F3n=2C uso=2C revelaci=F3n y/o distribuci=F3n de dicha =
informaci=F3n=2C sin autorizaci=F3n por escrito de Carlos A. Garc=EDa Hern=
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> ____________________________________________________________ _____
> Feliz aniversario Messenger!
> www.aniversariomessenger.com.mx
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