Error message

Error message

am 06.09.2009 01:19:29 von Bruce Dobson

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Hi folks, I am new on this list and to php. I have just downloaded and=
gotten php 5.3.0 working with IIS on one computer but my efforts to instal=
l it on another computer come up with the error message: 14001 (0x00=
0036b1) Can anybody tell me what this relates to? Thanks=0ABruce=


Re: Error message

am 06.09.2009 04:46:14 von Tommy Pham

----- Original Message ----
> From: Bruce Dobson
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, September 5, 2009 4:19:29 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Error message
> Hi folks,
> I am new on this list and to php. I have just downloaded and gotten php 5.3.0
> working with IIS on one computer but my efforts to install it on another

What OS? What version of IIS? Did you setup as CGI/FCGI or as ISAPI?

> computer come up with the error message:
> 14001 (0x000036b1)
> Can anybody tell me what this relates to?

Did you enable file logging in the php.ini? PS: you might want to ask this in php-windows list instead. ;)


> Thanks
> Bruce

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