Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 10.09.2009 23:13:03 von Steve Brown

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I've been beating my head against a wall all day and can't figure this
one out. The code below worked perfectly in PHP5.2.4. However, I
recently upgraded to PHP5.3.0 and this code no longer works.

The function below accepts the path to a text file containing headers
from a cUrl session (example attached). Basically this function opens
to log file, looks for certain headers and captures some information
from that line. When called on the attached file (or any log file for
that matter), the following is output:

array(2) {

Which means that nothing is getting read from the file.

Now, I'm going to qualify all of this by saying I'm running OSX Snow
Leopard, so I'm fully prepared to believe that Apple fucked something
up in it, as they have done to third party packages on other occasions
in the past. Well... to be fair, they don't usually fuck up third
party packages, rather they introduce "enhancements" to the OS that
prevents certain packages from working correctly and could care less
that they broke it.

So did anything change in PHP5.3.0 that would preclude the code below
from working? Am I going crazy? Or did Apple f*@# something up in
this release?


function parseResponseHeaders($header_file) {
$http_found = $error_found = false;
$http_reponse = $error_message = NULL;

$response = array();
$response['ResponseCode'] = NULL;
$response['ErrorMessage'] = NULL;

if (!is_file($header_file) || !is_readable($header_file)) {
return $response;

$fin = fopen($header_file, 'r');
while ($line = fgets($fin)) {

if (substr($line, 0, 4) == 'HTTP') {
$line_explode = explode(' ', $line);
$response['ResponseCode'] = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $line_explode[1]);
if ($response['ResponseCode'] != 100) {
$http_found = true;

if (substr($line, 0, 16) == 'X-Error-Message:') {
$line_explode = explode(' ', $line);
$response['ErrorMessage'] = join(' ', $line_explode);
$error_found = true;

return $response;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name="log_n3DIL7.txt"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="log_n3DIL7.txt"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
X-Attachment-Id: f_fzfzul730

ZXAgMjAwOSAyMDo1Nzo0MyBHTVQNClNlcnZlcjogQXBhY2hlLzIuMi42IChV bml4KSBtb2Rfc3Ns
RW5jb2RpbmcNCkNvbnRlbnQtTGVuZ3RoOiAxNjMwDQpDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6 IHRleHQvaHRtbA0K

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 02:06:46 von Tommy Pham

--- On Thu, 9/10/09, Steve Brown wrote: > From: S=
teve Brown =0A> Subject: [PHP] Reading files in PHP 5.3=
..0=0A> To:> Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009=
, 4:13 PM=0A> I've been beating my head against a=0A> wall all day and can'=
t figure this=0A> one out.=A0 The code below worked perfectly in=0A> PHP5.2=
..4.=A0 However, I=0A> recently upgraded to PHP5.3.0 and this code no longer=
=0A> works.=0A> =0A> The function below accepts the path to a text file=0A>=
containing headers=0A> from a cUrl session (example attached).=A0 Basicall=
y=0A> this function opens=0A> to log file, looks for certain headers and ca=
ptures some=0A> information=0A> from that line.=A0 When called on the attac=
hed file (or=0A> any log file for=0A> that matter), the following is output=
:=0A> =0A> array(2) {=0A> =A0 ["ResponseCode"]=3D>=0A> =A0 NULL=0A> =A0 ["E=
rrorMessage"]=3D>=0A> =A0 NULL=0A> }=0A> =0A> Which means that nothing is g=
etting read from the file.=0A> =0A> Now, I'm going to qualify all of this b=
y saying I'm running=0A> OSX Snow=0A> Leopard, so I'm fully prepared to bel=
ieve that Apple fucked=0A> something=0A> up in it, as they have done to thi=
rd party packages on=0A> other occasions=0A> in the past.=A0 Well... to be =
fair, they don't usually=0A> fuck up third=0A> party packages, rather they =
introduce "enhancements" to the=0A> OS that=0A> prevents certain packages f=
rom working correctly and could=0A> care less=0A> that they broke it.=0A> =
=0A> So did anything change in PHP5.3.0 that would preclude the=0A> code be=
low=0A> from working?=A0 Am I going crazy?=A0 Or did Apple=0A> f*@# somethi=
ng up in=0A> this release?=0A> =0A> Thanks,=0A> Steve=0A> =0A> BEGIN CODE=
=0A> ===========0A> function parseResponseHeaders($head=
er_file) {=0A>   =A0 $http_found =3D $error_found =3D false;=0A>   =
=A0 $http_reponse =3D $error_message =3D NULL;=0A> =0A>   =A0 $response=
=3D array();=0A>   =A0 $response['ResponseCode'] =3D NULL;=0A>   =
=A0 $response['ErrorMessage'] =3D NULL;=0A> =0A>   =A0 if (!is_file($he=
ader_file) ||=0A> !is_readable($header_file)) {=0A>   =A0   =A0 ret=
urn $response;=0A>   =A0 }=0A> =0A>   =A0 $fin =3D fopen($header_fi=
le, 'r');=0A>   =A0 while ($line =3D fgets($fin)) {=0A>   =A0 =A0=
   var_dump($line);=0A> =0AWhat does var_dump($line); tell you? Re=
gards,=0ATommy >   =A0   =A0 if (substr($line, 0,=0A> 4) =3D=
=3D 'HTTP') {=0A>   =A0   =A0     > $line_explode =3D explo=
de(' ', $line);=0A>   =A0   =A0     > $response['ResponseCo=
de'] =3D preg_replace('/\D/', '',=0A> $line_explode[1]);=0A>   =A0 =A0=
     =A0 if=0A> ($response['ResponseCode'] !=3D 100) {=0A>   =
=A0   =A0     >   =A0 $http_found =3D true;=0A>   =A0 =
  =A0   =A0 }=0A>   =A0   =A0 }=0A> =0A>   =A0   =
=A0 if (substr($line, 0,=0A> 16) == 'X-Error-Message:') {=0A>   =A0=
  =A0     > $line_explode =3D explode(' ', $line);=0A>   =
=A0   =A0     > array_shift($line_explode);=0A>   =A0 =A0=
       > $response['ErrorMessage'] =3D join(' ', $line_explode)=
;=0A>   =A0   =A0     > $error_found =3D true;=0A>   =
=A0   =A0 }=0A>   =A0 }=0A>   =A0 fclose($fin);=0A> =0A>   =
=A0 var_dump($response);=0A>   =A0 return $response;=0A> }=0A> -- =0A> =
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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 14:04:28 von TedD

At 5:06 PM -0700 9/10/09, Tommy Pham wrote:
> > So did anything change in PHP5.3.0 that would preclude the > code
>below > from working? Am I going crazy? Or did Apple > f*@#
>something up in > this release? > > Thanks, > Steve > > BEGIN CODE

Does anyone else see every line above ending with a square?

If so, what causes that. I only see them from Tommy post.




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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 14:15:53 von Ashley Sheridan

On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 08:04 -0400, tedd wrote:
> At 5:06 PM -0700 9/10/09, Tommy Pham wrote:
> > > So did anything change in PHP5.3.0 that would preclude the > code
> >below > from working? Am I going crazy? Or did Apple > f*@#
> >something up in > this release? > > Thanks, > Steve > > BEGIN CODE
> >-snip-
> Does anyone else see every line above ending with a square?
> If so, what causes that. I only see them from Tommy post.
> Cheers,
> tedd
> --
> -------

No, but his post inside of yours is looking messed up a bit. Maybe he's
not sending the posts as plain text or maybe it's something peculiar
between Gmail and Yahoo?


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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 14:43:28 von TedD

At 1:15 PM +0100 9/11/09, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 08:04 -0400, tedd wrote:
>> At 5:06 PM -0700 9/10/09, Tommy Pham wrote:
>> > > So did anything change in PHP5.3.0 that would preclude the > code
>> >below > from working? Am I going crazy? Or did Apple > f*@#
>> >something up in > this release? > > Thanks, > Steve > > BEGIN CODE
>> >-snip-
>> Does anyone else see every line above ending with a square?
>> If so, what causes that. I only see them from Tommy post.
>> Cheers,
>> tedd
>> --
>> -------
>No, but his post inside of yours is looking messed up a bit. Maybe he's
>not sending the posts as plain text or maybe it's something peculiar
>between Gmail and Yahoo?


Yeah, what I sent out wasn't organized the way you reported. I
suspect that it's one of those "end of line" problems regarding some
combination of LF, CR, and/or NL characters.




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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 14:48:42 von Tommy Pham

--- On Fri, 9/11/09, Ashley Sheridan wrote:=0A=
=0A> From: Ashley Sheridan =0A> Subject: Re: [PHP=
] Reading files in PHP 5.3.0=0A> To: "tedd" =0A> C=
c: "Tommy Pham" ,> Date: F=
riday, September 11, 2009, 7:15 AM=0A> On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 08:04 -0400,=
=0A> tedd wrote:=0A> > At 5:06 PM -0700 9/10/09, Tommy Pham wrote:=0A> > >=
=A0 > So did anything change in PHP5.3.0=0A> that would preclude the > code=
=0A> > >below > from working?=A0 Am I going=0A> crazy?=A0 Or did Apple > f=
*@# =0A> > >something up in > this release? > >=0A> Thanks, > Steve > > BEG=
IN CODE =0A> > >-snip-=0A> > =0A> > Does anyone else see every line above e=
nding with a=0A> square?=0A> > =0A> > If so, what causes that. I only see t=
hem from Tommy=0A> post.=0A> > =0A> > Cheers,=0A> > =0A> > tedd=0A> > =0A> =
> =0A> > -- =0A> > -------=0A> > http://ancientstone=> > =0A> =0A> No, but his post inside of =
yours is looking messed up a=0A> bit. Maybe he's=0A> not sending the posts =
as plain text or maybe it's something=0A> peculiar=0A> between Gmail and Ya=
hoo?=0A> =0A> Thanks,=0A> Ash=0A>> =0A=
=0AI just checked my 'Mail Options' again. It's always been 'compose as te=
xt'. But I can't guaranteed that Yahoo actually does it. Been having prob=
lems with Yahoo lately (both mail and Yahoo hosting of Maybe=
I should switch to gmail... Thanks,=0ATommy

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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 15:57:37 von Paul M Foster

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 05:48:42AM -0700, Tommy Pham wrote:

> I just checked my 'Mail Options' again. It's always been 'compose as text'. But I can't guaranteed that Yahoo actually does it. Been having problems with Yahoo lately (both mail and Yahoo hosting of Maybe I should switch to gmail...

I think I'm reading this wrong. Are you saying that is hosted
with *Yahoo*? WTF?


Paul M. Foster

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 15:58:32 von Andrew Ballard

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Ashley Sheridan
> On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 08:04 -0400, tedd wrote:
>> At 5:06 PM -0700 9/10/09, Tommy Pham wrote:
>> >  > So did anything change in PHP5.3.0 that would preclude the > c=
>> >below > from working?  Am I going crazy?  Or did Apple > f*@#
>> >something up in > this release? > > Thanks, > Steve > > BEGIN CODE
>> >-snip-
>> Does anyone else see every line above ending with a square?
>> If so, what causes that. I only see them from Tommy post.
>> Cheers,
>> tedd
> No, but his post inside of yours is looking messed up a bit. Maybe he's
> not sending the posts as plain text or maybe it's something peculiar
> between Gmail and Yahoo?
> Thanks,
> Ash

It looks fine to me using Gmail.


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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 16:08:09 von Steve Brown

>> function parseResponseHeaders($header_file) {
>>   =A0 $http_found =3D $error_found =3D false;
>>   =A0 $http_reponse =3D $error_message =3D NULL;
>>   =A0 $response =3D array();
>>   =A0 $response['ResponseCode'] =3D NULL;
>>   =A0 $response['ErrorMessage'] =3D NULL;
>>   =A0 if (!is_file($header_file) ||
>> !is_readable($header_file)) {
>>   =A0   =A0 return $response;
>>   =A0 }
>>   =A0 $fin =3D fopen($header_file, 'r');
>>   =A0 while ($line =3D fgets($fin)) {
>>   =A0   =A0 var_dump($line);
> What does var_dump($line); tell you?

Nothing, not even an empty variable. Which is why I think something
is completely screwed up here.

BTW, squares at the end of lines are your platform not interpreting
EOL characters correctly from another platform. Generally, its the
sending client thats not being friendly, not the receiving client.

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 17:38:13 von Tommy Pham

--- On Fri, 9/11/09, Paul M Foster wrote: > =
From: Paul M Foster =0A> Subject: Re: [PHP] Readin=
g files in PHP 5.3.0=0A> To:> Date: Friday, Se=
ptember 11, 2009, 8:57 AM=0A> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 05:48:42AM=0A> -0700,=
Tommy Pham wrote:=0A> =0A> > =0A> > I just checked my 'Mail Options' again=
..=A0 It's=0A> always been 'compose as text'.=A0 But I can't guaranteed=0A> =
that Yahoo actually does it.=A0 Been having problems with=0A> Yahoo lately =
(both mail and Yahoo hosting of=0A> Maybe I should switch =
to gmail... =0A> =0A> I think I'm reading this wrong. Are you saying that p=> is hosted=0A> with *Yahoo*? WTF?=0A> =0A> Paul go to scroll all way down to the bottom. "This mirror generously pro=
vided by: Yahoo! Inc.=0ALast updated: Fri Sep 11 14:51:27 2009 UTC" =
=0A> -- =0A> Paul M. Foster=0A> =0A> -- =0A> PHP General Mailing List (http=
://> To unsubscribe, visit:
> =0A>

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 11.09.2009 17:46:49 von Tommy Pham

-- On Fri, 9/11/09, Steve Brown wrote: > From: St=
eve Brown =0A> Subject: Re: [PHP] Reading files in PHP =
5.3.0=0A> To:> Date: Friday, September 11, 200=
9, 9:08 AM Perhaps you should add some error checking to see where it =
breaks > >> function=0A> parseResponseHeaders($header_file) {=0A> >> =
  =A0 $http_found =3D $error_found =3D false;=0A> >>   =A0 $http_re=
ponse =3D $error_message =3D NULL;=0A> >>=0A> >>   =A0 $response =3D ar=
ray();=0A> >>   =A0 $response['ResponseCode'] =3D NULL;=0A> >>   =
=A0 $response['ErrorMessage'] =3D NULL;=0A> >>=0A> >>   =A0 if (!is_fil=
e($header_file) ||=0A> >> !is_readable($header_file)) {=0A> >>   =A0 =
  =A0 return $response; error_log($header_file . " is=
neither a file nor is it readable. Verify full physical path?? "); > =
>>   =A0 }=0A> >>=0A> >>   =A0 $fin =3D fopen($header_file, 'r');=
if ($fin == false) error_log("Failed to open " . $header_file);=
> >>   =A0 while ($line =3D fgets($fin)) {=0A> >>   =A0 =A0=
   var_dump($line);=0A> >>=0A> > What does var_dump($line); tell you?=
=0A> =0A> Nothing, not even an empty variable.=A0 Which is why I=0A> think =
something=0A> is completely screwed up here.=0A> =0A> BTW, squares at the e=
nd of lines are your platform not=0A> interpreting=0A> EOL characters corre=
ctly from another platform.  > Generally, its the=0A> sending client th=
ats not being friendly, not the receiving=0A> client. Those additions =
will hint you where the problem is. Just check your PHP error log, provide=
d that you have it enabled in the ini. > =0A> --=0A> PHP General Maili=
ng List (> To unsubscribe, visit:
/unsub.php=0A> >

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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 12.09.2009 00:02:32 von Paul M Foster

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 08:38:13AM -0700, Tommy Pham wrote:

> --- On Fri, 9/11/09, Paul M Foster wrote:
> > From: Paul M Foster
> > Subject: Re: [PHP] Reading files in PHP 5.3.0
> > To:
> > Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 8:57 AM
> > On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 05:48:42AM
> > -0700, Tommy Pham wrote:
> >=20
> > >=20
> > > I just checked my 'Mail Options' again.=A0 It's
> > always been 'compose as text'.=A0 But I can't guaranteed
> > that Yahoo actually does it.=A0 Been having problems with
> > Yahoo lately (both mail and Yahoo hosting of
> > Maybe I should switch to gmail...=20
> >=20
> > I think I'm reading this wrong. Are you saying that
> > is hosted
> > with *Yahoo*? WTF?
> >=20
> > Paul
> go to scroll all way down to the bottom.
> "This mirror generously provided by: Yahoo! Inc.
> Last updated: Fri Sep 11 14:51:27 2009 UTC"

I typically use, which is hosted by Hurricane Electric.


Paul M. Foster

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 12.09.2009 16:22:10 von TedD

At 6:02 PM -0400 9/11/09, Paul M Foster wrote:
>I typically use, which is hosted by Hurricane Electric.


I wouldn't use Hurricane Electric if their accounts were provided for free!

The following is an experience I had with Hurricane Electric and
support for my opinion as to their "service".

You see, many years ago Hurricane Electric hosted (IMO with
complicity) a porn site that sent out over 2000 porn spams to AOL
using MY email address as the person to contact. That incident caused
me a great deal of trouble.

In an attempt to understand and resolve the problem, I sent several
emails to Hurricane Electric; I called them numerous times via
telephone; and I even sent them letters via the US mail. But
unfortunately they refused to answer ANY of my correspondence. Their
lack of communication provided support for my opinion of their
complicity with what had happened.

A few years back they contacted me (again more spam) soliciting my
interest in hosting with them. Normally, I would have just reported
such spam to spamcop, but because of the incident I replied and told
them what had happened.

Later I was contacted by one of their technicians who looked thorough
their records and confirmed/admitted the incident. However, he told
me that they could not be held responsible for they clients they
host. Furthermore, they have no intention of screening their clients.
He said that they will provide hosting to whomever they want,
including porn and spam sites. If their clients do anything wrong per
"their standards", then they will deal with it internally. Otherwise
they don't care about any harm done to anyone by them hosting such
sites. In short, they want the money but not the responsibility.

Now, maybe Hurricane Electric has changed its ways, but they can't
change their past.

In my opinion, there are more than enough hosting companies who care
about the damage they might cause and take steps to reduce the about
spam and porn on the net. My advice, seek hosts other than Hurricane




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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 13.09.2009 06:32:56 von Paul M Foster

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 10:22:10AM -0400, tedd wrote:

> At 6:02 PM -0400 9/11/09, Paul M Foster wrote:
>> I typically use, which is hosted by Hurricane Electric.
>> Paul
> Paul:
> I wouldn't use Hurricane Electric if their accounts were provided for free!
> The following is an experience I had with Hurricane Electric and
> support for my opinion as to their "service".
> You see, many years ago Hurricane Electric hosted (IMO with
> complicity) a porn site that sent out over 2000 porn spams to AOL
> using MY email address as the person to contact. That incident caused
> me a great deal of trouble.
> In an attempt to understand and resolve the problem, I sent several
> emails to Hurricane Electric; I called them numerous times via
> telephone; and I even sent them letters via the US mail. But
> unfortunately they refused to answer ANY of my correspondence. Their
> lack of communication provided support for my opinion of their
> complicity with what had happened.
> A few years back they contacted me (again more spam) soliciting my
> interest in hosting with them. Normally, I would have just reported
> such spam to spamcop, but because of the incident I replied and told
> them what had happened.
> Later I was contacted by one of their technicians who looked thorough
> their records and confirmed/admitted the incident. However, he told
> me that they could not be held responsible for they clients they
> host. Furthermore, they have no intention of screening their clients.
> He said that they will provide hosting to whomever they want,
> including porn and spam sites. If their clients do anything wrong per
> "their standards", then they will deal with it internally. Otherwise
> they don't care about any harm done to anyone by them hosting such
> sites. In short, they want the money but not the responsibility.
> Now, maybe Hurricane Electric has changed its ways, but they can't
> change their past.
> In my opinion, there are more than enough hosting companies who care
> about the damage they might cause and take steps to reduce the about
> spam and porn on the net. My advice, seek hosts other than Hurricane
> Electric.

I don't know much about HE, other than the fact that they run ads in
Linux Journal. But they're a real hosting company, like Rackspace or
1and1. Yahoo (who hosts isn't a company I think of as a
hosting company. And they're an internet behemoth, like Godaddy or
Microsoft. So I'd personally steer away from them. Just my bias.

It sounds like HE's real problem is their TOS. I've hosted with a lot of
companies who will drop accounts where they find porn, spam and warez;
it's part of their TOS. The other problem I can see is that they are
apparently unwilling to even mediate a problem between two of their
accounts. "We just host 'em. Other than that, we don't care." Typical. I
expect the porn company paid them a *lot* more money than you did, so
they simply looked the other way. A shame.

The lesson, I suppose, is to look at the terms of service before you
sign up with a hosting company. You may still end up being a victim, but
at least you know what you're getting yourself into. If they don't
specifically disavow porn, spam and warez, then they allow (and in
effect, condone) it.


Paul M. Foster

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: Reading files in PHP 5.3.0

am 13.09.2009 15:13:43 von TedD

At 12:32 AM -0400 9/13/09, Paul M Foster wrote:
>On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 10:22:10AM -0400, tedd wrote:
>> At 6:02 PM -0400 9/11/09, Paul M Foster wrote:
>>> I typically use, which is hosted by Hurricane Electric.
>>> Paul
>> Paul:
>> I wouldn't use Hurricane Electric if their accounts were provided for free!
>> The following is an experience I had with Hurricane Electric and
>> support for my opinion as to their "service".
>> You see, many years ago Hurricane Electric hosted (IMO with
>> complicity) a porn site that sent out over 2000 porn spams to AOL
>> using MY email address as the person to contact. That incident caused
>> me a great deal of trouble.
>> In an attempt to understand and resolve the problem, I sent several
>> emails to Hurricane Electric; I called them numerous times via
>> telephone; and I even sent them letters via the US mail. But
>> unfortunately they refused to answer ANY of my correspondence. Their
>> lack of communication provided support for my opinion of their
>> complicity with what had happened.
>> A few years back they contacted me (again more spam) soliciting my
>> interest in hosting with them. Normally, I would have just reported
>> such spam to spamcop, but because of the incident I replied and told
>> them what had happened.
>> Later I was contacted by one of their technicians who looked thorough
>> their records and confirmed/admitted the incident. However, he told
>> me that they could not be held responsible for they clients they
>> host. Furthermore, they have no intention of screening their clients.
>> He said that they will provide hosting to whomever they want,
>> including porn and spam sites. If their clients do anything wrong per
>> "their standards", then they will deal with it internally. Otherwise
>> they don't care about any harm done to anyone by them hosting such
>> sites. In short, they want the money but not the responsibility.
> > Now, maybe Hurricane Electric has changed its ways, but they can't
>> change their past.
>> In my opinion, there are more than enough hosting companies who care
>> about the damage they might cause and take steps to reduce the about
>> spam and porn on the net. My advice, seek hosts other than Hurricane
>> Electric.
>I don't know much about HE, other than the fact that they run ads in
>Linux Journal. But they're a real hosting company, like Rackspace or
>1and1. Yahoo (who hosts isn't a company I think of as a
>hosting company. And they're an internet behemoth, like Godaddy or
>Microsoft. So I'd personally steer away from them. Just my bias.
>It sounds like HE's real problem is their TOS. I've hosted with a lot of
>companies who will drop accounts where they find porn, spam and warez;
>it's part of their TOS. The other problem I can see is that they are
>apparently unwilling to even mediate a problem between two of their
>accounts. "We just host 'em. Other than that, we don't care." Typical. I
>expect the porn company paid them a *lot* more money than you did, so
>they simply looked the other way. A shame.
>The lesson, I suppose, is to look at the terms of service before you
>sign up with a hosting company. You may still end up being a victim, but
>at least you know what you're getting yourself into. If they don't
>specifically disavow porn, spam and warez, then they allow (and in
>effect, condone) it.


Good advice, but you assumed that I was one of their clients -- I wasn't.

I was just an innocent bystander who found his email address being
used as a return address for porn spam. It wasn't until after I
started receiving hate email that I discovered who/what Hurricane
Electric was.

Imagine that suddenly out of the blue you started receiving hate mail
from hundreds of AOL users telling you what a low-life you are
because you sent porn to their children -- what would you do?

I imagine you would: a) find out who was behind it; b) contact them
and ask for an explanation; c) and try to restore your good name.

One might think that suing them would be a good idea, but the last
suit I was in cost me over $20k and I won! I didn't have that spare
change laying around at the time to go after a company in another

I just wanted an explanation, but Hurricane Electric wouldn't do
anything. In my opinion, they are an example of what a hosting
company should not be.




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