RE: RE: [Formaldehyde] The Most Basic Ajax - PHP ErrorDebugger
am 14.09.2009 01:11:29 von Andrea Giammarchi--_8822cff0-b6f6-4798-81a7-f00d85bb195b_
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> No=2C display_errors should be turned off (with log_errors turned on)
> and error_reporting should be set to whatever standard you're coding
> to (preferably=2C E_ALL | E_STRICT=2C but a lot of people like to ignore
> E_NOTICE's).
yep=2C it should be a production environment
> So it's not zero configuration=2C then?
it is=2C described in the Security page inside the wiki=2C zero config mean=
s no extensions=2C no code to change except a single require ... we can cal=
l it zero config compared with everything else=2C specially something to co=
mpile or able to change the env as your solution does
> And I wasn't
> aware that a 1:1 development:production environment was a desirable
> thing.
sure=2C PHP 4 on production and 5 as dev then is desiderable=2C right?
What about specific PHP version=2C extensions=2C and other specific env pro=
I hope you are not following errors that could appear only because of your =
plugns/extensions ... that would be a massive waste of time=2C isn't it?
> Things like xdebug=2C display_errors=2C inclued=2C etc. should be
> disabled for production and enabled for development.
1:1 is about what is running and where it is running ... you have an extens=
ion which is not official and which could cause false positives or could ha=
ve other problems. I prefer same extensions in both dev/prod environments i=
n order to be sure behaviors will be the same=2C got it?
> Run "tail -f /path/to/your/php/error.log" and watch the error logs as
> they're appended=2C if you need instant error notification.
on windows dev env? and with at least two monitors to maintain a decent app=
lication size for client side testings? checking both logs and errors witho=
ut a red line easily "surfable" with entire stack rather than pure text to =
analyze? I prefer Formaldehyde here
> Honestly=2C I'm sure it sounds like this by now but I'm not trying to
> trash your application=2C but you've not done a very good job selling
> it. It looks like you took some keywords ("ajax"=2C "zero
> configuration"=2C "portable"=2C etc. etc.) and tried to apply them to you=
> project=2C without actually seriously describing what your project is.
did you describe xdebug? I had a read=2C I got what it is=2C and I am reply=
ing ...=20
> As best I can tell=2C your project doesn't do much other than facilitate
> php debugging with Firebug=2C which is a very niche thing to do and any
> development cycle that I've been a part of has had no need to do such
> things=2C so I'm still failing to see Formaldahyde's usefulness.
'cause you have tail habit ... I do exactly what you do except I spot it qu=
icker and I can isntantly red Errors expanding and contracting stack traces=
without any extra effort. This is the difference.
If you think Formaldehyde is useless=2C I can say your way is useless as we=
ll=2C since the purpose is the same=2C the way logs/errors are showed is di=
You had no choice before=2C and you'll probably never go for Formaldehyde=
=2C but you kinda confirmed there was nithing similar before=2C and I can t=
ell you I am using it and I will do=2C so this project is not going to die =
soon=2C that is for sure=2C as xdebug will hopefully be maintained (as Fire=
PHP or others)
I call them alternatives=2C and I am an open minded person=2C I'll give xde=
bug a try indeed=2C maybe I can integrate some feature.
Of course every of us developed Ajax application 'till now=2C does it mean =
the debug process is death as is? Can we try to improve it somehow? That is=
what I have done but everybody is free to choose his way=2C this is just a=
new one=2C and you already said why (facilitate php debugging).
The fact you had no need is also because you had not this option=2C now you=
P.S. Firebug is just one of compatible consoles=2C the best so far though=
=2C but not because Formaldehyde is for Firebug=2C client side does not mat=
ter=2C it will work with IE as well for those behind "legacy companies" (me=
right now=2C as example)
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