שנה טובה!

שנה טובה!

am 19.09.2009 14:06:32 von Nitsan Bin-Nun

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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W2ltYWdlOiBodHRwOi8vYmxvZy50YXB1ei5jby5pbC9zbGVpZ2h0b2ZoYW5k L2ltYWdlcy83NjUy
NTRfODEuanBnXQoKKtep16DXlCDXmNeV15HXlCDXldee16rXlden15QhISEh CgrXntee16DXmSwK

Re: [PHP] שנה טובה!

am 19.09.2009 18:09:53 von Dotan Cohen

16DXmdem158sINeq15bXlNeoINec15Ag15zXm9ec15XXnCDXkNeqINeq16TX ldem15XXqiDXlNeT
15XXkNeoINeb16nXkNeq15Qg16nXldec15cg15PXkdeo15nXnSDXkNec15Uu INeq15XXk9eULgoK
16nXoNeUINeY15XXkdeUIQoKLS0gCkRvdGFuIENvaGVuCgpodHRwOi8vd2hh dC1pcy13aGF0LmNv

Re: שנה טובה!

am 19.09.2009 22:50:47 von LuKreme

On Sep 19, 2009, at 10:09, Dotan Cohen wrote:

> ניצן, תזהר לא =
לכלול את תפוצו=
ת הדואר =20
> כשאתה שולח דבר=
ים אלו. תודה.
> שנה טובה!

I think this is an English language list.


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RE: [PHP] שנה טובה!

am 19.09.2009 23:10:58 von John Meyer

VW5mb3J0dW5hdGVseSwgaXQgZG9lc24ndCBsb29rIGxpa2Ugd2UgaGF2ZSBh IEhlYnJldyBtYWls
aW5nIGxpc3QuDQoNCi0tLS0tT3JpZ2luYWwgTWVzc2FnZS0tLS0tDQpGcm9t OiBMdUtyZW1lIFtt
YWlsdG86a3JlbWVsc0BrcmVtZS5jb21dIA0KU2VudDogU2F0dXJkYXksIFNl cHRlbWJlciAxOSwg
MjAwOSAyOjUxIFBNDQpUbzogcGhwLWdlbmVyYWxAbGlzdHMucGhwLm5ldA0K U3ViamVjdDogUmU6
YW4gQ29oZW4gPGRvdGFuY29oZW5AZ21haWwuY29tPiB3cm90ZToNCg0KPiDX oNeZ16bXnywg16rX
lteU16gg15zXkCDXnNeb15zXldecINeQ16og16rXpNeV16bXldeqINeU15PX ldeQ16ggIA0KPiDX
m9ep15DXqteUINep15XXnNeXINeT15HXqNeZ150g15DXnNeVLiDXqteV15PX lC4NCj4NCj4g16nX
Lg0KDQo+DQoNCi0tIA0KUEhQIEdlbmVyYWwgTWFpbGluZyBMaXN0IChodHRw Oi8vd3d3LnBocC5u
ZXQvKQ0KVG8gdW5zdWJzY3JpYmUsIHZpc2l0OiBodHRwOi8vd3d3LnBocC5u ZXQvdW5zdWIucGhw

Re: [PHP] שנה טובה!

am 20.09.2009 06:51:41 von Dotan Cohen

> I think this is an English language list.

The OP was just wishing everyone a happy new year. I then replied back
asking him not to CC the list with such matters, but in a flash of
brilliance CCed the list (bad, gmail, bad!) myself. I apologize.

Dotan Cohen


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: שנה טובה!

am 20.09.2009 10:29:42 von Lester Caine

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> I think this is an English language list.
> The OP was just wishing everyone a happy new year. I then replied back
> asking him not to CC the list with such matters, but in a flash of
> brilliance CCed the list (bad, gmail, bad!) myself. I apologize.

Actually all that was needed was an extra couple of lines in your reply
- in english ;)

Had it not been a case of 'happy new year', and someone was looking for
help getting directed to the right place, then the occasional message
here should not be frowned at. Being totally linguistically challenged (
even in English ;) ) I do understand the frustration when the best
support seems to be in another language. Especially when 'google'
directs you to those pages even with 'English' is selected!

And knowing that there is a large Jewish presence in PHP - I believe
'Rosh Hashanah' is the correct translation?

On a more serious note - but I'm not actually complaining this time -
can we please get back to a roadmap to get PHP6 out of the door! Even
only using ASCCI internally, the amount of contact details that are
filling my own address book that require Unicode makes me glad that at
least the linux desktop is unicode agnostic and can handle these
messages! So isn't it about time we had a version of PHP that does not
require 'jiggery pokery' to cope with any text?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
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Re: [PHP] שנה טובה!

am 20.09.2009 11:09:57 von Dotan Cohen

> Actually all that was needed was an extra couple of lines in your reply - in
> english ;)

Had I meant to reply to the list, I most certainly would have added
that. It is not the first time that I have replied to the wrong
entities with Gmail. I must learn to double check the To lines, I
know. It's not that hard!

> Had it not been a case of 'happy new year', and someone was looking for help
> getting directed to the right place, then the occasional message here should
> not be frowned at. Being totally linguistically challenged ( even in English
> ;) ) I do understand the frustration when the best support seems to be in
> another language. Especially when 'google' directs you to those pages even
> with 'English' is selected!

Agreed 100%, in fact, I blame PHP and the Fedora list for improving my English!

> And knowing that there is a large Jewish presence in PHP - I believe 'Rosh
> Hashanah' is the correct translation?

"Rosh Hashanah" means "new year", "happy new year" would be "shana tova".

> On a more serious note - but I'm not actually complaining this time - can we
> please get back to a roadmap to get PHP6 out of the door! Even only using
> ASCCI internally, the amount of contact details that are filling my own
> address book that require Unicode makes me glad that at least the linux
> desktop is unicode agnostic and can handle these messages! So isn't it about
> time we had a version of PHP that does not require 'jiggery pokery' to cope
> with any text?

Unfortunately I am not one of those responsible for such matters, but
I do believe that Zeev and Andi have a good idea of the anticipation.

Dotan Cohen


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