Question: Wai-aria?

Question: Wai-aria?

am 22.09.2009 09:41:44 von Parham Doustdar

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Hello there,
I have asked on the mailing lists that have blind users and no one seems =
to know about this technology (that is ironically created to help us =
blind folks). I was wondering if anyone here has the experience of =
implementing Wai-aria. Since my question is rather about Wai-aria than =
PHP and is off-topic, I'm first of all sorry to be posting it here (it =
is rather an act of desperation). Secondly, I ask people who have the =
time to help me to please contact me off-list at parham90 at gmail dot =
Contact info:
Skype: parham-d
MSN: fire_lizard16 at hotmail dot com
Twitter: PD90
email: parham90 at GMail dot com

Re: Question: Wai-aria?

am 22.09.2009 10:06:01 von Fernando Castillo Aparicio

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Ups! By mistake I didn't reply to all. Resending. Sorry. =0A____=
____________________________=0ADe: Parham Doustdar =0AP=
ara: martes, 22 de septiembre, 2009 9:=
41:44=0AAsunto: [PHP] Question: Wai-aria? Hello there,=0AI=0Ahave aske=
d on the mailing lists that have blind users and no one seems=0Ato know abo=
ut this technology (that is ironically created to help us=0Ablind folks). I=
was wondering if anyone here has the experience of=0Aimplementing Wai-aria=
.. Since my question is rather about Wai-aria than=0APHP and is off-topic, I=
'm first of all sorry to be posting it here (it=0Ais rather an act of despe=
ration). Secondly, I ask people who have the=0Atime to help me to please co=
ntact me off-list at parham90 at gmail dot=0Acom.=0AThanks.=0A-- =0A---=0AC=
ontact info:=0ASkype: parham-d=0AMSN: fire_lizard16 at hotmail dot com=0AGo=
ogleTalk: PD90=0Aemail: parham90 at GMail dot=
com =0AHave you tried the contact section for WAI at http://w= They have a WAI Interest Group mailing list (w3=, "suscribe" as subject), and I believe that would b=
e the best place to look for help. Good luck.