Master/Slave Replication Question

Master/Slave Replication Question

am 25.09.2009 03:07:49 von Tim Gustafson


I'm a big fan of mySQL's multi-master replication, but I've run into gotchas over the years. Off the top of my head, I can think of:

- auto_increment complications,
- if you have a->b->c->a, it's not exactly graceful to insert a "d" server for a->b->c->d->a
- if you have a->b->c->a and b fails, it's tricky to change your config to a->c->a
- no one authoritative data set
- problems with certain types of stored procedures/functions

I think I may have asked this question before, but I don't recall, so I thought I'd ask here:

Assuming all your grant tables are replicated and identical, wouldn't it be possible for a read-only mySQL slave to pass update queries to its master server, and then return the response from the master to the client?

I think this approach has several neat advantages:

- your client software doesn't have to know anything about replication (like to connect to a different server for updates)
- problems with stored functions and procedures go away
- no auto_increment problems - the master would maintain auto_increment consistency
- rebuilding a failed slave in this arrangement is worry-free
- one failed slave doesn't interrupt the replication of all the other servers
- you can do multi-level replication, where you have a->b, b->c, and then send an update query to c, which would send it to b, which would send it to a, which would process the query, return the result to b, which would then return the result to c (if "c" couldn't run the update query on "b", or if "b" couldn't run the update query on "a", an SQL error could be returned to the client)

I can see a few retorts right off the bat:

- this complicates the replication protocol
- not everyone would want to do it like this
- updates might take a bit longer since they have to be sent to the master

But I think this arrangement could be very useful in certain situations, and it seems to me that this is something that could totally be implemented as a configurable option, something like a simple my.cnf setting that says "slave_pass_upadtes_to_master" or something.

Has anyone suggested anything like this before? Any thoughts/comments/flames?

Tim Gustafson
Baskin School of Engineering
UC Santa Cruz

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Re: Master/Slave Replication Question

am 25.09.2009 23:43:45 von Tim Gustafson

> Another thought would be at the application layer, sending
> all the updates (insert,delete, update, etc) to server A,
> and the selects to the local slave servers.

This has been suggested before, and I'm totally against it. Applications like PHPBB, Drupal, WordPress, etc can't be easily configured to do this, and I'd really like to use those applications in a more robust and redundant environment.

Pushing the work of this sort of master/slave relationship to the application level means that most applications will not support it. Replication is a database server problem, not an application problem.

Tim Gustafson
Baskin School of Engineering
UC Santa Cruz

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RE: Master/Slave Replication Question

am 26.09.2009 00:42:12 von Gavin Towey

WW91J2QgYmUgc3VycHJpc2VkIGhvdyBtYW55IHBsYWNlcyB1c2VzIHRoaXMg YXMgYW4gYWN0dWFs
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Re: Master/Slave Replication Question

am 26.09.2009 01:17:59 von Tim Gustafson

> Moreover, it works today as opposed to waiting until the end
> of time for the database developers to add features like that
> (which mysql cluster is already a distributed database, and
> the devs have said they're not interested in trying to turn
> the regular mysql into a distributed product, instead they
> want to focus on what it does best)

With all due respect to the mySQL cluster people, setting up a mySQL cluster just isn't in the cards for lots of organizations. It's just too much. There's a huge implementation gap between a single mySQL server and a mySQL Cluster. I've also heard from people who have tried to implement mySQL clustering that wide-area cluster replication is hard or impossible (I can't remember which), so the ability to provide geographic redundancy (one of my requirements here) isn't workable.

I think saying that I'd have to wait until the end of time is a bit harsh. Sure, it's not going to happen tomorrow, but I wasn't expecting that anyhow.

I'm not sure if you've looked at the database integration for things like Drupal, but there will probably never be a way for Drupal to use an "updates go to this server, reads go to this server" configuration, as there are thousands of Drupal modules and almost all of them use the database directly, and each would have to be re-coded to work with the read/write split configuration.

And anyhow, I think that suggestion is missing the point:

If each application handles this sort of thing differently, then when I run all these applications on my server (and I do - we host about 175 web sites altogether) I have to configure each application separately, and I have to instruct all my users (many of them inexperienced grad students) to remember that "writes go here, reads go there" when they write their own PHP code.

And, of course, handling this sort of thing at the application level means that some applications will never support it, and therefore never be able to be geographically redundant.

So yeah, maybe lots of custom-written software handles the read/write split configuration well, but there's lots more that doesn't. I don't know of a single open source application that does.

So again, I go back to my original statement: replication is a database server problem, not an application problem. :)

Tim Gustafson
Baskin School of Engineering
UC Santa Cruz

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RE: Master/Slave Replication Question

am 26.09.2009 02:15:46 von Gavin Towey

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Re: Master/Slave Replication Question

am 26.09.2009 03:34:30 von Tim Gustafson

> Do you want geographic redundancy or do you want to scale reads?
> In this case you're talking about scaling reads for a bunch of
> apps all running together. If you want performance in that case,
> then first you'd want to isolate the apps from each other.

Geographic redundancy is my primary goal. Geographic redundancy also by its very nature helps boost performance of reads because you have more than one server from which to read. Each web site hosted on this group of servers has an "A" record that points to all three servers - so, has A records for, and Using round-robin DNS, the connections for clients are distributed across all three geographically redundant servers using poor-man's load balancing.

> Geographical redundancy is different: a dns record with a zero
> ttl, with a master->slave replication setup. Point the record a
> the master and if it fails, change the dns entry to point to the
> slave. Your applications never need to know about replication.

Except I'm not just making my database geographically redundant, but my web server and applications as well. Each server runs mySQL, Apache and PHP. PHP connects to "localhost" on each server. Using your method (which by the way requires human intervention to activate), only the mySQL would be redundant. And your solution does not balance reads across all mySQL servers.

> That's the great thing about open source software and
> techniques. They're like building blocks, and you can put them
> together however you want. I find this much more preferable to
> the all-in-one black-box solution.

You find it preferable to handle your database redundancy with something other than your database server? Any mySQL is black-box? I was pretty sure mySQL was open source.

Anyhow, you have actually proven my point: mySQL has already provided the building blocks of master/slave replication. Now I'd like to see an addition to that protocol (upstream updates) and bam, we've got a whole new replication methodology that fills the needs of a set of people whose needs were not met by multi-master replication or mySQL cluster.

At any rate, this part of the discussion is getting very off-topic. My original suggestion pertained to a new way of doing replication that I'd like to see in mySQL. If you don't like my idea, don't use the feature if and when it ever comes into being.

Tim Gustafson
Baskin School of Engineering
UC Santa Cruz

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Re: Master/Slave Replication Question

am 26.09.2009 08:29:57 von Tim Gustafson

> from what i've read and seen geographical load balancer
> works as: multiple DNS A records routes to multiple
> Apache Servers(mod_php tucks in as a module under Apache)
> each web servers would connect to MySQL on their own
> localhost would communicate directly to
> (localhost) master-slave configurations
> imply A1-MySql master replicate to A2-MySql slave
> how should this new replication be handled?

You are correct about the DNS load balancing and connecting to localhost.

Here is the actual set-up I'm working with:

We have three LAMP servers: www-01, www-02 and www-03. Currently, mySQL on www-01 replicates to www-02, which replicates to www-03, which replicates back to www-01.

What I'd like to do is have www-01 be the authoritative server, and have www-02 and www-03 both be replication slaves to www-01. When a user connect to www-01 and makes an update, nothing special - the update gets recorded, written to the binary log and replicated to www-02 and www-03.

When a users attempts to update/insert/delete a record on www-02, I want www-02 to:

1. open a connection to www-01 (or have one connection that's already open for this purpose). if the connection to www-01 fails because of a TCP problem, www-02 should return an error along the lines of "replication master is unavailable; query not executed" to the client

2. authenticate against www-01 as the user the is currently authenticated on www-02. again, if this fails, return an error along the lines of "could not authenticate on replication master; query not executed"

3. pass the exact same query that www-02 received upstream to www-01

4. wait for www-01 to respond "ok" or "query error"

5. pass the response from www-01 back to the client connected to www-02

Is that clear? Normal replication would then pass the update from www-01 back to www-02 and www-03 so that all three servers are in sync. Since the update happened on www-01, auto_increments would not need to use the auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset, stored functions and stored procedures would not have to worry about their respective replication problems (certain types of functions/procedures aren't safe to use with normal mySQL replication), and locking would work (because lock statements would also be passed up the chain to the master server).

Yes, this means that updates wouldn't be as fast as multi-master replication, but I think dealing with almost all the other problems with replication would become much more manageable.

This set-up makes the most sense in read-heavy environments. As I mentioned before, my main goal here is geographic redundancy, load balancing and the ability to use applications that aren't really designed to be used with master/slave replication (Drupal, WordPress, etc) without having to modify those applications.

Tim Gustafson
Baskin School of Engineering
UC Santa Cruz

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