SWF Manipulation with PHP
am 05.10.2009 16:52:10 von Igor Escobar
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Hi Folks!
A very long time ago i spend a little bit of my time to find how i can load
a swf file, load an specific frame of that SWF File and save this like a JPG
or any other format.
I try the "ming" but it can't load a external swf movie. You only can CREATE
a swf. I try the libswf too but i not have a success.
Anyone have ANY idea that works?
Igor Escobar
Systems Analyst & Interface Designer
+ http://blog.igorescobar.com
+ http://www.igorescobar.com
+ @igorescobar (twitter)
RE: SWF Manipulation with PHP
am 05.10.2009 18:16:38 von Andrea Giammarchi
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AFAIK=2C you can create snaps from ActionScript=2C but you cannot save brow=
ser rendered plug-in content via PHP
It's more like canvas.toDataURL=2C it requires to be rendered=2C unless you=
don't have InDesign or something similar able to render internally and exp=
ort as image.
> Date: Mon=2C 5 Oct 2009 11:52:10 -0300
> From: titiolinkin@gmail.com
> To: php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: [PHP] SWF Manipulation with PHP
> Hi Folks!
> A very long time ago i spend a little bit of my time to find how i can lo=
> a swf file=2C load an specific frame of that SWF File and save this like =
> or any other format.
> I try the "ming" but it can't load a external swf movie. You only can CRE=
> a swf. I try the libswf too but i not have a success.
> Anyone have ANY idea that works?
> Regards=2C
> Igor Escobar
> Systems Analyst & Interface Designer
> + http://blog.igorescobar.com
> + http://www.igorescobar.com
> + @igorescobar (twitter)
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Re: SWF Manipulation with PHP
am 06.10.2009 02:50:07 von Manuel Lemos
on 10/05/2009 11:52 AM Igor Escobar said the following:
> Hi Folks!
> A very long time ago i spend a little bit of my time to find how i can load
> a swf file, load an specific frame of that SWF File and save this like a JPG
> or any other format.
> I try the "ming" but it can't load a external swf movie. You only can CREATE
> a swf. I try the libswf too but i not have a success.
> Anyone have ANY idea that works?
I wonder if it is something like this class that you are looking for:
There are other PHP Flash solutions here:
Manuel Lemos
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