Dynamic array creation and tracking

Dynamic array creation and tracking

am 06.10.2009 18:18:38 von John Nichel

Howdy guys and girls. Been a long time since I've been in these parts.
My php is rusty these days, so please bare with me. I'm trying to
create a dynamic, multidimensional array, and keep track of which level
I'm on, opening and closing levels as needed. Lets say that I have some
data like the below:

[0] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> OrderFeed
[type] =3D> open
[level] =3D> 1
[attributes] =3D> Array
[version] =3D> 1.0

[value] =3D> -

[1] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> Order
[type] =3D> open
[level] =3D> 2
[value] =3D> -

[2] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> OrderId
[type] =3D> open
[level] =3D> 3

[3] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> E4XOrderId
[type] =3D> complete
[level] =3D> 4
[value] =3D> E4X000000000001

[4] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> MerchantOrderId
[type] =3D> complete
[level] =3D> 4
[value] =3D> Mrc0000001

[5] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> MerchantOrderRef
[type] =3D> complete
[level] =3D> 4
[value] =3D> ABCDEFGHI000001

[6] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> OrderId
[type] =3D> close
[level] =3D> 3

[7] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> Order
[value] =3D> -
[type] =3D> cdata
[level] =3D> 2

[8] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> OrderDate
[type] =3D> open
[level] =3D> 3

[9] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> CreateDate
[type] =3D> complete
[level] =3D> 4
[value] =3D> 12-03-2007

[10] =3D> Array
[tag] =3D> ExpiryDate
[type] =3D> complete
[level] =3D> 4
[value] =3D> 12-15-2007

I create an empty array before I start looping through this data:

$newArray =3D array();

Now, when looping through the data, every time I encounter a 'tag' that
is of the open 'type' I need to create a new array within the base array
with the value of 'tag' as the index:


So on and so forth. When I get to a 'tag' that is of the 'type'
complete, I need to make that a name value pair in the current level of
the array:

[OrderFeed] =3D> Array
[Order] =3D Array
[OrderID] =3D Array
[CreateDate] =3D> 12-03-2007

And when I get to 'tag' of the close 'type', I need to move up one level
in the array. I have tried using another array just to keep track of
what level of the array I'm currently on, but I can seem to figure out
how to form the master array out of it. In the above example, I would
have an array with the 'OrderFeed', 'Order' and 'OrderID' as the three
elements in it. If I encounter and 'open' tag, I add that value onto
the end of the 'tracking' array, and when I encounter a 'close' tag, I
just pop the last element off of the tracking array. So basically, I'm
trying to take the values in my 'tracking' array....


And somehow, use them to keep track of where I am in the dynamic
$newArray. I hope this makes sense....I know what I want to do in my
head, but I'm not sure I'm getting it out well here. Any suggestions?

John C. Nichel IV
System Administrator
716.362.9212 x16

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Re: Dynamic array creation and tracking

am 06.10.2009 19:11:42 von TedD

At 12:18 PM -0400 10/6/09, John Nichel wrote:
>Howdy guys and girls. Been a long time since I've been in these parts.
>My php is rusty these days, so please bare with me. I'm trying to
>create a dynamic, multidimensional array, and keep track of which level
>I'm on, opening and closing levels as needed. Lets say that I have some
>data like the below:

Hi John:

Not that it matters, but I remember you. You left the list a couple
of years ago. But only after you publicly stated that you added me to
your kill file because I asked a question in a manner that you didn't
approve. Well, I hope those days are past -- we're usually bit more
understanding and less confrontational on this list now. The idea
here is to help -- so, welcome to the list.

What you are asking is much like parsing an xml file. I don't know
where you're getting your data, you didn't say other than you
mentioned "tags", but you might find this of help:


and more specifically:


That seems to mimic what you are trying to do.

As far as keeping track of what level you're on, there are several
Parser functions to explore such as byte_index, line_number, and
column_number. Perhaps those will help.


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