[ANNOUNCE] Taglibs moves to Tomcat
am 10.10.2009 23:20:18 von bayardThe Jakarta Taglibs project has been retired. The majority of the taglibs
themselves have been, or already were, retired, whilst three of them
have been moved over to the Apache Tomcat project where they will
go by the name of Apache Taglibs. These three taglibs are:
* RDC Taglib - Reusable Dialog Components (used in voice applications)
* Standard Taglib - Apache's implementation of the JSTL specifications
1.0, 1.1 and the unreleased 1.2.
* an in development Extended Taglib that is intended to add tags and
functions 'missing' from JSTL.
The User list has been maintained and moved over to the
tomcat.apache.org domain name, while the main Tomcat development
list will be used for contributor discussions.
For the list of Taglibs that have been retired, please see:
For the continuing development at Tomcat, please see:
Thank you,
Henri Yandell
on behalf of the Jakarta PMC