Is there any way to get all the function name being called in a

Is there any way to get all the function name being called in a

am 23.10.2009 08:24:34 von satya narayan

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I am working on reverse engineering for a web project. I was trying to know
that, is there any way(function by PHP, Zend, extension etc)
to find out how many function has been called to perform a task.

If no, can you suggest is it possible/feasible or not?

Thanks in advance


RE: Is there any way to get all the function name beingcalled in a process?

am 23.10.2009 10:27:25 von Andrea Giammarchi

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> Date: Fri=2C 23 Oct 2009 11:54:34 +0530
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [PHP] Is there any way to get all the function name being called=
in a process?
> Hi=2C
> I am working on reverse engineering for a web project. I was trying to kn=
> that=2C is there any way(function by PHP=2C Zend=2C extension etc)
> to find out how many function has been called to perform a task.
> If no=2C can you suggest is it possible/feasible or not?
> Thanks in advance
> --=20
> Satya
> Bangalore.
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RE: Is there any way to get all the function name beingcalled in a process?

am 23.10.2009 12:41:13 von Ashley Sheridan

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On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 10:27 +0200, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

> php
> get_defined_functions
> Regards
> > Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:54:34 +0530
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: [PHP] Is there any way to get all the function name being call=
ed in a process?
> >=20
> > Hi,
> >=20
> > I am working on reverse engineering for a web project. I was trying to =
> > that, is there any way(function by PHP, Zend, extension etc)
> > to find out how many function has been called to perform a task.
> >=20
> > If no, can you suggest is it possible/feasible or not?
> >=20
> >=20
> > Thanks in advance
> > --=20
> > Satya
> > Bangalore.
> =20
> ____________________________________________________________ _____
> Keep your friends updatedâ€=94even when youâ€=99re not signed in.
> it-in-action/=
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That won't do what the OP asked, it will just return a list of all the
functions defined, which could be a lot more than is actually being used
in a process, such as in the case of included libraries of functions.

Would some form of PHP debugger help here? I've not used any debuggers
before, but I would imagine that this is something which could be
achieved quite easily with one.



RE: Is there any way to get all the function name beingcalled in a process?

am 23.10.2009 13:43:44 von Andrea Giammarchi

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> That won't do what the OP asked=2C it will just return a list of all the
> functions defined=2C which could be a lot more than is actually being use=
> in a process=2C such as in the case of included libraries of functions.

uhm=2C right=2C I guess APD then:

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Re: Is there any way to get all the function name being called

am 23.10.2009 13:55:13 von satya narayan

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Thank a lot.

APD is just doing what I was looking for.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

> > That won't do what the OP asked, it will just return a list of all the
> > functions defined, which could be a lot more than is actually being used
> > in a process, such as in the case of included libraries of functions.
> uhm, right, I guess APD then:
> Regards
> ------------------------------
> Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.



Re: Is there any way to get all the function name being called

am 23.10.2009 14:08:59 von kranthi

even APD is not up to the task....

xdebug trace is sufficient, but
the output will be in a separate file.

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Re: Is there any way to get all the function name being called

am 23.10.2009 16:31:10 von Eddie Drapkin

There's xdebug, as mentioned, that'll do it as an extension.

What you REALLY probably are looking for is

And what kind of reverse engineering would you be doing without
reflection? ( ) ;]

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RE: Is there any way to get all the function name beingcalled in a process?

am 23.10.2009 17:10:36 von Andrea Giammarchi

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> even APD is not up to the task....
> xdebug trace is sufficient=2C but
> the output will be in a separate file.

> Thank a lot.
> APD is just doing what I was looking for.
> --=20
> Satya
> Bangalore.

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