What is the best practice for adding persistence to an MVC model?
What is the best practice for adding persistence to an MVC model?
am 27.10.2009 07:27:07 von Eric Bauman
I'm in the process of implementing an ultra-light MVC framework in PHP.
It seems to be a common opinion that the loading of data from a
database, file etc. should be independent of the Model, and I agree.
What I'm unsure of is the best way to link this "data layer" into MVC.
I've considered a few options:
*Datastore interacts with Model*
public function update()
$model = $this->loadModel('foo');
$data = $this->loadDataStore('foo', $model);
$data->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates Model
$data->save(); //reads data from Model and saves
*Controller mediates between Model and Datastore*
Seems a bit verbose and requires the model to know that a datastore exists.
public function update()
$model = $this->loadModel('foo');
$data = $this->loadDataStore('foo');
$model->getDataStore->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates Model
$model->getDataStore->save(); //reads data from Model and saves
*Datastore extends Model*
What happens if we want to save a Model extending a database datastore
to a flatfile datastore?
public function update()
$model = $this->loadHybrid('foo'); //get_class == Datastore_Database
$model->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates
$model->save(); //saves
*Model extends datastore*
This allows for Model portability, but it seems wrong to extend like
this. Further, the datastore cannot make use of any of the Model's methods.
//controller extends model
public function update()
$model = $this->loadHybrid('foo'); //get_class == Model
$model->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates
$model->save(); //saves
Any input on the "best" option - or alternative - would be most appreciated.
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Re: What is the best practice for adding persistence to an MVC model?
am 27.10.2009 11:15:33 von Tony Marston
It sounds like you need a combination of MVC and the 3 Tier Architecture.
They are not the same thing, for reasons described at
http://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/infrastructure-faq.html #faq26
I have combined both these patterns in the Radicore framework - take a look
at http://www.radicore.org/. If you don't like the idea of downloading a
large framework there is a small sample application described in
http://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/sample-application.html which is
available for download.
Basically you need to have code in every business object (every object in
the Business layer) which communicates with a separate object for all its
database access. This is known as a Data Access Object as it exists in the
Data Access layer.
If you do it right it will be possible to have a separate DAO for each DBMS
so that you can switch between one database engine and another by simply
changing a single configuration variable. In my own framework I have
implemented DAOs for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle.
Tony Marston
"Eric Bauman" wrote in message
> I'm in the process of implementing an ultra-light MVC framework in PHP. It
> seems to be a common opinion that the loading of data from a database,
> file etc. should be independent of the Model, and I agree. What I'm unsure
> of is the best way to link this "data layer" into MVC.
> I've considered a few options:
> *Datastore interacts with Model*
> //controller
> public function update()
> {
> $model = $this->loadModel('foo');
> $data = $this->loadDataStore('foo', $model);
> $data->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates Model
> $model->setBar('bar');
> $data->save(); //reads data from Model and saves
> }
> *Controller mediates between Model and Datastore*
> Seems a bit verbose and requires the model to know that a datastore
> exists.
> //controller
> public function update()
> {
> $model = $this->loadModel('foo');
> $data = $this->loadDataStore('foo');
> $model->setDataStore($data);
> $model->getDataStore->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates Model
> $model->setBar('bar');
> $model->getDataStore->save(); //reads data from Model and saves
> }
> *Datastore extends Model*
> What happens if we want to save a Model extending a database datastore to
> a flatfile datastore?
> //controller
> public function update()
> {
> $model = $this->loadHybrid('foo'); //get_class == Datastore_Database
> $model->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates
> $model->setBar('bar');
> $model->save(); //saves
> }
> *Model extends datastore*
> This allows for Model portability, but it seems wrong to extend like this.
> Further, the datastore cannot make use of any of the Model's methods.
> //controller extends model
> public function update()
> {
> $model = $this->loadHybrid('foo'); //get_class == Model
> $model->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates
> $model->setBar('bar');
> $model->save(); //saves
> }
> Any input on the "best" option - or alternative - would be most
> appreciated.
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RE: What is the best practice for adding persistence to anMVC model?
am 27.10.2009 12:14:27 von Mert Oztekin
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RE: What is the best practice for adding persistence to an MVC model?
am 27.10.2009 15:34:52 von David Murphy
Content-Type: text/plain;
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I take a different approach :
// In the MainHandler
Class UserController {
function __construct($objDataStore=3Dfalse){
$this->DataStore =3D new instanceof($this).STORAGECLASSNAME ;
Function update(){
$data =3D $this->DataStore->Load("foo");
This assumes your using DBO so the loaded foo object inherited the =
settings/methods from the DB Datastore.
Thus letting you passing a different datastore object or it builds =
one based on the model name and the storage type you set as a constant.
However it still links the two together so you can use $this calls to =
reference the DataStore of the Model layer.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mert Oztekin [mailto:moztekin@anadolusigorta.com.tr]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 6:14 AM
> To: 'Eric Bauman'; php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: RE: [PHP] What is the best practice for adding persistence to =
an MVC
> model?
> Hi Eric,
> IMO, controllers shouldnt be responsible for interacting models and
> datastoreres. Controllers might only change the datastore class of a =
> You may use your models in lots of controller functions. Defining =
datastore in
> all controllers seems not a good practice. (too much unneccessary =
> written)
> A simple example
> //controller
> Public function doItController()
> {
> $user =3D new user();
> // $user->setDataStorer(new anotherDataStorer()); // this is =
optional if
> you want to change models datastorer
> $user->loadUserFromId(1);
> }
> // model
> Class user
> {
> Protected $_dataStorer =3D null;
> Public function loadUserFromId($id =3D 0)
> {
> // codes codes codes
> $result =3D =
$this->getDataStorer()->query("select .....");
> // codes codes codes
> }
> // codes codes codes
> Public function getDataStorer()
> {
> if(null == $this->_dataStorer)
> $this->_dataStorer =3D new =
> return $this->_dataStorer;
> }
> Public function setDataStorer($newStorer)
> {
> $this->_dataStorer =3D $newStorer;
> }
> }
> Hope it will be usefull and understandable
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Bauman [mailto:baumane@livejournal.dk]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 8:27 AM
> To: php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: [PHP] What is the best practice for adding persistence to an =
> model?
> I'm in the process of implementing an ultra-light MVC framework in =
> It seems to be a common opinion that the loading of data from a =
> file etc. should be independent of the Model, and I agree.
> What I'm unsure of is the best way to link this "data layer" into MVC.
> I've considered a few options:
> *Datastore interacts with Model*
> //controller
> public function update()
> {
> $model =3D $this->loadModel('foo');
> $data =3D $this->loadDataStore('foo', $model);
> $data->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates Model
> $model->setBar('bar');
> $data->save(); //reads data from Model and saves
> }
> *Controller mediates between Model and Datastore*
> Seems a bit verbose and requires the model to know that a datastore =
> //controller
> public function update()
> {
> $model =3D $this->loadModel('foo');
> $data =3D $this->loadDataStore('foo');
> $model->setDataStore($data);
> $model->getDataStore->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates Model
> $model->setBar('bar');
> $model->getDataStore->save(); //reads data from Model and saves
> }
> *Datastore extends Model*
> What happens if we want to save a Model extending a database datastore =
> a flatfile datastore?
> //controller
> public function update()
> {
> $model =3D $this->loadHybrid('foo'); //get_class == =
> $model->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates
> $model->setBar('bar');
> $model->save(); //saves
> }
> *Model extends datastore*
> This allows for Model portability, but it seems wrong to extend like =
> Further, the datastore cannot make use of any of the Model's methods.
> //controller extends model
> public function update()
> {
> $model =3D $this->loadHybrid('foo'); //get_class == Model
> $model->loadBar(9); //loads data and populates
> $model->setBar('bar');
> $model->save(); //saves
> }
> Any input on the "best" option - or alternative - would be most =
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit:
> http://www.php.net/unsub.php
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Re: What is the best practice for adding persistence to an
am 27.10.2009 16:30:11 von Paul M Foster
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 05:27:07PM +1100, Eric Bauman wrote:
> I'm in the process of implementing an ultra-light MVC framework in PHP.
> It seems to be a common opinion that the loading of data from a
> database, file etc. should be independent of the Model, and I agree.
> What I'm unsure of is the best way to link this "data layer" into MVC.
I disagree. There should be database class(es) which know how to deal
with the datastore(s). This may be as simple as a thin layer over the
PDO classes. The model talks to and uses the database class, and is the
only component which deals with the database class. The model serves up
whatever data the controller needs to feed to the view.
All are welcome to disagree.
Paul M. Foster
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
Re: What is the best practice for adding persistence to an MVC
am 27.10.2009 17:11:32 von David Otton
2009/10/27 Paul M Foster :
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 05:27:07PM +1100, Eric Bauman wrote:
>> I'm in the process of implementing an ultra-light MVC framework in PHP.
>> It seems to be a common opinion that the loading of data from a
>> database, file etc. should be independent of the Model, and I agree.
>> What I'm unsure of is the best way to link this "data layer" into MVC.
> I disagree. There should be database class(es) which know how to deal
Paul, you already did this in one of Eric's threads a couple of weeks
back, and the best you could come up with when pressed was "Probably
not a great example, but...". Is it really necessary to rehash this?
Eric, I recommend reading up on how to develop testable code
(especially Mock Objects) - it's great discipline because it requires
everything to be decoupled.
The short version is that it's often useful in unit testing to "fake"
the classes that your target relies on, so that you're testing it in
isolation. For example you could provide the class under test with a
fake DB class that returns static results.
It's much easier to do this when you pass objects /to/ your class:
class MyClass {
function MyClass($db) {
than when your class inherits from the object:
class MyClass extends Db {
or when the class instantiates the object:
class MyClass {
function MyClass() {
$this->db = new DB_CLASS;
If you go with the first approach, you're writing code that you and
anyone who comes after you can write useful tests for. The others, and
you're denying maintenance programmers a useful tool.
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: What is the best practice for adding persistence to an
am 27.10.2009 17:39:12 von Paul M Foster
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 04:11:32PM +0000, David Otton wrote:
> 2009/10/27 Paul M Foster :
> > On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 05:27:07PM +1100, Eric Bauman wrote:
> >> I'm in the process of implementing an ultra-light MVC framework in PHP.
> >> It seems to be a common opinion that the loading of data from a
> >> database, file etc. should be independent of the Model, and I agree.
> >> What I'm unsure of is the best way to link this "data layer" into MVC.
> > I disagree. There should be database class(es) which know how to deal
> Paul, you already did this in one of Eric's threads a couple of weeks
> back, and the best you could come up with when pressed was "Probably
> not a great example, but...". Is it really necessary to rehash this?
I don't track threads closely enough to know if it's the same OP on this
thread. Apologies if I'm repeating myself.
I don't recall anyone disputing my example, nor any effective rebuttal
at all. And by the time I finished writing that email, I thought it was
a better example than I originally believed.
Paul M. Foster
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: What is the best practice for adding persistence to an MVC
am 27.10.2009 17:39:32 von David Otton
2009/10/27 David Otton :
> If you go with the first approach, you're writing code that you and
> anyone who comes after you can write useful tests for. The others, and
> you're denying maintenance programmers a useful tool.
I should have lead with this: the wikipedia article on Dependency injection
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