Open Tables

Open Tables

am 28.10.2009 12:59:44 von uYe

I saw so many open tables in my server, is it dangerous? And if I
execute flush tables what does it impacts to the open tables? Thx.


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RE: Open Tables

am 28.10.2009 13:44:44 von Martin Gainty

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Generally this means you need to look at the schema design of your database=

If you are running a simple contact Database for Mom and Pop store and you =
have connections to 100 tables open then you would want to take a more seri=
ous look at the schema you are using to merge information from spurious one=
off tables..this process is called de-normalisation..
the effort would be to take the most often requested column of a table and =
integrate that columns definition and data into the driver table to reduce =
the IO and any possible contention of a join condition

if on the other hand you are running a enterprise portal with 1000 requests=
/second with just a few tables
open you would want to normalise the data and separate the columns into oth=
er tables so as to place those columns into discrete tables which would be =
created/named based on functionality..associations between tables should al=
ways be unique
and may involve concatenated columns the most famous example is OrderLine I=
tem which consists of=20
OrderID from Order-Header and OrderLineItemID

i hope this addresses your requirement
Martin Gainty=20
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> Subject: Open Tables
> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed=2C 28 Oct 2009 18:59:44 +0700
> I saw so many open tables in my server=2C is it dangerous? And if I
> execute flush tables what does it impacts to the open tables? Thx.
> Willy
> --=20
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