Help Save MySQL

Help Save MySQL

am 17.12.2009 11:19:12 von John.Daisley

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SnVzdCB3YW50ZWQgdG8gc2VlIHdoYXQgcGVvcGxlIHRob3VnaHQgYWJvdXQg dGhlIG9mZmVyIGZy
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IGRldmVsb3AgTXlTUUwgYnV0IGFyZSB0aGV5IHNlcmlvdXM/IDHigqwgZm9y IGEgcHJvZml0YWJs
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cnVzZXMgYnkgdGhlIE1lc3NhZ2VMYWJzIFZpcnVzIENvbnRyb2wgQ2VudHJl Lgo=


RE: Help Save MySQL

am 17.12.2009 17:16:01 von Neil Aggarwal

> If thatâ€=99s what the price is going to be then perhaps I should=20
> offer 2₠or maybe MySQL users should get together submit a=20
> realistic offer.

This sounds interesting... Get a community effort to accept
donations and purchase MySQL. Then, put it under the GPL
and make sure nobody owns it.


Neil Aggarwal, (281)846-8957,
Host your MySQL database on a CentOS virtual server for $25/mo
Unmetered bandwidth =3D no overage charges, 7 day free trial

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Re: Help Save MySQL

am 17.12.2009 17:39:16 von brunomagalhaes

Hi Guys,

Let's say that every mysql developer (here I am thinking only persons, =
not companies) that wants mysql to go forward would contribute from =
$500,00 to $1500,00, how much are we talking about? And we would have a =
100% community owned and community driven open source initiative...

Course, there are many others management problems and legal issues to =
solve, but if anybody would join me I would be the first one! And also =
would be a REMARKABLE adventure and maybe the next step for the open =
source initiatives around the world...

Best Regards
Bruno B. B. Magalh=E3es

Rua Real Grandeza 193, Sala 210, Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil

+55 (21) 9695-2263
+55 (21) 2266-0597

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On Dec 17, 2009, at 2:16 PM, Neil Aggarwal wrote:

>> If that=92s what the price is going to be then perhaps I should=20
>> offer 2=80 or maybe MySQL users should get together submit a=20
>> realistic offer.
> This sounds interesting... Get a community effort to accept
> donations and purchase MySQL. Then, put it under the GPL
> and make sure nobody owns it.
> Neil
> --
> Neil Aggarwal, (281)846-8957,
> Host your MySQL database on a CentOS virtual server for $25/mo
> Unmetered bandwidth =3D no overage charges, 7 day free trial
> --
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives:
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Re: Help Save MySQL

am 17.12.2009 18:03:40 von Martijn Tonies


>Let's say that every mysql developer (here I am thinking only persons, not
>companies) that wants mysql to go >forward would contribute from $500,00 to
>$1500,00, how much are we talking about? And we would have a >100%
>community owned and community driven open source initiative...
>Course, there are many others management problems and legal issues to
>solve, but if anybody would join me I >would be the first one! And also
>would be a REMARKABLE adventure and maybe the next step for the open
> >source initiatives around the world...

Brilliant... now, whose gonna run the project? ;-)

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

Download Database Workbench for Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase SQL
Anywhere, MySQL, InterBase, NexusDB and Firebird!

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Re: Help Save MySQL

am 17.12.2009 18:10:58 von brunomagalhaes

Maybe a three-years consul composed from and elected by the community =
(by community I mean the people that contributed with funds, not the =
user community) by voting?

Bruno B. B. Magalh=E3es

Rua Real Grandeza 193, Sala 210, Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil

+55 (21) 9695-2263
+55 (21) 2266-0597

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On Dec 17, 2009, at 3:03 PM, Martijn Tonies wrote:

> Hey,
>> Let's say that every mysql developer (here I am thinking only =
persons, not companies) that wants mysql to go >forward would contribute =
from $500,00 to $1500,00, how much are we talking about? And we would =
have a >100% community owned and community driven open source =
>> Course, there are many others management problems and legal issues to =
solve, but if anybody would join me I >would be the first one! And also =
would be a REMARKABLE adventure and maybe the next step for the open =
>source initiatives around the world...
> Brilliant... now, whose gonna run the project? ;-)
> With regards,
> Martijn Tonies
> Upscene Productions
> Download Database Workbench for Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase SQL
> Anywhere, MySQL, InterBase, NexusDB and Firebird!
> Database questions? Check the forum:
> --=20
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe: =

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Re: Help Save MySQL

am 17.12.2009 18:22:47 von Martijn Tonies

>Maybe a three-years consul composed from and elected by the community (by
>community I mean the people >that contributed with funds, not the user
>community) by voting?

I have been quite closely involved in doing this for the Firebird
project, you would be amazed as to how hard it is to get things
going, even for a large community like Firebird.

Having seen this from up close and personal, I have a lot of
respect for the people that actually get things done...

>> Let's say that every mysql developer (here I am thinking only persons,
>> not companies) that wants mysql to go >forward would contribute from
>> $500,00 to $1500,00, how much are we talking about? And we would have a
>> >100% community owned and community driven open source initiative...
>> Course, there are many others management problems and legal issues to
>> solve, but if anybody would join me I >would be the first one! And also
>> would be a REMARKABLE adventure and maybe the next step for the open
>> >source initiatives around the world...
> Brilliant... now, whose gonna run the project? ;-)

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

Download Database Workbench for Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase SQL
Anywhere, MySQL, InterBase, NexusDB and Firebird!

Database questions? Check the forum:

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RE: Help Save MySQL

am 17.12.2009 19:58:15 von John Daisley


I wasn't exactly joking when i suggested users put up an offer but the comp=
lexity of doing so is huge.

I don't know what value Sun or Oracle would put on MySQL as it stands and t=
here are lots of issues not least those existing MySQL customers with contr=
acts which need to be honoured by any new owner.=20

Legal issues aside i would be up for the 'journey' but we'd need a lot of u=
s or some deep pockets or some backing maybe from one of the big corporate =
users (Google maybe?).=20

I don't think we'll see Oracle disposing of MySQL a bargain basement price =
unless a regulator demands it (unlikely).



John Daisley

MySQL 5.0 Certified Database Administrator (CMDBA)
MySQL 5.0 Certified Developer
Cognos BI Developer

Telephone: +44(0)1283 537111
Mobile: +44(0)7812 451238


Sent via HP IPAQ mobile device=0A=
-----Original Message-----=0A=
From: Bruno B. B. Magalhaes
Sent: 17 December 2009 17:06
Subject: Re: Help Save MySQL

Hi Guys,

Let's say that every mysql developer (here I am thinking only persons, not=
companies) that wants mysql to go forward would contribute from $500,00 to=
$1500,00, how much are we talking about? And we would have a 100% communit=
y owned and community driven open source initiative...

Course, there are many others management problems and legal issues to solv=
e, but if anybody would join me I would be the first one! And also would be=
a REMARKABLE adventure and maybe the next step for the open source initiat=
ives around the world...

Best Regards
Bruno B. B. Magalh=E3es

Rua Real Grandeza 193, Sala 210, Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil

+55 (21) 9695-2263
+55 (21) 2266-0597

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On Dec 17, 2009, at 2:16 PM, Neil Aggarwal wrote:

>> If that's what the price is going to be then perhaps I should
>> offer 2=A4 or maybe MySQL users should get together submit a
>> realistic offer.
> This sounds interesting...=A0 Get a community effort to accept
> donations and purchase MySQL.=A0 Then, put it under the GPL
> and make sure nobody owns it.
>      =A0 Neil
> --
> Neil Aggarwal, (281)846-8957,
> Host your MySQL database on a CentOS virtual server for $25/mo
> Unmetered bandwidth =3D no overage charges, 7 day free trial
> --
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:  =A0

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:  =A0

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Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 08:21:51 von Claudio Nanni - TomTom

I am in!

Bruno B. B. Magalhaes wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Let's say that every mysql developer (here I am thinking only persons, not companies) that wants mysql to go forward would contribute from $500,00 to $1500,00, how much are we talking about? And we would have a 100% community owned and community driven open source initiative...
> Course, there are many others management problems and legal issues to solve, but if anybody would join me I would be the first one! And also would be a REMARKABLE adventure and maybe the next step for the open source initiatives around the world...
> Best Regards
> Bruno B. B. Magalhães
> Rua Real Grandeza 193, Sala 210, Botafogo
> Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil
> +55 (21) 9695-2263
> +55 (21) 2266-0597
> Esta mensagem pode conter informação confidencial e/ou privilegiada. Se você não for o destinatário ou a pessoa autorizada a receber esta mensagem, não pode usar, copiar ou divulgar as informações nela contidas ou tomar qualquer ação baseada nessas informações. Se você recebeu esta mensagem por engano, por favor avise imediatamente o remetente, respondendo o e-mail e em seguida apague-o. Agradecemos sua cooperação.
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> On Dec 17, 2009, at 2:16 PM, Neil Aggarwal wrote:
>>> If that’s what the price is going to be then perhaps I should
>>> offer 2€ or maybe MySQL users should get together submit a
>>> realistic offer.
>> This sounds interesting... Get a community effort to accept
>> donations and purchase MySQL. Then, put it under the GPL
>> and make sure nobody owns it.
>> Neil
>> --
>> Neil Aggarwal, (281)846-8957,
>> Host your MySQL database on a CentOS virtual server for $25/mo
>> Unmetered bandwidth = no overage charges, 7 day free trial
>> --
>> MySQL General Mailing List
>> For list archives:
>> To unsubscribe:

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 17:36:31 von mos

Instead of forming a group hug and singing kumbuya to save MySQL, why
don't we take some action to prevent Oracle from keeping
(destroying/crippling) MySQL?

Who are the regulatory bodies that will decide whether Oracle can keep
MySQL? Both in Europe and North America? Asia?
What are their email addresses? They may not realize how destructive
Oracle can be to the future of MySQL and the number of MySQL database
installations this will affect.

I think we should start a writing campaign to the regulatory bodies to
force (or encourage) them to have Oracle to sell or spin off MySQL to
another party. What we need is ACTION.

So if someone could provide us with the names of these regulatory parties
and their email addresses, we can try to light a fire under them to put
pressure on Oracle. A web page to SaveMySQL would also help get our message

What do you think guys? Can someone provide us with the names and email
addresses of the regulatory bodies, or would you rather I post the lyrics
to kumbuya?


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Fwd: Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 17:56:30 von brunomagalhaes

Lets register the domain, build a champain,
and ask all our partners, clients and friends to support to it?

And let's make some noise... Let's engage the society and big
companies like Google, Facebook, twitter, 37Signals, Amazon, Percona,
etc. And starting talking to the media like,
BusinessWeek, ZD.Net, etc.

Without society's engagement we won't acomplish anything!

Bruno B. B. Magalhães
Sócio-Diretor de Negócios e Tecnologia

Rua Real Grandeza 193/210, Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil

+55 (21) 9996-1093
+55 (21) 2266-0597

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Quoting mos :

> Instead of forming a group hug and singing kumbuya to save MySQL, why
> don't we take some action to prevent Oracle from keeping
> (destroying/crippling) MySQL?
> Who are the regulatory bodies that will decide whether Oracle can keep
> MySQL? Both in Europe and North America? Asia?
> What are their email addresses? They may not realize how destructive
> Oracle can be to the future of MySQL and the number of MySQL database
> installations this will affect.
> I think we should start a writing campaign to the regulatory bodies to
> force (or encourage) them to have Oracle to sell or spin off MySQL to
> another party. What we need is ACTION.
> So if someone could provide us with the names of these regulatory
> parties and their email addresses, we can try to light a fire under
> them to put pressure on Oracle. A web page to SaveMySQL would also help
> get our message across.
> What do you think guys? Can someone provide us with the names and email
> addresses of the regulatory bodies, or would you rather I post the
> lyrics to kumbuya?
> Mike
> --=20
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:

----- End forwarded message -----

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe: rg

Re: Fwd: Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 18:12:23 von Peter Brawley

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Twenty bucks a year to hold the domain name. I'll do it if a couple of
folks volunteer to help set up the page.



Bruno B. B. Magalhães wrote:
> Lets register the domain, build a champain,
> and ask all our partners, clients and friends to support to it?
> And let's make some noise... Let's engage the society and big
> companies like Google, Facebook, twitter, 37Signals, Amazon, Percona,
> etc. And starting talking to the media like,
> BusinessWeek, ZD.Net, etc.
> Without society's engagement we won't acomplish anything!
> Regards,
> Bruno B. B. Magalhães
> Sócio-Diretor de Negócios e Tecnologia
> Rua Real Grandeza 193/210, Botafogo
> Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil
> +55 (21) 9996-1093
> +55 (21) 2266-0597
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> Se você não
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> cooperation.
> Quoting mos :
>> Instead of forming a group hug and singing kumbuya to save MySQL, why
>> don't we take some action to prevent Oracle from keeping
>> (destroying/crippling) MySQL?
>> Who are the regulatory bodies that will decide whether Oracle can keep
>> MySQL? Both in Europe and North America? Asia?
>> What are their email addresses? They may not realize how destructive
>> Oracle can be to the future of MySQL and the number of MySQL database
>> installations this will affect.
>> I think we should start a writing campaign to the regulatory bodies to
>> force (or encourage) them to have Oracle to sell or spin off MySQL to
>> another party. What we need is ACTION.
>> So if someone could provide us with the names of these regulatory
>> parties and their email addresses, we can try to light a fire under
>> them to put pressure on Oracle. A web page to SaveMySQL would also help
>> get our message across.
>> What do you think guys? Can someone provide us with the names and email
>> addresses of the regulatory bodies, or would you rather I post the
>> lyrics to kumbuya?
>> Mike
>> --
>> MySQL General Mailing List
>> For list archives:
>> To unsubscribe:
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Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 18:20:29 von Michael Katz

You wanna help MySQL? Here's an idea - buy something.

Everyone wants great software for free but the paid conversion rates on
open source are a joke. I know nothing of MySQL numbers for conversion
to paid versions but I would guess they are low.

Unfortunately the reality is that open source has become a business
model for billionaires as the community cuts it's own oxygen supply off
by not purchasing anything. Mega billionaires like Google want
everything free because it stifles competition from small companies that
can't afford to compete on the no-fee playing field. Other projects
like Mozilla were founded by rich dudes with an ax to grind. There
probably aren't many successful ACTIVE open source projects now-a-days
with real, current impact that aren't supported by a mega rich guy,
foundation, school, country or company. Certainly MySQL is hurting a
billionaire now so that can be pretty dangerous.

The only hope for MySQL is that a rich dude, country, school or company
appears that feels that MySQL will help change the world or put someone
else out of business. Of course we could raise the paid conversion
rates and that would help as well but there is very scant evidence that
this is possible.
Sorry for the cynicism but it's just the truth.

Michael Katz

mos wrote:
> Instead of forming a group hug and singing kumbuya to save MySQL, why
> don't we take some action to prevent Oracle from keeping
> (destroying/crippling) MySQL?
> Who are the regulatory bodies that will decide whether Oracle can keep
> MySQL? Both in Europe and North America? Asia?
> What are their email addresses? They may not realize how destructive
> Oracle can be to the future of MySQL and the number of MySQL database
> installations this will affect.
> I think we should start a writing campaign to the regulatory bodies to
> force (or encourage) them to have Oracle to sell or spin off MySQL to
> another party. What we need is ACTION.
> So if someone could provide us with the names of these regulatory
> parties and their email addresses, we can try to light a fire under them
> to put pressure on Oracle. A web page to SaveMySQL would also help get
> our message across.
> What do you think guys? Can someone provide us with the names and email
> addresses of the regulatory bodies, or would you rather I post the
> lyrics to kumbuya?
> Mike

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Fwd: Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 18:21:26 von brunomagalhaes

Peter and all,

I will register and host it, without charging anyone anything, neither =20
use it for any kind of advertising or anything besides to create a hub =20
for this champain. I just want to give something back to the =20
initiative and the community that helped me so much in the past...

I suggest using Monty (if he aggrees) letter as base and start =20
spreeding the word.

Bruno B. B. Magalhães
Sócio-Diretor de Negócios e Tecnologia

Rua Real Grandeza 193/210, Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil

+55 (21) 9996-1093
+55 (21) 2266-0597

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immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you for your

Quoting Peter Brawley :

> Twenty bucks a year to hold the domain name. I'll do it if a couple of
> folks volunteer to help set up the page.
> PB
> -----
> Bruno B. B. Magalhães wrote:
>> Lets register the domain, build a champain,
>> and ask all our partners, clients and friends to support to it?
>> And let's make some noise... Let's engage the society and big
>> companies like Google, Facebook, twitter, 37Signals, Amazon, Percona,
>> etc. And starting talking to the media like,
>> BusinessWeek, ZD.Net, etc.
>> Without society's engagement we won't acomplish anything!
>> Regards,
>> Bruno B. B. Magalhães
>> Sócio-Diretor de Negócios e Tecnologia
>> Rua Real Grandeza 193/210, Botafogo
>> Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil
>> +55 (21) 9996-1093
>> +55 (21) 2266-0597
>> Esta mensagem pode conter informação confidencial e/ou privileg=
>> Se você não
>> for o destinatário ou a pessoa autorizada a receber esta mensagem, n=
ão pode
>> usar, copiar ou divulgar as informações nela contidas ou tomar =
qualquer ação
>> baseada nessas informações. Se você recebeu esta mensagem =
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>> por favor
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>> Agradecemos sua cooperação.
>> This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information.
>> If you are
>> not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee, you
>> must not
>> use, copy, disclose or take any action based on this message or any
>> information
>> herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sen=
>> immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you for your
>> cooperation.
>> Quoting mos :
>>> Instead of forming a group hug and singing kumbuya to save MySQL, why
>>> don't we take some action to prevent Oracle from keeping
>>> (destroying/crippling) MySQL?
>>> Who are the regulatory bodies that will decide whether Oracle can keep
>>> MySQL? Both in Europe and North America? Asia?
>>> What are their email addresses? They may not realize how destructive
>>> Oracle can be to the future of MySQL and the number of MySQL database
>>> installations this will affect.
>>> I think we should start a writing campaign to the regulatory bodies to
>>> force (or encourage) them to have Oracle to sell or spin off MySQL to
>>> another party. What we need is ACTION.
>>> So if someone could provide us with the names of these regulatory
>>> parties and their email addresses, we can try to light a fire under
>>> them to put pressure on Oracle. A web page to SaveMySQL would also help
>>> get our message across.
>>> What do you think guys? Can someone provide us with the names and email
>>> addresses of the regulatory bodies, or would you rather I post the
>>> lyrics to kumbuya?
>>> Mike
>>> --=20
>>> MySQL General Mailing List
>>> For list archives:
>>> To unsubscribe:
>> ----- End forwarded message -----
>> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.427 / Virus Database: =20
>> 270.14.113/2573 - Release Date: 12/18/09 07:35:00

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe: rg

Re: Fwd: Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 18:25:35 von Peter Brawley

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Actually just $8.95/year, I just registered Anybody want
to help set up the page?



Peter Brawley wrote:
> Twenty bucks a year to hold the domain name. I'll do it if a couple of
> folks volunteer to help set up the page.
> PB
> -----
> Bruno B. B. Magalhães wrote:
>> Lets register the domain, build a champain,
>> and ask all our partners, clients and friends to support to it?
>> And let's make some noise... Let's engage the society and big
>> companies like Google, Facebook, twitter, 37Signals, Amazon, Percona,
>> etc. And starting talking to the media like,
>> BusinessWeek, ZD.Net, etc.
>> Without society's engagement we won't acomplish anything!
>> Regards,
>> Bruno B. B. Magalhães
>> Sócio-Diretor de Negócios e Tecnologia
>> Rua Real Grandeza 193/210, Botafogo
>> Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil
>> +55 (21) 9996-1093
>> +55 (21) 2266-0597
>> Esta mensagem pode conter informação confidencial e/ou privilegiada.
>> Se você não
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>> baseada nessas informações. Se você recebeu esta mensagem por engano,
>> por favor
>> avise imediatamente o remetente, respondendo o e-mail e em seguida
>> apague-o.
>> Agradecemos sua cooperação.
>> This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information.
>> If you are
>> not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee, you
>> must not
>> use, copy, disclose or take any action based on this message or any
>> information
>> herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the
>> sender
>> immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you for your
>> cooperation.
>> Quoting mos :
>>> Instead of forming a group hug and singing kumbuya to save MySQL, why
>>> don't we take some action to prevent Oracle from keeping
>>> (destroying/crippling) MySQL?
>>> Who are the regulatory bodies that will decide whether Oracle can keep
>>> MySQL? Both in Europe and North America? Asia?
>>> What are their email addresses? They may not realize how destructive
>>> Oracle can be to the future of MySQL and the number of MySQL database
>>> installations this will affect.
>>> I think we should start a writing campaign to the regulatory bodies to
>>> force (or encourage) them to have Oracle to sell or spin off MySQL to
>>> another party. What we need is ACTION.
>>> So if someone could provide us with the names of these regulatory
>>> parties and their email addresses, we can try to light a fire under
>>> them to put pressure on Oracle. A web page to SaveMySQL would also help
>>> get our message across.
>>> What do you think guys? Can someone provide us with the names and email
>>> addresses of the regulatory bodies, or would you rather I post the
>>> lyrics to kumbuya?
>>> Mike
>>> --
>>> MySQL General Mailing List
>>> For list archives:
>>> To unsubscribe:
>> ----- End forwarded message -----
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>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.427 / Virus Database:
>> 270.14.113/2573 - Release Date: 12/18/09 07:35:00
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
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> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.5.427 / Virus Database: 270.14.113/2573 - Release Date: 12/18/09 07:35:00


Re: Fwd: Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 18:41:38 von Douglas Nelson

You guys are incredibly naive, Oracle has promised to support MySQL for
the next 5 years. Who better to have stewardship of a database product
then the leading database supplier. I think you guys have visions of
grandeur to think you could spend this kind of effort or resources to
build a better MySQL then Oracle. As for competing for market share
against the Oracle product.. you guys have obviously never used the
Oracle database it puts MySQL to shame in so many different ways and so
many different levels. Keeping MySQL around serves many purposes for
Oracle very nicely.. one of my favorites is the screws to IBM's DB2 and
Microsoft's Access... couple of real winners there I tell ya. Putting
MySQL in the hands of half cocked want-a-be's would surely be the death
blow to MySQL faster then Oracle would ever hope too.. should they
decide to. So at least for the next 5 years sit back and enjoy the ride!

Thanks Doug

Peter Brawley wrote:
> Actually just $8.95/year, I just registered Anybody
> want to help set up the page?
> PB
> -----
> Peter Brawley wrote:
>> Twenty bucks a year to hold the domain name. I'll do it if a couple
>> of folks volunteer to help set up the page.
>> PB
>> -----
>> Bruno B. B. Magalhães wrote:
>>> Lets register the domain, build a champain,
>>> and ask all our partners, clients and friends to support to it?
>>> And let's make some noise... Let's engage the society and big
>>> companies like Google, Facebook, twitter, 37Signals, Amazon, Percona,
>>> etc. And starting talking to the media like,
>>> BusinessWeek, ZD.Net, etc.
>>> Without society's engagement we won't acomplish anything!
>>> Regards,
>>> Bruno B. B. Magalhães
>>> Sócio-Diretor de Negócios e Tecnologia
>>> Rua Real Grandeza 193/210, Botafogo
>>> Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil
>>> +55 (21) 9996-1093
>>> +55 (21) 2266-0597
>>> Esta mensagem pode conter informação confidencial e/ou privilegiada.
>>> Se você não
>>> for o destinatário ou a pessoa autorizada a receber esta mensagem,
>>> não pode
>>> usar, copiar ou divulgar as informações nela contidas ou tomar
>>> qualquer ação
>>> baseada nessas informações. Se você recebeu esta mensagem por engano,
>>> por favor
>>> avise imediatamente o remetente, respondendo o e-mail e em seguida
>>> apague-o.
>>> Agradecemos sua cooperação.
>>> This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information.
>>> If you are
>>> not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee, you
>>> must not
>>> use, copy, disclose or take any action based on this message or any
>>> information
>>> herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise
>>> the sender
>>> immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you for your
>>> cooperation.
>>> Quoting mos :
>>>> Instead of forming a group hug and singing kumbuya to save MySQL, why
>>>> don't we take some action to prevent Oracle from keeping
>>>> (destroying/crippling) MySQL?
>>>> Who are the regulatory bodies that will decide whether Oracle can keep
>>>> MySQL? Both in Europe and North America? Asia?
>>>> What are their email addresses? They may not realize how destructive
>>>> Oracle can be to the future of MySQL and the number of MySQL database
>>>> installations this will affect.
>>>> I think we should start a writing campaign to the regulatory
>>>> bodies to
>>>> force (or encourage) them to have Oracle to sell or spin off MySQL to
>>>> another party. What we need is ACTION.
>>>> So if someone could provide us with the names of these regulatory
>>>> parties and their email addresses, we can try to light a fire under
>>>> them to put pressure on Oracle. A web page to SaveMySQL would also
>>>> help
>>>> get our message across.
>>>> What do you think guys? Can someone provide us with the names and
>>>> email
>>>> addresses of the regulatory bodies, or would you rather I post the
>>>> lyrics to kumbuya?
>>>> Mike
>>>> --
>>>> MySQL General Mailing List
>>>> For list archives:
>>>> To unsubscribe:
>>> ----- End forwarded message -----
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>> Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.427 / Virus Database:
>>> 270.14.113/2573 - Release Date: 12/18/09 07:35:00
>> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.427 / Virus Database:
>> 270.14.113/2573 - Release Date: 12/18/09 07:35:00

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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RE: Fwd: Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 20:07:37 von Shawn McKinley

Wow, so you are saying that MySQL is comparable to access eh? Have you loo=
ked at MySQL at all (I sure would hope so if you work for sun and are on a =
MySQL list)? Or maybe Wikipedia, Amazon, Cox Communications, craigslist, E=
bay, Facebook, Flickr, Google, Orbitz, Twitter, Yahoo!, YouTube, etc., etc.=
have all been bamboozled into thinking this little trashy database works.

I agree that to get the support that MySQL now (or did) enjoys will be a di=
fficult if not impossible task. But to try to degrade the software and the=
technological advances it has is truly na=EFve.

I am sure that MS is shaking with fear for Access.

Coming from Sun (I assume your email is for real), it would seem a bit dubi=
ous that you would cast MySQL in such a bad light since Sun paid how much t=
o acquire MySQL? $1 billion in total consideration? Could we, the public,=
not see this as someone trying to make a deal that they make money on more=

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas.Nelson@Sun.COM [mailto:Douglas.Nelson@Sun.COM]=20
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 11:42 AM
Cc: "Bruno B. B. Magalh=E3es";
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Help Save MySQL

You guys are incredibly naive, Oracle has promised to support MySQL for=20
the next 5 years. Who better to have stewardship of a database product=20
then the leading database supplier. I think you guys have visions of=20
grandeur to think you could spend this kind of effort or resources to=20
build a better MySQL then Oracle. As for competing for market share=20
against the Oracle product.. you guys have obviously never used the=20
Oracle database it puts MySQL to shame in so many different ways and so=20
many different levels. Keeping MySQL around serves many purposes for=20
Oracle very nicely.. one of my favorites is the screws to IBM's DB2 and=20
Microsoft's Access... couple of real winners there I tell ya. Putting=20
MySQL in the hands of half cocked want-a-be's would surely be the death=20
blow to MySQL faster then Oracle would ever hope too.. should they=20
decide to. So at least for the next 5 years sit back and enjoy the ride!

Thanks Doug

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe: rg

Re: Help Save MySQL

am 18.12.2009 20:19:23 von Robert Canary

I have to disagree, your degrading the open community that built MySQL (wel=
l supported it anyway). But now that it is doing well, your saying they ar=
en't good enough, after the fact they already built it. Yet it is good eno=
ugh to for SUN and Oracle to buy. As a small business owner, the last thing=
I am going to do is service a free product, that will compete with my cash=
flow product. Get real!! Oracle is not going to rescue MySQL. Oh they ar=
e willing take control of it, just so they can dumb it down, and use its co=
de in their own product. If you actually believe Oracle is going to servic=
e, update, and develop MySQL, then you are the naive one. Except naive isn=
't the word that comes to mind.

Having said that, a save-mysql-website is not the answer, if SUN wants to s=
ell it they have the right to do so, and sell it to the highest bidder, or =
the lowest, or whoever they feel like. MySQL belongs to SUN. Apparently t=
hey are serious about selling it off. With that in mind, if you want to st=
op the giant Oracle from oppressing MySQL you better step up and make SUN a=
n offer, because it is business, SUN will sell it. Selling to Oracle will =
not give Oracle a monopoly, therefore there is no grounds to prevent the se=

Again, SUN will sell it to Oracle unless someone gives SUN a better deal. =
It will not matter how many I-hate-Oracle or Anti-sell-to-Oracle websites a=
re created. This business people, big business.

Robert Canary
OCDirect Electrical-Datacomm
(270) 298-9331
(270) 955-0362

----- "Douglas Nelson" wrote:

> You guys are incredibly naive, Oracle has promised to support MySQL
> for
> the next 5 years. Who better to have stewardship of a database product
> then the leading database supplier. I think you guys have visions of
> grandeur to think you could spend this kind of effort or resources to
> build a better MySQL then Oracle. As for competing for market share
> against the Oracle product.. you guys have obviously never used the
> Oracle database it puts MySQL to shame in so many different ways and
> so
> many different levels. Keeping MySQL around serves many purposes for
> Oracle very nicely.. one of my favorites is the screws to IBM's DB2
> and
> Microsoft's Access... couple of real winners there I tell ya. Putting
> MySQL in the hands of half cocked want-a-be's would surely be the
> death
> blow to MySQL faster then Oracle would ever hope too.. should they
> decide to. So at least for the next 5 years sit back and enjoy the
> ride!
> Thanks Doug
> Peter Brawley wrote:
> > Actually just $8.95/year, I just registered Anybody
> > want to help set up the page?
> >
> > PB
> >
> > -----
> >
> > Peter Brawley wrote:
> >> Twenty bucks a year to hold the domain name. I'll do it if a couple
> >> of folks volunteer to help set up the page.
> >>
> >> PB
> >>
> >> -----
> >>
> >> Bruno B. B. Magalhães wrote:
> >>> Lets register the domain, build a
> champain,
> >>> and ask all our partners, clients and friends to support to it?
> >>>
> >>> And let's make some noise... Let's engage the society and big
> >>> companies like Google, Facebook, twitter, 37Signals, Amazon,
> Percona,
> >>> etc. And starting talking to the media like,
> >>> BusinessWeek, ZD.Net, etc.
> >>>
> >>> Without society's engagement we won't acomplish anything!
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Bruno B. B. Magalhães
> >>> Sócio-Diretor de Negócios e Tecnologia
> >>>
> >>> Rua Real Grandeza 193/210, Botafogo
> >>> Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22281-035, Brasil
> >>>
> >>> +55 (21) 9996-1093
> >>> +55 (21) 2266-0597
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Esta mensagem pode conter informação confidencial e/ou
> privilegiada.
> >>> Se você não
> >>> for o destinatário ou a pessoa autorizada a receber esta mensage=
> >>> não pode
> >>> usar, copiar ou divulgar as informações nela contidas ou to=
> >>> qualquer ação
> >>> baseada nessas informações. Se você recebeu esta mensa=
gem por
> engano,
> >>> por favor
> >>> avise imediatamente o remetente, respondendo o e-mail e em seguida
> >>> apague-o.
> >>> Agradecemos sua cooperação.
> >>>
> >>> This message may contain confidential and/or privileged
> information.
> >>> If you are
> >>> not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee,
> you
> >>> must not
> >>> use, copy, disclose or take any action based on this message or
> any
> >>> information
> >>> herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise
> >>> the sender
> >>> immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you for
> your
> >>> cooperation.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Quoting mos :
> >>>
> >>>> Instead of forming a group hug and singing kumbuya to save MySQL,
> why
> >>>> don't we take some action to prevent Oracle from keeping
> >>>> (destroying/crippling) MySQL?
> >>>>
> >>>> Who are the regulatory bodies that will decide whether Oracle can
> keep
> >>>> MySQL? Both in Europe and North America? Asia?
> >>>> What are their email addresses? They may not realize how
> destructive
> >>>> Oracle can be to the future of MySQL and the number of MySQL
> database
> >>>> installations this will affect.
> >>>>
> >>>> I think we should start a writing campaign to the regulatory
> >>>> bodies to
> >>>> force (or encourage) them to have Oracle to sell or spin off
> MySQL to
> >>>> another party. What we need is ACTION.
> >>>>
> >>>> So if someone could provide us with the names of these
> regulatory
> >>>> parties and their email addresses, we can try to light a fire
> under
> >>>> them to put pressure on Oracle. A web page to SaveMySQL would
> also
> >>>> help
> >>>> get our message across.
> >>>>
> >>>> What do you think guys? Can someone provide us with the names and
> >>>> email
> >>>> addresses of the regulatory bodies, or would you rather I post
> the
> >>>> lyrics to kumbuya?
> >>>>
> >>>> Mike
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> MySQL General Mailing List
> >>>> For list archives:
> >>>> To unsubscribe:
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ----- End forwarded message -----
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> No virus found in this incoming message.
> >>> Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.427 / Virus Database:
> >>> 270.14.113/2573 - Release Date: 12/18/09 07:35:00
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
> >>
> >>
> >> No virus found in this incoming message.
> >> Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.427 / Virus Database:
> >> 270.14.113/2573 - Release Date: 12/18/09 07:35:00
> >>
> >
> --
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe: =20

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe: rg

Re: Help Save MySQL

am 19.12.2009 21:18:44 von Tom Worster

On 12/18/09 12:41 PM, "Douglas Nelson" wrote:

> You guys are incredibly naive, Oracle has promised to support MySQL for
> the next 5 years.

thanks. you too.

> Who better to have stewardship of a database product
> then the leading database supplier.

almost anyone, since you ask.

> I think you guys have visions of
> grandeur to think you could spend this kind of effort or resources to
> build a better MySQL then Oracle.

indeed we do. and the vision is sufficiently supported by experience to

MySQL General Mailing List
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