Re: Logic of conditionals and the ( ) operators (RESOLVED)
am 18.12.2009 20:04:25 von Allen McCabe--001636e0a88084dbb6047b0568e2
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Thank you Ashley, it makes perfect sense. I don't know why I didn't just set
up some tests like Shiplu suggested!
I've rewritten all my code BACK to the correct way. (I thought it looked
cooler, oh well).
On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Ashley Sheridan
> On Fri, 2009-12-18 at 10:21 -0800, Allen McCabe wrote:
> In a nutshell:
> Will this work?
> if ($perm == (11 || 12))
> Explanation:
> I am laying the groundwork for a photo viewing system with a private and
> public mode, and additionally if an admin is logged in, there is an
> additional level of permission. I came up with a number system to make it
> easier (and is calcualted by a class) so now, instead of checking against
> the $mode variable, if the user is logged in, and then what their user level
> is if they are logged in, I just check against some numbers (the class
> evaluates all those conditions and assigns the appropriate number a single
> permission variable, $perm.
> That equates to if($perm == true) as 11 in this case translates to true
> (being a positive integer) The code never needs to figure out the || part,
> as the first part is true.
> I think what you'd want to do is possibly:
> if($perm == 11 || $perm == 12)
> Thanks,
> Ash