FrontPage reverted to revision 5 on Jakarta Wiki
am 14.01.2010 21:16:59 von Apache WikiDear wiki user,
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The page FrontPage has been reverted to revision 5 by SebastianBazley.
The comment on this change is: DeSpam. 3D7&rev2=3D8
#pragma section-numbers off
=3D Welcome to the Jakarta Wiki =3D
- || {{}} ||This is t=
he [[|Apache Wiki]] for the [[http://jakarta=|Jakarta]] community. To edit pages, visit [[UserPreferences|lo=
gin]] near the top right corner of any page to create a user profile or to =
login. Notifications of all changes you make will be sent to the general@ja=
karta mailing list, so we will be aware of your changes and we will happily=
correct any small mistakes that you might make. ||
+ || {{}} || This is=
the [[|Apache Wiki]] for the [[http://jakar=|Jakarta]] community. To edit pages, visit [[UserPreferences|=
login]] near the top right corner of any page to create a user profile or t=
o login. Notifications of all changes you make will be sent to the general@=
jakarta mailing list, so we will be aware of your changes and we will happi=
ly correct any small mistakes that you might make. ||
+ The Jakarta project is a collection of sub-projects that provide server-s=
ide solutions using the Java language.
+ The Apache Software Foundation also hosts projects written in Java which =
are not managed as part of the Jakarta project; =
+ see the list of top-level projects at [[|the main ap=
ache website]] and [[|the main Apache Wiki]] for info=
rmation on these.
- The Jakarta project is a collection of sub-projects that provide server-s=
ide solutions using the Java language. The Apache Software Foundation also =
hosts projects written in Java which are not managed as part of the Jakarta=
project; see the list of top-level projects at [[|th=
e main apache website]] and [[|the main Apache Wiki]]=
for information on these.
+ The main Jakarta web site can be found at [[R=
eference_Library]] and [[Vendor Support]] are two pages from the web site t=
hat can now be found here on the wiki. =
+ This wiki contains information pertaining to the Jakarta project as a who=
le (mostly management and administration information).
+ Links to the wiki pages for the various Jakarta sub-projects may be found=
- The main Jakarta web site can be found at [[R=
eference_Library]] and [[Vendor Support]] are two pages from the web site t=
hat can now be found here on the wiki.
- =
- This wiki contains information pertaining to the Jakarta project as a who=
le (mostly management and administration information). Links to the wiki pa=
ges for the various Jakarta sub-projects may be found [[http://wiki.apache.=
There is an external unofficial [[
|Jakarta Forum]] that currently archives the mailing lists from all the Jak=
arta sub projects. You can browse or search the messages, and find out what=
the entire Jakarta community is talking about.
- =
- Also some details are written in [[|Paper wri=
ting service]] , only for user attention.
===3D Jakarta project management ===3D
The Jakarta project exists as part of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF=
). The ASF board delegates responsibility for overseeing all the Jakarta pr=
oducts to a committee known as the Jakarta PMC.
- * [[JakartaPMC]]
+ * [[JakartaPMC]]
- * [[JakartaPMCTopLevelProjectApplication]]
+ * [[JakartaPMCTopLevelProjectApplication]]
- * [[Adding_To_The_PMC]]
+ * [[Adding_To_The_PMC]]
- * [[JakartaPMCPropsedChanges]] (deprecated-draft)
+ * [[JakartaPMCPropsedChanges]] (deprecated-draft)
- * [[JakartaPMCVotingProcedures]] (deprecated-draft)
+ * [[JakartaPMCVotingProcedures]] (deprecated-draft)
TLP proposals
* [[TLPCactusAndJMeter]]
- * [[TLPCactusAndJMeter/Notes]]
+ * [[TLPCactusAndJMeter/Notes]]
* [[TLPSlide]]
* [[TLPHttpComponents]]
===3D Jakarta PMC Chair thoughts ===3D
(Hen) For want of anywhere else to place this, a scratchpad in which I ca=
n record some ideas.
- * RoleOfChair
+ * [[RoleOfChair]]
- * JakartaReport
+ * [[JakartaReport]]
- * JakartaIssues
+ * [[JakartaIssues]]
- * LicenceIssues
+ * [[LicenceIssues]]
===3D Jakarta Infrastructure ===3D
+ =
- * WikiInfo
+ * [[WikiInfo]]
- * MailListInfo
+ * [[MailListInfo]]
- * BugzillaInfo
+ * [[BugzillaInfo]]
- * JiraInfo
+ * [[JiraInfo]]
* [[Migrating_to_Subversion]]
- * NewCommittersInfo
+ * [[NewCommittersInfo]]
- * NewSubprojectInfo
+ * [[NewSubprojectInfo]]
- * KarmaInfo
+ * [[KarmaInfo]]
- * SiteInfo
+ * [[SiteInfo]]
- * InfrastructureExplanation
+ * [[InfrastructureExplanation]]
===3D Current Events ===3D
+ =
* [[AC2k5US]] - ApacheCon 2005 San Diego
- * ApacheAtJavaOne2005
+ * [[ApacheAtJavaOne2005]]
===3D Organizing Jakarta ===3D
+ =
- * OneCommunityProposals
+ * [[OneCommunityProposals]]
- * SubProjectProposals
+ * [[SubProjectProposals]]
- * GroupingProposals
+ * [[GroupingProposals]]
+ =
- This wiki is a part of the [[ApacheGeneral:FrontPage|big Apache Wiki Farm=
+ This wiki is a part of the [[ApacheGeneral:FrontPage|big Apache Wiki Farm=
]]. =