AW: Authentication protocol error connecting with perl
am 25.01.2010 02:34:13 von Gisbert.Selke
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Hugh Loebner []=20
> Gesendet: Freitag, 22. Januar 2010 16:00
> ---------
> use DBI;
> $dsn =3D "DBI:mysql:database=3Dmenx;host=3Dmysqlsv";
> $dbh =3D DBI->connect($dsn, 'hugh', 'password');
> ---------
> "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe"
> DBI connect('database=3Dmenx;host=3Dmysqlsv','hugh',...)=20
> failed: Client does
> not support authentication
> protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL=20
> client at line 3
Which version of MySQL (the server programme) are you running? (Use the =
MySQL cmd line client, run the query=20
select version();
Which version of DBD::MySQL are you running? (Run, from the command =
perl -MDBD::mysql -e "print $DBD::mysql::VERSION"
Background: There was a change in the authentication protocol that the =
MySQL server uses by default. That happened years back, But if you're =
using an old DBD::mysql, it might not know about it yet.
For more details, cf. =
> > Terminated with exit code 0.
> >
> It also fails in the same way when I try to connect using=20
> user "root" which should have every privilege.
No, nothing to do with the user and his privileges. The problem arises =
before MySQL can even start to check the privileges in detail.
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Re: Authentication protocol error connecting with perl
am 25.01.2010 18:42:38 von Hugh Loebner
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The problem is using MySQL with ActiveState's DBD-MySQL ver 2.x). AS's
DBD-MySQL is out of date (I was told there was a licensing problem with Sun
Co). The solution is to use the winnipeg repository and get version 4.x of
Things worked fine after that.
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:34 PM, Selke, Gisbert W. <> wrote:
> Hugh,
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: Hugh Loebner []
> > Gesendet: Freitag, 22. Januar 2010 16:00
> > ---------
> > use DBI;
> > $dsn =3D "DBI:mysql:database=3Dmenx;host=3Dmysqlsv";
> > $dbh =3D DBI->connect($dsn, 'hugh', 'password');
> > ---------
> > "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe"
> > DBI connect('database=3Dmenx;host=3Dmysqlsv','hugh',...)
> > failed: Client does
> > not support authentication
> > protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL
> > client at line 3
> Which version of MySQL (the server programme) are you running? (Use the
> MySQL cmd line client, run the query
> select version();
> Which version of DBD::MySQL are you running? (Run, from the command line,
> perl -MDBD::mysql -e "print $DBD::mysql::VERSION"
> Background: There was a change in the authentication protocol that the
> MySQL server uses by default. That happened years back, But if you're usi=
> an old DBD::mysql, it might not know about it yet.
> For more details, cf.
> >
> > > Terminated with exit code 0.
> > >
> > It also fails in the same way when I try to connect using
> > user "root" which should have every privilege.
> No, nothing to do with the user and his privileges. The problem arises
> before MySQL can even start to check the privileges in detail.