Re: Fwd: Cron <bugmail@brutus> /root/bin/

Re: Fwd: Cron <bugmail@brutus> /root/bin/

am 08.02.2010 16:12:53 von Jeff Trawick

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 10:48 PM, William A. Rowe Jr.
> On 2/7/2010 6:45 PM, Sander Temme wrote:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> ASF Bugzilla is running its weekly stats at Sun Feb 7 23:08:02 UTC 2010
>> <..>
>>> =A0 65 bugs for Apache httpd-1.3
>> Now that we have lowered the boom on 1.3, shall we close it out for new =
>> Anyone have an opinion on the existing open bugs? =A0Uproot them or let =
them wilt?
> IMHO - either reclass them as trunk, fixed, or WONTFIX if they are n/a to=
> It's low hanging fruit for anyone on the user list. =A0What would users@ =
folks thing
> of becoming the assignee of this weekly bug list, to help out with that?

How often do these e-mails result in anything getting fixed?

Would it be nearly as useful to send only a tiny e-mail with links to
click on to see the reports for different releases?

Would it be nearly as useful to send the e-mail less frequently?

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