am 22.02.2010 21:39:16 von Jason ML

Hi All,

I have Forms that I submit for processing. I have seen examples of people using either $_POST or $_REQUEST.

When would I choose one over the other?

Also, I see examples of these being used with and without the single quotes



Single quotes is best, correct to prevent sql injection?


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am 22.02.2010 21:51:41 von Richard


> I have Forms that I submit for processing. I have seen examples of people using either $_POST or $_REQUEST.
> When would I choose one over the other?

It's a wise choice to go with $_POST, unless your form is a GET form,
in which case use $_GET. $_REQUEST has the potential to open your
script(s) up to security issues.

> ...

Use quoted strings - either single or double quotes. Eg:


Richard Heyes
HTML5 canvas graphing: RGraph - http://www.rgraph.net (updated 20th February)
Lots of PHP and Javascript code - http://www.phpguru.org

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am 22.02.2010 21:54:13 von hSiplu

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Slack-Moehrle
> Hi All,
> I have Forms that I submit for processing. I have seen examples of people using either $_POST or $_REQUEST.
> When would I choose one over the other?
> Also, I see examples of these being used with and without the single quotes
> Like:
> $_POST[j_orderValue]
> or
> $_POST['j_orderValue']
> Single quotes is best, correct to prevent sql injection?

You must use quote. either single or double. It wont affect sql injection.
Sanitize your data before using it in any sql.

$_REQUEST['var'] means a variable var was passed in http request.
$_POST['var'] means a post variable var was passed in http request.

A get or cookie variable var2 will set $_REQUEST['var2'].

When you are strictly expecting a Post variable 'var3' use
$_POST['var3'], not $_REQEUST['var3'].
This is because a $_GET['var3'] will make $_REQEUST['var3'] available
to you which is not what you want.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Shiplu Mokaddim
My talks, http://talk.cmyweb.net
Follow me, http://twitter.com/shiplu
SUST Programmers, http://groups.google.com/group/p2psust
Innovation distinguishes bet ... ... (ask Steve Jobs the rest)

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am 22.02.2010 21:55:15 von Joseph Thayne

Richard wrote:
> It's a wise choice to go with $_POST, unless your form is a GET form,
> in which case use $_GET. $_REQUEST has the potential to open your
> script(s) up to security issues.
I am not sure what the security issues are you are referring to as the
$_REQUEST superglobal contains both $_GET and $_POST values. Could you
expound on that? Thanks.
> Use quoted strings - either single or double quotes. Eg:
> $myArray['myKey']
> $myArray["myKey"]
To answer your question though, the quotes will not protect you from SQL
injection at all. It simply has to do with processing the values.

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am 22.02.2010 21:59:05 von Rene Veerman

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:39 PM, Slack-Moehrle
> Hi All,
> I have Forms that I submit for processing. I have seen examples of people using either $_POST or $_REQUEST.
> When would I choose one over the other?

I like to be specific and go for $_POST, but some people want
flexibility in their code and use $_REQUEST.
It's usually no big deal to me.

> Also, I see examples of these being used with and without the single quotes
> Like:
> $_POST[j_orderValue]
> or
> $_POST['j_orderValue']

i'd expect without quotes to query a define('j_orderValue','??')..

and yea, use single quotes whereever possible..
it's my exp that
'bla bla $var da da' is harder to read (in syntax-highlighted source
editors) than
'bla bla '.$var.' da da'

that's aside from speed improvements, which do add up quickly in high
load situations.

> Single quotes is best, correct to prevent sql injection?

sql injection fixing is an evolving art, but you can start by pushing
all variables that can be changed by end-users going into a database
through a marshalling-function fixSQLinjectionToDB ($var) { return
addslashes($var); };
addslashes is the minimum fix i believe, but google around and give us
back the up-to-date uber-fix-function please :)

Might be wise to look ahead and use a unmarshalling function
placeholder fixSQLinjectionFromDB() for any (varchar/text) variable
coming from the database and being used by your program for anything.

You'll have to look ahead; if you allow endusers to store any text in
your database, you can't just re-use that text in your output HTML
another time. you will need something that strips bad html, s,
flash, and javascript, to be completely secure. I've once been
infected with a piece of very cryptic js (that loaded quite a bit more
into the browser) that caused my site to be blacklisted by google..
Big fat red-black warnings by firefox about it too..

lastly, it also helps to use something like adodb.sf.net as a database
abstraction engine, btw.

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am 22.02.2010 21:59:34 von Skylinux

On 02/22/2010 09:39 PM, Slack-Moehrle wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have Forms that I submit for processing. I have seen examples of people using either $_POST or $_REQUEST.
> When would I choose one over the other?

When you don't care how you get the data use $_REQUEST.
$_REQUEST will contain $_GET,$_POST,$_COOKIE in the order specified in
php.ini. Don't know what the default is.

> $_POST[j_orderValue]

Don't do that, PHP will bitch that you are attempting to use a constant
as a string or something like that. Make sure you enable error reporting
in php.ini and use
display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT
for development but not on your server unless you log only.

> $_POST['j_orderValue']

There are a few ways to write this properly, depending on how you use
it. The above is how I usually use it but this is also possible.
x = $_POST['j_orderValue'] <= that is how I write it
x = $_POST["j_orderValue"] <= also ok because it is a stirng
for $x=0; $x < 10, $x++ )
$foo[$x] = $_POST["j_orderValue$x"]
is also possible

echo "foo $_POST[j_orderValue]";
echo "foo {$_POST['j_orderValue']}";
and a few more, there was a great thread a while back which listed
every possible combination.

> Single quotes is best, correct to prevent sql injection?

SQL injects happen when you use the $_RESQUEST[] information, as is, in
your SQL string.

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE XXX=$_REQUEST['yyy'] <= very bad!

You should be doing:

.... code sanity check here.
- is a number really number, length and so on ...

Then if you use a MySQL database you would escape the string like this
$tmp = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['yyy']);

and use it like this.

mysql_real_escape_string() protect from SQL injection by escaping your
string according to what your charset requires.

Nur wer im Wohlstand lebt, schimpft auf ihn.
[Ludwig Marcuse]

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am 22.02.2010 22:01:53 von Rene Veerman

> i'd expect without quotes to query a define('j_orderValue','??')..

oh, and that, if not defined, defaults to the string 'j_orderValue'.
So while your $_POST[] with or without quotes will "do the same", use
single-quotes anyway because it's "the right thing to do" ;)

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am 22.02.2010 22:03:06 von Richard


> I am not sure what the security issues are you are referring to as the
> $_REQUEST superglobal contains both $_GET and $_POST values. =A0Could you
> expound on that? =A0Thanks.

Not really, do a search.

Richard Heyes
HTML5 canvas graphing: RGraph - http://www.rgraph.net (updated 20th Februar=
Lots of PHP and Javascript code - http://www.phpguru.org

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am 22.02.2010 22:05:45 von Kim Madsen

Hi Slack-Moehrle

Slack-Moehrle wrote on 22/02/2010 21:39:
> Hi All,
> I have Forms that I submit for processing. I have seen examples of people using either $_POST or $_REQUEST.
> When would I choose one over the other?

$_REQUEST['test'] is true on both $_GET['test'] and $_POST['test']

I use it from time to time if I have a edit link followed by a form
posting (where I use method=post), if I decide to have all editing in
one statement, IE:

if($_REQUEST['test']) {
if($_GET['test']) {
// make the form here
elseif($_POST['test']) {
// get posting from the form

> Also, I see examples of these being used with and without the single quotes
> Like:
> $_POST[j_orderValue]
> or
> $_POST['j_orderValue']
> Single quotes is best, correct to prevent sql injection?

Best practice is with '', if you have E_NOTICE on you'll get notices if
you use $_POST[test] instead of $_POST['test']

It has nothing to do with SQL injection here. But when dealing with SQL
statements it's best practice to use '', for instance if you are about
to insert and a number at some point could be inserted as part of the
statement: "price = 250" will do fine, but if price ain't entered "price
= " will cause an error, while "price = ''" will not make the sql insert

Regarding SQL injection, run all inputs through the function

Kind regards
Kim Emax - masterminds.dk

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am 22.02.2010 22:09:38 von Dotan Cohen

> I have Forms that I submit for processing. I have seen examples of people using either $_POST or $_REQUEST.

Look at this example:

Now what do you thing $_REQUEST will return? You had better not even
think. Just use $_POST or $_GET as you _know_ what they will return.

Don't forget, there might even be a cookie with the name "foo".

Dotan Cohen


Please CC me if you want to be sure that I read your message. I do not
read all list mail.

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am 22.02.2010 22:22:39 von mike503

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Joseph Thayne wr=

> I am not sure what the security issues are you are referring to as the
> $_REQUEST superglobal contains both $_GET and $_POST values.  Could =
> expound on that?  Thanks.

$_REQUEST opens you up to POST/GET values overriding cookie values or
vice versa. It's best to choose your source of data specifically.

I unset($_REQUEST) wherever I can to enforce stricter coding
practices. To me it's lazy. If you really need to mix POST and GET,
then you can always array_merge($_POST, $_GET)

>> Use quoted strings - either single or double quotes. Eg:
>> $myArray['myKey']
>> $myArray["myKey"]

single quotes are better (by a marginal fraction) as it won't look for
interpolated strings :)

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am 22.02.2010 22:30:04 von David Murphy


The use of $_REQUEST it no more a security hole than $_GET or $_REQUEST,
they should ALL be treats as bad data until normalized and sanitized. =
claim that it opens a security hole is just false, that=92s like =
saying PHP
is insecure, its not it just allows for lazy coding such as $_REQUEST.=20

David Murphy

-----Original Message-----
From: richard.heyes@gmail.com [mailto:richard.heyes@gmail.com] On Behalf =
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 3:03 PM
To: Joseph Thayne
Cc: Slack-Moehrle; php-general
Subject: Re: [PHP] $_POST vs $_REQUEST


> I am not sure what the security issues are you are referring to as the
> $_REQUEST superglobal contains both $_GET and $_POST values. =A0Could =
> expound on that? =A0Thanks.

Not really, do a search.

Richard Heyes
HTML5 canvas graphing: RGraph - http://www.rgraph.net (updated 20th
Lots of PHP and Javascript code - http://www.phpguru.org

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am 22.02.2010 22:37:25 von mike503

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:30 PM, David Murphy wro=
> Richard,
> The use of $_REQUEST it no more a security hole than $_GET or $_REQUEST,
> they should ALL be treats as bad data until normalized and sanitized. =C2=
> claim that it opens a security hole  is  just false, thatâ€=
=99s like saying PHP
> is insecure, its not it just allows for lazy coding such as $_REQUEST.

It represents a way for people to exploit coders who don't know any better.

Expecting a cookie value to come through in $_REQUEST but you could
override using a query string parameter makes for easy exploitation.
Probably not catastrophic but much easier to brute force things if you
don't have to bother with cookies, or can fake a user identity easier;
things of that nature.

If you coded your app well, in theory it won't make much difference,
however, why keep something out there that makes it easier for people
to mess with your site, period?

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am 22.02.2010 23:02:17 von Jason ML


>>Then if you use a MySQL database you would escape the string like this
>>$tmp = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['yyy']);

>>mysql_real_escape_string() protect from SQL injection by escaping your
>>string according to what your charset requires.

Good point, I should be doing that. But only to String, not data stored in MySQL as Int or Date, etc.


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am 22.02.2010 23:07:46 von Skylinux

On 02/22/2010 10:37 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:30 PM, David Murphy wrote:
>> Richard,
>> The use of $_REQUEST it no more a security hole than $_GET or $_REQUEST,
>> they should ALL be treats as bad data until normalized and sanitized. The
>> claim that it opens a security hole is just false, that’s like saying PHP
>> is insecure, its not it just allows for lazy coding such as $_REQUEST.

> It represents a way for people to exploit coders who don't know any better.
> Expecting a cookie value to come through in $_REQUEST but you could
> override using a query string parameter makes for easy exploitation.

And how is this more secure? I can create a cookie, send post or get on
my client machine and send anything I want to the server. Just because
you are getting a cookie does not mean that you created it :)

So you might as well use request because the data can not be trusted
either way.

Gerechtigkeit entspringt dem Neid; denn ihr oberster Grundsatz ist:
Allen das Gleiche.
[Walther Rathenau]

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am 22.02.2010 23:17:00 von mike503

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:07 PM, John Black

> And how is this more secure? I can create a cookie, send post or get on my
> client machine and send anything I want to the server. Just because you are
> getting a cookie does not mean that you created it :)
> So you might as well use request because the data can not be trusted either
> way.

Kind of like saying "why bother exercising and keeping healthy - we're
going to die anyway"

"Secure" might be the wrong term here. As you can easily change GET to
POST and vice-versa and send any cookies you like, this is why I tried
to revise my statement and quantify it better... in a properly coded
app it doesn't present much issue. However, it encourages laziness and
PHP's barrier to entry is so easy that there is a lot of people who
consider a cookie to be trusted, and overriding it with a simple GET
parameter is too easy of an attack vector. At least make it difficult.

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am 22.02.2010 23:21:29 von Andrew Ballard

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Slack-Moehrle
> John,
>>>Then if you use a MySQL database you would escape the string like this
>>>$tmp = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['yyy']);
>>>mysql_real_escape_string() protect from SQL injection by escaping your
>>>string according to what your charset requires.
> Good point, I should be doing that. But only to String, not data stored in MySQL as Int or Date, etc.
> -ML

Just to clarify, while you would not use mysql_real_escape_string()
for datatypes other than strings, you still need to do filtering,
validation, and sanity checking on other datatypes as well. As I
pointed out in another thread recently, these are just as vulnerable
to SQL injection even though the variable values are expected to be
integers or dates:

$sql = "SELECT `my_id`, `my_message` FROM `my_comments` WHERE `my_id` = $my_id";

$sql = "SELECT `post_id`, `post_text`, `post_date` FROM `blog_posts`
WHERE `post_date` BETWEEN '$first_post_date' AND '$last_post_date'";

IMO mysql_real_escape_string() (or any similar function used for
different db vendors) is just a method to escape sequences that have
special meaning in a SQL query. It is the LAST step you should perform
when processing input to be saved in a MySQL database (when
parameterized queries are not available), after you have done
everything you can to ensure that ALL the values being passed in the
query are valid.


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am 22.02.2010 23:26:50 von Skylinux

On 02/22/2010 11:17 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
> "Secure" might be the wrong term here. As you can easily change GET to
> POST and vice-versa and send any cookies you like, this is why I tried
> to revise my statement and quantify it better... in a properly coded
> app it doesn't present much issue. However, it encourages laziness and
> PHP's barrier to entry is so easy that there is a lot of people who
> consider a cookie to be trusted, and overriding it with a simple GET
> parameter is too easy of an attack vector. At least make it difficult.

Just because someone believes that a cookie is something that can be
trusted does not make it so. A properly coded app should not care how
the client sends the information, only that the information is it valid
and expected.

A cookie is the same thing as $_POST or $_GET data but it can be stored
for a period of time, what happens to the stored data is out of our
control. Treating one any different from the other is just wrong and
will create apps with security holes.

For anybody who would like to try the GUI version of tampering with data
sent to the server checkout TamperData for FireFox.

Klarmachen zum Ändern!

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am 22.02.2010 23:35:58 von Daniel Egeberg

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 22:37, Michael Shadle wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:30 PM, David Murphy w=
>> Richard,
>> The use of $_REQUEST it no more a security hole than $_GET or $_REQUEST,
>> they should ALL be treats as bad data until normalized and sanitized. =
>> claim that it opens a security hole  is  just false, that=E2=
€™s like saying PHP
>> is insecure, its not it just allows for lazy coding such as $_REQUEST.
> It represents a way for people to exploit coders who don't know any bette=
> Expecting a cookie value to come through in $_REQUEST but you could
> override using a query string parameter makes for easy exploitation.
> Probably not catastrophic but much easier to brute force things if you
> don't have to bother with cookies, or can fake a user identity easier;
> things of that nature.
> If you coded your app well, in theory it won't make much difference,
> however, why keep something out there that makes it easier for people
> to mess with your site, period?

Using $_REQUEST poses no security issues whatsoever. Just because
there are incompetent programmers doesn't mean that a language feature
is inherently insecure. It's entirely dependent on how you use it. A
pen is also dangerous if you stab someone in the eye with it. Certain
features in PHP may be dangerous if you give them to incompetent
people who don't know what they're doing.

Besides, whether or not you can "override" cookie values depends on
whether the programmer also uses $_REQUEST for cookie values and the
request_order php.ini directive. The value in the php.ini files that
ship with PHP 5.3 default to only including GET and POST data for
http://svn.php.net/viewvc/php/php-src/tags/php_5_3_1/php.ini -production?vie=

If an attacker can do an HTTP GET request, he can most likely also do
an HTTP POST request (and vice versa) and the input value will be no
more (in)secure regardless of the source. Using $_GET/$_POST in place
of $_REQUEST is no more than security theater in my opinion.

Daniel Egeberg

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am 22.02.2010 23:42:36 von mike503

The difference here is you can at least have some control over the =20
data and expect it in a certain fashion. Also the behavior of cookies =20=

vs. get vs. post are different (cookies have length and expiration =20
limits, get has length limits, post has server confgured limits)

Like I said a properly coded app won't really suffer much but why =20
allow for lazy coding practices and non properly
coded apps to be exploited as easy? The great deal of apps out there =20
are not properly coded. Again I reference my metaphor about dying. At =20=

least try to put effort into something.

On Feb 22, 2010, at 2:26 PM, John Black technologies.org> wrote:

> On 02/22/2010 11:17 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
>> "Secure" might be the wrong term here. As you can easily change GET =20=

>> to
>> POST and vice-versa and send any cookies you like, this is why I =20
>> tried
>> to revise my statement and quantify it better... in a properly coded
>> app it doesn't present much issue. However, it encourages laziness =20=

>> and
>> PHP's barrier to entry is so easy that there is a lot of people who
>> consider a cookie to be trusted, and overriding it with a simple GET
>> parameter is too easy of an attack vector. At least make it =20
>> difficult.
> Just because someone believes that a cookie is something that can be =20=

> trusted does not make it so. A properly coded app should not care =20
> how the client sends the information, only that the information is =20
> it valid and expected.
> A cookie is the same thing as $_POST or $_GET data but it can be =20
> stored for a period of time, what happens to the stored data is out =20=

> of our control. Treating one any different from the other is just =20
> wrong and will create apps with security holes.
> For anybody who would like to try the GUI version of tampering with =20=

> data sent to the server checkout TamperData for FireFox.
> --=20
> John
> Klarmachen zum Ändern!
> http://www.youtube.com/v/AYM-_qfytfA
> --=20
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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am 22.02.2010 23:46:11 von Jochem Maas

Op 2/22/10 8:39 PM, Slack-Moehrle schreef:
> Hi All,
> I have Forms that I submit for processing. I have seen examples of people using either $_POST or $_REQUEST.
> When would I choose one over the other?

use $_POST, $_REQUEST is normally an amalgam of GET, POST and COOKIE - as such using $_REQUEST can open you up
to a denial of service attack (if someone manages to place cookies with the same names as your form fields they will always
override what was in the POST).

avoid using $_REQUEST.

> Also, I see examples of these being used with and without the single quotes
> Like:
> $_POST[j_orderValue]

this generates an E_NOTICE and is bad practice, it's also slower, essentially PHP sees the
CONSTANT j_orderValue which it can't find and does it's best to accomodate sloppy code by
tranlating it into the string 'j_orderValue'

try turning up the ini setting 'error_reporting' to include E_NOTICE warnings (and everything else)
and see what else your code might be doing which isn't quite right ... it can be very helpful,
I'm assuming you're running a local webserver, as running that in production is a bit pointless
in my view (additionally having the ini setting 'display_errors' turned on in production is a
security issue)

> or
> $_POST['j_orderValue']
> Single quotes is best, correct to prevent sql injection?

this does nothing for SQL injection prevention, for that you need the escaping function
for the DB you use ... for MySQL that would be mysql_real_escape_string().

> -ML

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am 22.02.2010 23:49:42 von Skylinux

On 02/22/2010 11:42 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
> The difference here is you can at least have some control over the data
> and expect it in a certain fashion. Also the behavior of cookies vs. get
> vs. post are different (cookies have length and expiration limits, get
> has length limits, post has server confgured limits)

The cookie and post/get part is all mixed up now :)

I use $_COOKIE when I want cookie information but I know that the data
is not to be trusted and is easily fabricated.

When reading get or post I just use $_REQUEST nowadays because I don't
have to care how the submitting form is written. This makes my form
handling data more portable.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.
[John Lennon]

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am 23.02.2010 00:44:18 von Ashley Sheridan

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

On Mon, 2010-02-22 at 23:49 +0100, John Black wrote:

> On 02/22/2010 11:42 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
> > The difference here is you can at least have some control over the data
> > and expect it in a certain fashion. Also the behavior of cookies vs. get
> > vs. post are different (cookies have length and expiration limits, get
> > has length limits, post has server confgured limits)
> The cookie and post/get part is all mixed up now :)
> I use $_COOKIE when I want cookie information but I know that the data
> is not to be trusted and is easily fabricated.
> When reading get or post I just use $_REQUEST nowadays because I don't
> have to care how the submitting form is written. This makes my form
> handling data more portable.
> --
> John
> You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one,
> I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.
> [John Lennon]

As many people have mentioned already, there's absolutely no security
risk of using $_REQUEST over $_POST or $_GET. I generally use $_REQUEST
unless I am specifically coding something that needs me to send data
over both post and get at the same time.

The thing is, just make sure you sanitise all the data that comes from
the browser. That includes cookie values, post data, etc. Proper
sanitisation is crucial and necessary, and no amount of obscurity about
how you are getting your data will help.




am 23.02.2010 10:19:33 von Richard


Well people better than me (how is that possible?!) have said that
$_REQUEST has the potential to open your app up to security
vulnerabilities, and that it should be avoided because of that. Here's
a post from Stephan Esser about it on the PHP-Internals list:

http://www.mail-archive.com/internals@lists.php.net/msg32832 .html

Stephan heads up the Hardened-PHP project and when it comes to
security, I don't know of anyone better. So, if he advises not to use
_REQUEST, it's a good idea to follow that advice.

Richard Heyes

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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am 23.02.2010 11:27:34 von Ashley Sheridan

Content-Type: text/plain
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On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 09:19 +0000, Richard wrote:

> Hi,
> Well people better than me (how is that possible?!) have said that
> $_REQUEST has the potential to open your app up to security
> vulnerabilities, and that it should be avoided because of that. Here's
> a post from Stephan Esser about it on the PHP-Internals list:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/internals@lists.php.net/msg32832 .html
> Stephan heads up the Hardened-PHP project and when it comes to
> security, I don't know of anyone better. So, if he advises not to use
> _REQUEST, it's a good idea to follow that advice.
> --
> Richard Heyes

Well, he's only saying there that it 'most probably vulnerable' and
mentions that cookies can overwrite post and get data. This isn't a
problem with $_REQUEST itself but rather an applications' use of it. So
what if someone crafts a cookie to send a bad value. If someone has the
gen to do that, then they are going to know how to send get and post
values as well. Only decent sanitisation will be able to protect against

If the order of override variables in $_REQUEST is such an issue too,
use the request_order ini setting to specify the order you'd prefer.

I've never had any issues with using $_REQUEST, but found a lot of
advantages to using it, as I often use a mix of data sources in the same




am 23.02.2010 14:42:39 von Bob McConnell

From: Rene Veerman [mailto:rene7705@gmail.com]=20
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:39 PM, Slack-Moehrle
>> Single quotes is best, correct to prevent sql injection?
> sql injection fixing is an evolving art, but you can start by pushing
> all variables that can be changed by end-users going into a database
> through a marshalling-function fixSQLinjectionToDB ($var) { return
> addslashes($var); };
> addslashes is the minimum fix i believe, but google around and give us
> back the up-to-date uber-fix-function please :)

Slash is the wrong character. The correct SQL escape character is the
single quote.

The best way to prepare text fields is to use the DB specific escape
functions on each text field before assembling the command string, i.e.
pg_escape_string(). But that is after all fields have been sanitized and

In addition, if magic_quotes is turned on, you also need to remove them
before doing the validation. The contributed notes in the online manual
have some good suggestions on how to accomplish this.

Bob McConnell

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


am 23.02.2010 15:58:55 von TedD

At 11:07 PM +0100 2/22/10, John Black wrote:
>On 02/22/2010 10:37 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
>>On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:30 PM, David
>>Murphy wrote:
>>>The use of $_REQUEST it no more a security hole than $_GET or $_REQUEST,
>>>they should ALL be treats as bad data until normalized and sanitized. The
>>>claim that it opens a security hole is just false, that's like saying PHP
>>>is insecure, its not it just allows for lazy coding such as $_REQUEST.
>>It represents a way for people to exploit coders who don't know any better.
>>Expecting a cookie value to come through in $_REQUEST but you could
>>override using a query string parameter makes for easy exploitation.
>And how is this more secure? I can create a cookie, send post or get
>on my client machine and send anything I want to the server. Just
>because you are getting a cookie does not mean that you created it :)
>So you might as well use request because the data can not be trusted
>either way.

It is true that you cannot trust any data coming from a client (i.e.,

However, in trying to secure what you are doing it makes sense to
know specifically the origin of your data.

Additionally, if you know specifically where your data is coming
from, then there are no surprises as there can be by using REQUEST.

I am sure you realize that the data provided by a REQUEST can be
overridden by processes you may have not accounted for. For example,
while you are thinking that the data you're working on was provided
by one super global it actually was overridden by another can lead to
problems, including security.

One security directive is to keep the process simple and under
control. The more complicated you make it, the less secure it becomes
regardless of the method of data collection.



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am 24.02.2010 02:07:18 von Jochem Maas

Op 2/23/10 10:27 AM, Ashley Sheridan schreef:
> On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 09:19 +0000, Richard wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Well people better than me (how is that possible?!) have said that
>> $_REQUEST has the potential to open your app up to security
>> vulnerabilities, and that it should be avoided because of that. Here's
>> a post from Stephan Esser about it on the PHP-Internals list:
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/internals@lists.php.net/msg32832 .html
>> Stephan heads up the Hardened-PHP project and when it comes to
>> security, I don't know of anyone better. So, if he advises not to use
>> _REQUEST, it's a good idea to follow that advice.
>> --
>> Richard Heyes
> Well, he's only saying there that it 'most probably vulnerable' and
> mentions that cookies can overwrite post and get data. This isn't a
> problem with $_REQUEST itself but rather an applications' use of it. So
> what if someone crafts a cookie to send a bad value. If someone has the
> gen to do that, then they are going to know how to send get and post
> values as well. Only decent sanitisation will be able to protect against
> this.
> If the order of override variables in $_REQUEST is such an issue too,
> use the request_order ini setting to specify the order you'd prefer.
> I've never had any issues with using $_REQUEST, but found a lot of
> advantages to using it, as I often use a mix of data sources in the same
> app.

and that is exactly Essers point. you use $_REQUEST and assume the data came
from either GET or POST ... I'd hazard a guess your apps never expect such 'mixed'
data to be coming via COOKIE ... so your app will work as 'advertised' but if some
one happens to slip a cookie onto someone else machine whose name matches some
rather important GET/POST input then it's that user who potentially has just suffered
a denial of service - and you'll get the blame for the fact things don't work and
you'll probably never be able to work out that it's a rogue cookie on the client putting
a spanner in the works. (imagine you have an 'id' parameter and I managed to set a
cookie on your users' machine called 'id' with a value of 1 ... have fun with that)

you should be as strict with exceptable input vectors as you are with sanitisation
of the actual input.

use of $_REQUEST is rather lazy - if you want to except either POST or GET for a given
input write a simple wrapper function for that specific requirement - this will also
save you from unforeseen problems related to incorrect or changed values for the
request_order ini setting.

> Thanks,
> Ash
> http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


am 24.02.2010 08:55:18 von Jochem Maas

Op 2/22/10 10:49 PM, John Black schreef:
> On 02/22/2010 11:42 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
>> The difference here is you can at least have some control over the data
>> and expect it in a certain fashion. Also the behavior of cookies vs. get
>> vs. post are different (cookies have length and expiration limits, get
>> has length limits, post has server confgured limits)
> The cookie and post/get part is all mixed up now :)
> I use $_COOKIE when I want cookie information but I know that the data
> is not to be trusted and is easily fabricated.
> When reading get or post I just use $_REQUEST nowadays because I don't
> have to care how the submitting form is written. This makes my form
> handling data more portable.

a. if your updating/inserting/storing data for the user you should require
POST in order to mitigate CSRF et al - not to mention using a nonce in your forms.

b. when you use $_REQUEST like you do you assume it's either GET or POST data, but
it might be COOKIE data ... which will overwrite what is sent via GET or POST in the
$_REQUEST array .. which creates a potential for a denial-of-service attack on the
users of a site:

imagine an 'id' parameter for displaying articles, then imagine a
user was tricked into loading a cookie onto his machine for your domain with the
name of 'id' and a value of 1 ... said user would only ever be able to see the
article referred to be id=1 if you wrote code that took the 'id' parameter from the
$_REQUEST var.

.... I advocate not trusting any data *and* being explicit about the input vectors
on which any particular piece of data is accepted in a given context. (GET, POST and COOKIE
are 3 different vectors)

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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am 24.02.2010 11:18:33 von Ashley Sheridan

Content-Type: text/plain
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On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 07:55 +0000, Jochem Maas wrote:

> Op 2/22/10 10:49 PM, John Black schreef:
> > On 02/22/2010 11:42 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
> >> The difference here is you can at least have some control over the data
> >> and expect it in a certain fashion. Also the behavior of cookies vs. get
> >> vs. post are different (cookies have length and expiration limits, get
> >> has length limits, post has server confgured limits)
> >
> > The cookie and post/get part is all mixed up now :)
> >
> > I use $_COOKIE when I want cookie information but I know that the data
> > is not to be trusted and is easily fabricated.
> >
> > When reading get or post I just use $_REQUEST nowadays because I don't
> > have to care how the submitting form is written. This makes my form
> > handling data more portable.
> a. if your updating/inserting/storing data for the user you should require
> POST in order to mitigate CSRF et al - not to mention using a nonce in your forms.
> b. when you use $_REQUEST like you do you assume it's either GET or POST data, but
> it might be COOKIE data ... which will overwrite what is sent via GET or POST in the
> $_REQUEST array .. which creates a potential for a denial-of-service attack on the
> users of a site:
> imagine an 'id' parameter for displaying articles, then imagine a
> user was tricked into loading a cookie onto his machine for your domain with the
> name of 'id' and a value of 1 ... said user would only ever be able to see the
> article referred to be id=1 if you wrote code that took the 'id' parameter from the
> $_REQUEST var.
> ... I advocate not trusting any data *and* being explicit about the input vectors
> on which any particular piece of data is accepted in a given context. (GET, POST and COOKIE
> are 3 different vectors)

Which becomes a moot point if you use the request_order ini setting to
specify the ordering of the overriding of variables in $_REQUEST.

I do see what you're getting at, and yes there are concerns to be had
with one global array overriding another if you don't know to look out
for such a caveat. The thing is, there are many times where $_REQUEST is
just perfect. Imagine a stylesheet picker, that remembers the visitors
choice in a cookie. You can utilise $_REQUEST to handle the whole thing
very easily, and in a way that makes sense.




am 24.02.2010 12:34:41 von Ashley Sheridan

Content-Type: text/plain
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On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 12:34 +0100, Rene Veerman wrote:

> sry i gotta disagree.
> a function that queries $_POST/$_GET first and then $_COOKIE seems
> much wiser to me.
> it consolidates all logic in the script, and making that logic obvious
> by syntax, rather than relying on functionality being determined by
> php.ini, which could well cause a new developer to lose heaps of time
> if he/she has to work on it..
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Ashley Sheridan
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 07:55 +0000, Jochem Maas wrote:
> >
> >> Op 2/22/10 10:49 PM, John Black schreef:
> >> > On 02/22/2010 11:42 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
> >> >> The difference here is you can at least have some control over the data
> >> >> and expect it in a certain fashion. Also the behavior of cookies vs. get
> >> >> vs. post are different (cookies have length and expiration limits, get
> >> >> has length limits, post has server confgured limits)
> >> >
> >> > The cookie and post/get part is all mixed up now :)
> >> >
> >> > I use $_COOKIE when I want cookie information but I know that the data
> >> > is not to be trusted and is easily fabricated.
> >> >
> >> > When reading get or post I just use $_REQUEST nowadays because I don't
> >> > have to care how the submitting form is written. This makes my form
> >> > handling data more portable.
> >>
> >> a. if your updating/inserting/storing data for the user you should require
> >> POST in order to mitigate CSRF et al - not to mention using a nonce in your forms.
> >>
> >> b. when you use $_REQUEST like you do you assume it's either GET or POST data, but
> >> it might be COOKIE data ... which will overwrite what is sent via GET or POST in the
> >> $_REQUEST array .. which creates a potential for a denial-of-service attack on the
> >> users of a site:
> >>
> >> imagine an 'id' parameter for displaying articles, then imagine a
> >> user was tricked into loading a cookie onto his machine for your domain with the
> >> name of 'id' and a value of 1 ... said user would only ever be able to see the
> >> article referred to be id=1 if you wrote code that took the 'id' parameter from the
> >> $_REQUEST var.
> >>
> >> ... I advocate not trusting any data *and* being explicit about the input vectors
> >> on which any particular piece of data is accepted in a given context. (GET, POST and COOKIE
> >> are 3 different vectors)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > Which becomes a moot point if you use the request_order ini setting to
> > specify the ordering of the overriding of variables in $_REQUEST.
> >
> > I do see what you're getting at, and yes there are concerns to be had
> > with one global array overriding another if you don't know to look out
> > for such a caveat. The thing is, there are many times where $_REQUEST is
> > just perfect. Imagine a stylesheet picker, that remembers the visitors
> > choice in a cookie. You can utilise $_REQUEST to handle the whole thing
> > very easily, and in a way that makes sense.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ash
> > http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk
> >
> >
> >

I don't think ini settings should be disregarded so easily though. There
are plenty of other ini settings that affect global variables, and can
all cause issues that can confuse the unwary developer!




am 24.02.2010 12:34:55 von Rene Veerman

sry i gotta disagree.

a function that queries $_POST/$_GET first and then $_COOKIE seems
much wiser to me.
it consolidates all logic in the script, and making that logic obvious
by syntax, rather than relying on functionality being determined by
php.ini, which could well cause a new developer to lose heaps of time
if he/she has to work on it..

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Ashley Sheridan
> On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 07:55 +0000, Jochem Maas wrote:
>> Op 2/22/10 10:49 PM, John Black schreef:
>> > On 02/22/2010 11:42 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
>> >> The difference here is you can at least have some control over the data
>> >> and expect it in a certain fashion. Also the behavior of cookies vs. get
>> >> vs. post are different (cookies have length and expiration limits, get
>> >> has length limits, post has server confgured limits)
>> >
>> > The cookie and post/get part is all mixed up now :)
>> >
>> > I use $_COOKIE when I want cookie information but I know that the data
>> > is not to be trusted and is easily fabricated.
>> >
>> > When reading get or post I just use $_REQUEST nowadays because I don't
>> > have to care how the submitting form is written. This makes my form
>> > handling data more portable.
>> a. if your updating/inserting/storing data for the user you should require
>> POST in order to mitigate CSRF et al - not to mention using a nonce in your forms.
>> b. when you use $_REQUEST like you do you assume it's either GET or POST data, but
>> it might be COOKIE data ... which will overwrite what is sent via GET or POST in the
>> $_REQUEST array .. which creates a potential for a denial-of-service attack on the
>> users of a site:
>> imagine an 'id' parameter for displaying articles, then imagine a
>> user was tricked into loading a cookie onto his machine for your domain with the
>> name of 'id' and a value of 1 ... said user would only ever be able to see the
>> article referred to be id=1 if you wrote code that took the 'id' parameter from the
>> $_REQUEST var.
>> ... I advocate not trusting any data *and* being explicit about the input vectors
>> on which any particular piece of data is accepted in a given context. (GET, POST and COOKIE
>> are 3 different vectors)
> Which becomes a moot point if you use the request_order ini setting to
> specify the ordering of the overriding of variables in $_REQUEST.
> I do see what you're getting at, and yes there are concerns to be had
> with one global array overriding another if you don't know to look out
> for such a caveat. The thing is, there are many times where $_REQUEST is
> just perfect. Imagine a stylesheet picker, that remembers the visitors
> choice in a cookie. You can utilise $_REQUEST to handle the whole thing
> very easily, and in a way that makes sense.
> Thanks,
> Ash
> http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


am 25.02.2010 22:55:32 von Jochem Maas

Op 2/24/10 11:18 AM, Ashley Sheridan schreef:
> On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 07:55 +0000, Jochem Maas wrote:
>> Op 2/22/10 10:49 PM, John Black schreef:
>>> On 02/22/2010 11:42 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
>>>> The difference here is you can at least have some control over the data
>>>> and expect it in a certain fashion. Also the behavior of cookies vs. get
>>>> vs. post are different (cookies have length and expiration limits, get
>>>> has length limits, post has server confgured limits)
>>> The cookie and post/get part is all mixed up now :)
>>> I use $_COOKIE when I want cookie information but I know that the data
>>> is not to be trusted and is easily fabricated.
>>> When reading get or post I just use $_REQUEST nowadays because I don't
>>> have to care how the submitting form is written. This makes my form
>>> handling data more portable.
>> a. if your updating/inserting/storing data for the user you should require
>> POST in order to mitigate CSRF et al - not to mention using a nonce in your forms.
>> b. when you use $_REQUEST like you do you assume it's either GET or POST data, but
>> it might be COOKIE data ... which will overwrite what is sent via GET or POST in the
>> $_REQUEST array .. which creates a potential for a denial-of-service attack on the
>> users of a site:
>> imagine an 'id' parameter for displaying articles, then imagine a
>> user was tricked into loading a cookie onto his machine for your domain with the
>> name of 'id' and a value of 1 ... said user would only ever be able to see the
>> article referred to be id=1 if you wrote code that took the 'id' parameter from the
>> $_REQUEST var.
>> ... I advocate not trusting any data *and* being explicit about the input vectors
>> on which any particular piece of data is accepted in a given context. (GET, POST and COOKIE
>> are 3 different vectors)
> Which becomes a moot point if you use the request_order ini setting to
> specify the ordering of the overriding of variables in $_REQUEST.

which I think is another bit of magic I can do without. besides you don't
always have control of the ini file (and you obviously can't change this value
during the running of the script as $_REQUEST is already defined)

> I do see what you're getting at, and yes there are concerns to be had
> with one global array overriding another if you don't know to look out
> for such a caveat. The thing is, there are many times where $_REQUEST is
> just perfect. Imagine a stylesheet picker, that remembers the visitors
> choice in a cookie. You can utilise $_REQUEST to handle the whole thing
> very easily, and in a way that makes sense.

which would require a request_order of CPG - the opposite of what it normally is,
which is a complete WTF for any new developer of the code base, all so you can
save a couple of lines of very simple code. I don't think it's worth it.

BUT given that you do know what all the ramification are and can control the
request_order in your environment then it's true to say that in your case there
is no actual problem.

> Thanks,
> Ash
> http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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