HipHop and other PHP compiler performance evaluation

HipHop and other PHP compiler performance evaluation

am 24.02.2010 17:14:51 von Manuel Lemos



Manuel Lemos

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Re: HipHop and other PHP compiler performance evaluation

am 24.02.2010 17:37:06 von Adam Richardson

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Really nice article, Manuel. Thanks for writing and sharing the link.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Manuel Lemos wrote:

> --
> Regards,
> Manuel Lemos
> Find and post PHP jobs
> PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
> --
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Re: HipHop and other PHP compiler performance evaluation

am 24.02.2010 17:44:14 von Manuel Lemos

Hello Adam,

on 02/24/2010 01:37 PM Adam Richardson said the following:
> Really nice article, Manuel. Thanks for writing and sharing the link.

You're welcome! ;-)

> Adam
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Manuel Lemos > > wrote:


Manuel Lemos

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Re: HipHop and other PHP compiler performance evaluation

am 25.02.2010 08:12:47 von Mark Cilissen

Manuel Lemos schreef:

A nice article, thank you for the information!

Kind regards,
Mark Cilissen / Pixlism

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Re: HipHop and other PHP compiler performance evaluation

am 26.02.2010 06:52:39 von Manuel Lemos

Hello Raymond,

on 02/25/2010 11:34 PM Raymond Irving said the following:
> Very nice article. Thanks for sharing.
> I wish PHP had a feature/extension to compile (to native code) and cache
> the scripts at runtime. This way we could get speeds that are very close
> to PHC and Hiphop. It would be very slow when loading the page for the
> first time but after then it should just blaze. Maybe we will one day
> see something like an NCC (Native Code Compiler) extension for php that
> will replace or complement APC.

Right but keep in mind that most of the time regular PHP scripts are
waiting for I/O operations, like accessing to the network, files or
database servers. So the speed of execution of pure CPU intensive code
like bench.php used in the tests, may not be what matters most to your

So, often investing in heavily caching your content in files (or
memcached servers for clustered servers) is a much more efficient
solution to handle the load of busy sites. That is mostly what the
PHPClasses sites uses to handle over 2 million page views a month with a
single server.

You may want to read more about that here for more details: mming-practices-to-survive-Web-site-traffic-peaks.html


Manuel Lemos

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PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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Re: HipHop and other PHP compiler performance evaluation

am 02.03.2010 07:22:24 von Manuel Lemos


on 03/02/2010 01:04 AM Raymond Irving said the following:
> Hi Manuel ,
> Thanks for the feedback.
> I know that caching helps but if we could get a little more speed out of
> the scripts then that would help with the number of request per second.
> I'll have a look at the article that you have recommend.

I am talking about content caching, not opcode caching. If you have a
page with contents do change frequently, you can use content caching
(files, memcached, etc). Then PHP execution speed will be mostly
irrelevant because your script will be waiting most of the time for I/O
operations copying data from cache files or memcached server and the
user computer.

> --- On *Fri, 2/26/10, Manuel Lemos //* wrote:
> From: Manuel Lemos
> Subject: Re: [PHP] HipHop and other PHP compiler performance evaluation
> To: "Raymond Irving"
> Cc: "PHP List"
> Date: Friday, February 26, 2010, 12:52 AM
> Hello Raymond,
> on 02/25/2010 11:34 PM Raymond Irving said the following:
> >
> > Very nice article. Thanks for sharing.
> >
> > I wish PHP had a feature/extension to compile (to native code) and
> cache
> > the scripts at runtime. This way we could get speeds that are very
> close
> > to PHC and Hiphop. It would be very slow when loading the page for the
> > first time but after then it should just blaze. Maybe we will one day
> > see something like an NCC (Native Code Compiler) extension for php
> that
> > will replace or complement APC.
> Right but keep in mind that most of the time regular PHP scripts are
> waiting for I/O operations, like accessing to the network, files or
> database servers. So the speed of execution of pure CPU intensive code
> like bench.php used in the tests, may not be what matters most to your
> sites.
> So, often investing in heavily caching your content in files (or
> memcached servers for clustered servers) is a much more efficient
> solution to handle the load of busy sites. That is mostly what the
> PHPClasses sites uses to handle over 2 million page views a month with a
> single server.
> You may want to read more about that here for more details:
> mming-practices-to-survive-Web-site-traffic-peaks.html


Manuel Lemos

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PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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