possible bug in mysql_tzinfo_to_sql

possible bug in mysql_tzinfo_to_sql

am 08.03.2010 21:54:40 von Alagar samy

i used mysql_tzinfo_to_sql utility to create timezone_* database after upg=
rading zoneinfo in my host. after that i am seeing this mismatch. =0A=
=0A'America/Sao_Paulo' (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=
=3D233) and 'America/Buenos_Aires' (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/c=
ity.html?n=3D51) are supposed to have same time information .. but mysql da=
tabase shows differently .. is this a bug somewhere ? mysql> s=
elect * from time_zone_name where Time_zone_id in (59,185);=0A+------------=
--------------------+--------------+=0A| Name | T=
ime_zone_id |=0A+--------------------------------+--------------+=0A| Ameri=
ca/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | 59 |=0A| America/Sao_Paulo =
| 185 |=0A+--------------------------------+--------------+=0A2=
rows in set (0.00 sec) =0Amysql> select * from time_zone_transition_t=
ype where Time_zone_id=3D185;=0A+--------------+--------------------+- -----=
--+--------+--------------+=0A| Time_zone_id | Transition_type_id | Offset =
| Is_DST | Abbreviation |=0A+--------------+--------------------+--------+-=
-------+--------------+=0A| 185 | 0 | -11188 | =
0 | LMT |=0A| 185 | 1 | -7200 | =
1 | BRST |=0A| 185 | 2 | -10800 | 0=
| BRT |=0A+--------------+--------------------+--------+--------+=
--------------+=0A3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from time_z=
one_transition_type where Time_zone_id=3D59;=0A+--------------+------------=
--------+--------+--------+--------------+=0A| Time_zone_id | Transition_ty=
pe_id | Offset | Is_DST | Abbreviation |=0A+--------------+----------------=
----+--------+--------+--------------+=0A| 59 | =
0 | -15408 | 0 | CMT |=0A| 59 | 1 =
| -14400 | 0 | ART |=0A| 59 | 2 | =
-10800 | 1 | ARST |=0A| 59 | 3 | -=
7200 | 1 | ARST |=0A| 59 | 4 | -108=
00 | 0 | ART |=0A+--------------+--------------------+-------=
-+--------+--------------+=0A5 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select co=
nvert_tz(now(), @@global.time_zone, 'America/Sao_Paulo');=0A+--------------=
----------------------------------------------+=0A| convert_tz(now(), @@glo=
bal.time_zone, 'America/Sao_Paulo') |=0A+----------------------------------=
--------------------------+=0A| 2010-03-08 17:48:16 =
------+=0A1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select convert_tz(now(), @@gl=
obal.time_zone,'America/Buenos_Aires');=0A+----------------- ---------------=
------------------------------+=0A| convert_tz(now(), @@global.time_zone,'A=
merica/Buenos_Aires') |=0A+------------------------------------------------=
--------------+=0A| 2010-03-08 18:48:28 =
|=0A+------------------------------------------------------- -------+=
=0A1 row in set (0.00 sec) =0AA.Alagarsamy Your Mail =
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