mysqli procedural calls and manual entries ?

mysqli procedural calls and manual entries ?

am 12.03.2010 08:49:11 von Per Jessen

I run a local mirror of the PHP manual, and I most often go straight to=

the "Search for" box to look up the format of a function. With the
mysqli functions, I've found than many of them simply
aren't "available" that way. E.g. mysqli_connect() - "Sorry, but the
function mysqli_connect is not in the online manual.". =20

Would it be a lot of effort to create function manual entries for the
procedural style of mysqli_*?=20


Per Jessen, Zürich (-1.4°C)

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Re: mysqli procedural calls and manual entries ?

am 12.03.2010 12:48:44 von Daniel Egeberg

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 08:49, Per Jessen wrote:
> I run a local mirror of the PHP manual, and I most often go straight to
> the "Search for" box to look up the format of a function.  With the
> mysqli functions, I've found than many of them simply
> aren't "available" that way.  E.g. mysqli_connect() - "Sorry, but th=
> function mysqli_connect  is not in the online manual.".
> Would it be a lot of effort to create function manual entries for the
> procedural style of mysqli_*?
> /Per

Hi Per,

The manual already supports that. If you install the sqlite extension
on your webserver, it should work.

Daniel Egeberg

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Re: mysqli procedural calls and manual entries ?

am 12.03.2010 14:12:33 von Daniel Brown

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 02:49, Per Jessen wrote:
> I run a local mirror of the PHP manual, and I most often go straight to
> the "Search for" box to look up the format of a function. =A0With the
> mysqli functions, I've found than many of them simply
> aren't "available" that way. =A0E.g. mysqli_connect() - "Sorry, but the
> function mysqli_connect =A0is not in the online manual.".
> Would it be a lot of effort to create function manual entries for the
> procedural style of mysqli_*?

Actually, Per, they do exist.... it's a problem with the manual
error-router itself. I'll take a look at that again today. It's been
forgotten for years, for some reason. I'll let you know if/when
there's a solution.... hopefully I can get to it and finish it today.

In the meantime, you can find the XML sources for those on your
local mirror in {$MIRROR_ROOT}/reference/mysqli/ and it's children.
Specifically for mysqli_connect(), see
{$MIRROR_ROOT}/reference/mysqli/mysqli/connect.xml .

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Re: mysqli procedural calls and manual entries ?

am 12.03.2010 15:02:10 von Per Jessen

Daniel Brown wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 02:49, Per Jessen wrote:
>> I run a local mirror of the PHP manual, and I most often go straight=

>> to the "Search for" box to look up the format of a function.  W=
>> the mysqli functions, I've found than many of them simply
>> aren't "available" that way.  E.g. mysqli_connect() - "Sorry, b=
ut the
>> function mysqli_connect  is not in the online manual.".
>> Would it be a lot of effort to create function manual entries for th=
>> procedural style of mysqli_*?
> Actually, Per, they do exist.... it's a problem with the manual
> error-router itself. I'll take a look at that again today.=20

Hi Daniel

That's what I thougfht too, but I wasn't sure. The pages are clearly
there, e.g.:


> It's been forgotten for years, for some reason. I'll let you know
> if/when there's a solution.... hopefully I can get to it and finish i=
> today.=20

Cool, thanks.

Per Jessen, Zürich (1.8°C)

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Re: mysqli procedural calls and manual entries ?

am 15.03.2010 18:27:46 von parasane

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 06:48, Daniel Egeberg wrote:
> Hi Per,
> The manual already supports that. If you install the sqlite extension
> on your webserver, it should work.


The question wasn't whether or not it supports that kind of
lookup, but rather why it's not working. We've had issues with the
mysqli_* stuff for years. It's a known issue to us, but not to

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