Question about DELETE

Question about DELETE

am 17.03.2010 20:51:35 von Randall.Price

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I have a simple question about deleting records from INNODB tables. I have=
a master table with a few child tables linked via Foreign Key constraints.=
Each table has several indexes as well.

My question is: if I delete many records in a single delete statement (i.e=
.., DELETE FROM table WHERE id =3D 1 AND id =3D 5 ... AND ID =3D 100) how ma=
ny times are the foreign keys/indexes updated?

Once for the entire DELETE operation or one time for each record that is de=


Randall Price

--_000_9269AB049ED62741A28FBF28706E31D325975C1ED2fangornccw2 kv_--

Re: Question about DELETE

am 18.03.2010 06:05:24 von Ananda Kumar

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

It depends how frequently ur doing a commit.
If you have written a plsql, with loop and if you commit after each row is
deleted, then it get update for each row. Else if you commit at the end the
loop, it commits only once for all the rows deleted.

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Price, Randall wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a simple question about deleting records from INNODB tables. I have
> a master table with a few child tables linked via Foreign Key constraints.
> Each table has several indexes as well.
> My question is: if I delete many records in a single delete statement
> (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1 AND id = 5 ... AND ID = 100) how many
> times are the foreign keys/indexes updated?
> Once for the entire DELETE operation or one time for each record that is
> deleted?
> Thanks,
> Randall Price


Re: Question about DELETE

am 18.03.2010 11:47:59 von Johan De Meersman

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Given that OP is talking about a single delete statement, I'm gonna be very
surprised if he manages to squeeze an intermediate commit in there :-)

For a single-statement delete on a single table, the indexes will be rebuilt
only once. I'm not entirely sure what happens to cascaded deletes, though.

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Ananda Kumar wrote:

> Hi,
> It depends how frequently ur doing a commit.
> If you have written a plsql, with loop and if you commit after each row is
> deleted, then it get update for each row. Else if you commit at the end the
> loop, it commits only once for all the rows deleted.
> regards
> anandkl
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Price, Randall > >wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a simple question about deleting records from INNODB tables. I
> have
> > a master table with a few child tables linked via Foreign Key
> constraints.
> > Each table has several indexes as well.
> >
> > My question is: if I delete many records in a single delete statement
> > (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1 AND id = 5 ... AND ID = 100) how
> many
> > times are the foreign keys/indexes updated?
> >
> > Once for the entire DELETE operation or one time for each record that is
> > deleted?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Randall Price
> >
> >

Bier met grenadyn
Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel


RE: Question about DELETE

am 18.03.2010 15:03:55 von Randall.Price

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Thanks for your responses on this.

However, I suspect that the indexes are being rebuilt over and over during =
the mass delete operation.

If I delete a small number of records (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id BET=
WEEN 1 AND 5) it may only take a minute or so.

If I delete a large number of records (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id BET=
WEEN 1 AND 500) it may take upwards of an hour or more.

So what would cause this increased slowness the more records you delete, un=
less the indexing is happening multiple times?


-Randall Price

From: [] On Behalf Of Johan De =
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 6:48 AM
To: Ananda Kumar
Cc: Price, Randall; [MySQL]
Subject: Re: Question about DELETE

Given that OP is talking about a single delete statement, I'm gonna be very=
surprised if he manages to squeeze an intermediate commit in there :-)

For a single-statement delete on a single table, the indexes will be rebuil=
t only once. I'm not entirely sure what happens to cascaded deletes, though=

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Ananda Kumar>> wrote:
It depends how frequently ur doing a commit.
If you have written a plsql, with loop and if you commit after each row is
deleted, then it get update for each row. Else if you commit at the end the
loop, it commits only once for all the rows deleted.

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Price, Randall>>wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a simple question about deleting records from INNODB tables. I ha=
> a master table with a few child tables linked via Foreign Key constraints=
> Each table has several indexes as well.
> My question is: if I delete many records in a single delete statement
> (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id =3D 1 AND id =3D 5 ... AND ID =3D 100) =
how many
> times are the foreign keys/indexes updated?
> Once for the entire DELETE operation or one time for each record that is
> deleted?
> Thanks,
> Randall Price

Bier met grenadyn
Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

--_000_9269AB049ED62741A28FBF28706E31D325975C1FECfangornccw2 kv_--

RE: Question about DELETE

am 18.03.2010 15:10:40 von Ian Simpson

Hi Randall,

If you're talking about processes that are taking that long, then
running SHOW PROCESSLIST several times during the operation should give
you a rough idea what it is doing at each stage.

Also, do you have an index on the id column? It could just be taking a
long time to identify all the rows it needs to delete.

On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 10:03 -0400, Price, Randall wrote:
> Thanks for your responses on this.
> However, I suspect that the indexes are being rebuilt over and over during the mass delete operation.
> If I delete a small number of records (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id BETWEEN 1 AND 5) it may only take a minute or so.
> If I delete a large number of records (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id BETWEEN 1 AND 500) it may take upwards of an hour or more.
> So what would cause this increased slowness the more records you delete, unless the indexing is happening multiple times?
> Thanks,
> -Randall Price
> From: [] On Behalf Of Johan De Meersman
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 6:48 AM
> To: Ananda Kumar
> Cc: Price, Randall; [MySQL]
> Subject: Re: Question about DELETE
> Given that OP is talking about a single delete statement, I'm gonna be very surprised if he manages to squeeze an intermediate commit in there :-)
> For a single-statement delete on a single table, the indexes will be rebuilt only once. I'm not entirely sure what happens to cascaded deletes, though.
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Ananda Kumar > wrote:
> Hi,
> It depends how frequently ur doing a commit.
> If you have written a plsql, with loop and if you commit after each row is
> deleted, then it get update for each row. Else if you commit at the end the
> loop, it commits only once for all the rows deleted.
> regards
> anandkl
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Price, Randall >wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a simple question about deleting records from INNODB tables. I have
> > a master table with a few child tables linked via Foreign Key constraints.
> > Each table has several indexes as well.
> >
> > My question is: if I delete many records in a single delete statement
> > (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1 AND id = 5 ... AND ID = 100) how many
> > times are the foreign keys/indexes updated?
> >
> > Once for the entire DELETE operation or one time for each record that is
> > deleted?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Randall Price
> >
> >
> --
> Bier met grenadyn
> Is als mosterd by den wyn
> Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
> Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

Ian Simpson
System Administrator

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RE: Question about DELETE

am 18.03.2010 15:52:08 von Randall.Price

Q29ubmVjdGlvbnMgbWVudSBvbiB0aGUgVGhyZWFkcyB0YWIgSSBjYW4gc2Vl IHRoZSB0aHJlYWQg
cnVubmluZyAoaS5lLiwgREVMRVRFIEZST00gdGFibGUgV0hFUkUgLi4uKS4g IEkgcmVmcmVzaCB0
aGlzIHRhYiBwZXJpb2RpY2FsbHkgdG8gc2VlIHdoYXQgc3RhZ2UgdGhlIHBy b2Nlc3MgaXMgaW4u
ICBJdCBkb2VzIG5vdCBkaXNwbGF5IGFueSBpbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBhYm91dCBy ZWJ1aWxkaW5nIGlu
ZGV4ZXMsIGp1c3QgdGhhdCBpcyBydW5uaW5nIHRoZSBERUxFVEUgcXVlcnku DQoNCklmIEkgdHVy
IHRpbWUgdG8gc2VsZWN0IHRoZSByZWNvcmRzIHRvIGRlbGV0ZSwgaXQgcmV0 dXJucyBhbG1vc3Qg
aW5zdGFudGx5IHNvIE15U1FMIHNlZW1zIHRvIGJlIGFibGUgdG8gZmluZCB0 aGUgcmVjb3JkcyB0
ZXRlcyB0aGUgY2hpbGQgcmVjb3JkcyBpbiB0aGUgb3RoZXIgdHdvIGNoaWxk IHRhYmxlcy4gIFRo
ZSBwcm9jZXNzIGxpc3QgZG9lcyBub3Qgc2hvdyBhbnkgaW5mb3JtYXRpb24g YWJvdXQgZGVsZXRp
dGhhdCBpdCBpcyBkZWxldGluZyB0aGUgcGFyZW50IHJlY29yZHMuDQoNClRo ZSBwYXJlbnQgYW5k
IGJvdGggY2hpbGQgdGFibGVzIGhhdmUgbXVsdGlwbGUgaW5kZXhlcyBvbiB0 aGVtLCBwbHVzIHRo
ZW50IHRhYmxlIG11c3QgYmUgcmVidWlsdCwgYWxsIHRoZSBpbmRleGVzIG9u IHRoZSB0d28gY2hp
bGQgdGFibGVzIG11c3QgYmUgcmVidWlsdCwgYW5kIChJIHN1c3BlY3QpIHRo ZSBmb3JlaWduIGtl
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IGtleXMuICBIb3dldmVyLCB0aGlzIHByb2Nlc3MgaXMgZXF1YWxseSBhcyBs b25nIChhbmQgbWF5
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ZXhlcyB0YWtlcyBhIGxvbmcgdGltZSwgdGhlIGRlbGV0ZSBzZWVtcyB0byBn byBwcmV0dHkgZmFz
dCwgYW5kIHRoZW4gcmVidWlsZGluZyB0aGUgaW5kZXhlcyBhbmQgZm9yZWln biBrZXlzIHRoZW4g
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dCBzdGlsbCB0YWtlcyBhIGxvbmcgdGltZSB0byBkcm9wIGFuZCByZWJ1aWxk Lg0KDQpJIGhhdmUg
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IElhbiBTaW1wc29uIFttYWlsdG86aWFuQGl0Lm15am9iZ3JvdXAuY28udWtd IA0KU2VudDogVGh1
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LCBSYW5kYWxsIHdyb3RlOg0KPiBUaGFua3MgZm9yIHlvdXIgcmVzcG9uc2Vz IG9uIHRoaXMuDQo+
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dCBvdmVyIGFuZCBvdmVyIGR1cmluZyB0aGUgbWFzcyBkZWxldGUgb3BlcmF0 aW9uLg0KPiANCj4g
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bGVzcyB0aGUgaW5kZXhpbmcgaXMgaGFwcGVuaW5nIG11bHRpcGxlIHRpbWVz Pw0KPiANCj4gVGhh
bmtzLA0KPiANCj4gLVJhbmRhbGwgUHJpY2UNCj4gDQo+IA0KPiBGcm9tOiB2 ZWdpdmFtcEBnbWFp
bC5jb20gW21haWx0bzp2ZWdpdmFtcEBnbWFpbC5jb21dIE9uIEJlaGFsZiBP ZiBKb2hhbiBEZSBN
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ZXJlIDotKQ0KPiANCj4gRm9yIGEgc2luZ2xlLXN0YXRlbWVudCBkZWxldGUg b24gYSBzaW5nbGUg
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UHJpY2VAdnQuZWR1PG1haWx0bzpSYW5kYWxsLlByaWNlQHZ0LmVkdT4+d3Jv dGU6DQo+IA0KPiA+
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PiBNeSBxdWVzdGlvbiBpczogIGlmIEkgZGVsZXRlIG1hbnkgcmVjb3JkcyBp biBhIHNpbmdsZSBk
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cyBtb3N0ZXJkIGJ5IGRlbiB3eW4NCj4gU3kgZGllJ3QgZHJpbmt0LCBpcyBl ZW5lIGt3ZXplbA0K
PiBIeSBkaWUndCBkcmlua3QsIGlzIHJhcyBlZW4gZXplbA0KDQoNCi0tIA0K SWFuIFNpbXBzb24N

Re: Question about DELETE

am 18.03.2010 16:14:36 von Ananda Kumar

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

delete will also cause the undo(before image) to be generated, in case u
want to rollback. This will also add up to the delete completion time.

After each mass delete, rebuild indexes to remove gaps in indexes(remove
fragmentatio in the index). This will improve next delete or select.

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Price, Randall wrote:

> I have the MySQL Administrator running and on the Server Connections menu
> on the Threads tab I can see the thread running (i.e., DELETE FROM table
> WHERE ...). I refresh this tab periodically to see what stage the process
> is in. It does not display any information about rebuilding indexes, just
> that is running the DELETE query.
> If I turn the DELETE FROM into a SELECT to see if it takes a long time to
> select the records to delete, it returns almost instantly so MySQL seems to
> be able to find the records to delete pretty fast. I also assume that
> turning the DELETE FROM into a SELECT is a reasonable way to determine this.
> When I do a mass delete on the parent table (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE
> id BETWEEN 1 AND 500) all I can see in the process list is the DELETE
> running. The parent records are deleted and the CASCADING DELETES then
> deletes the child records in the other two child tables. The process list
> does not show any information about deleting the child records through the
> CASCADING DELETES, just that it is deleting the parent records.
> The parent and both child tables have multiple indexes on them, plus the
> FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINTS. So all the indexes on the parent table must be
> rebuilt, all the indexes on the two child tables must be rebuilt, and (I
> suspect) the foreign key constraints must be rebuilt (not sure about this).
> I have tried dropping the foreign keys and indexes, performing the deletes,
> then rebuilding the indexes and foreign keys. However, this process is
> equally as long (and maybe even longer) because dropping the foreign keys
> and indexes takes a long time, the delete seems to go pretty fast, and then
> rebuilding the indexes and foreign keys then takes a long time. This
> technique may be alright for deleting a large number of records, but for a
> small number it still takes a long time to drop and rebuild.
> I have tried deleting from the bottom up (i.e., deleting the child records
> first, then the parent records) to see if that would maybe bypass the
> FOREIGN KEY rebuild (if there is actually a rebuild for this, not sure) and
> speed up the process but it does not. It still takes a long time on a large
> number of deletes.
> So I am at a quandary as to how to make this delete process perform better.
> Thanks,
> -Randall Price
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Simpson []
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:11 AM
> To: Price, Randall
> Cc: Johan De Meersman; Ananda Kumar; [MySQL]
> Subject: RE: Question about DELETE
> Hi Randall,
> If you're talking about processes that are taking that long, then
> running SHOW PROCESSLIST several times during the operation should give
> you a rough idea what it is doing at each stage.
> Also, do you have an index on the id column? It could just be taking a
> long time to identify all the rows it needs to delete.
> On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 10:03 -0400, Price, Randall wrote:
> > Thanks for your responses on this.
> >
> > However, I suspect that the indexes are being rebuilt over and over
> during the mass delete operation.
> >
> > If I delete a small number of records (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id
> BETWEEN 1 AND 5) it may only take a minute or so.
> >
> > If I delete a large number of records (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id
> BETWEEN 1 AND 500) it may take upwards of an hour or more.
> >
> > So what would cause this increased slowness the more records you delete,
> unless the indexing is happening multiple times?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > -Randall Price
> >
> >
> > From: [] On Behalf Of Johan
> De Meersman
> > Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 6:48 AM
> > To: Ananda Kumar
> > Cc: Price, Randall; [MySQL]
> > Subject: Re: Question about DELETE
> >
> > Given that OP is talking about a single delete statement, I'm gonna be
> very surprised if he manages to squeeze an intermediate commit in there :-)
> >
> > For a single-statement delete on a single table, the indexes will be
> rebuilt only once. I'm not entirely sure what happens to cascaded deletes,
> though.
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Ananda Kumar >>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > It depends how frequently ur doing a commit.
> > If you have written a plsql, with loop and if you commit after each row
> is
> > deleted, then it get update for each row. Else if you commit at the end
> the
> > loop, it commits only once for all the rows deleted.
> >
> > regards
> > anandkl
> > On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Price, Randall > >wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I have a simple question about deleting records from INNODB tables. I
> have
> > > a master table with a few child tables linked via Foreign Key
> constraints.
> > > Each table has several indexes as well.
> > >
> > > My question is: if I delete many records in a single delete statement
> > > (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1 AND id = 5 ... AND ID = 100) how
> many
> > > times are the foreign keys/indexes updated?
> > >
> > > Once for the entire DELETE operation or one time for each record that
> is
> > > deleted?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Randall Price
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Bier met grenadyn
> > Is als mosterd by den wyn
> > Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
> > Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel
> --
> Ian Simpson
> System Administrator
> MyJobGroup


RE: Question about DELETE

am 18.03.2010 16:21:18 von Randall.Price

--_000_9269AB049ED62741A28FBF28706E31D325975C206Ffangornccw2 kv_
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Would wrapping the DELETE in a TRANSACTION improve the performance any?

Also, when you say to "after each mass delete, rebuilt the indexes..." woul=
d running OPTIMIZE TABLE tablename; be the way to do this, or how?


-Randall Price

From: Ananda Kumar []
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 11:15 AM
To: Price, Randall
Cc: Ian Simpson; Johan De Meersman; [MySQL]
Subject: Re: Question about DELETE

delete will also cause the undo(before image) to be generated, in case u wa=
nt to rollback. This will also add up to the delete completion time.

After each mass delete, rebuild indexes to remove gaps in indexes(remove fr=
agmentatio in the index). This will improve next delete or select.

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Price, Randall>> wrote:
I have the MySQL Administrator running and on the Server Connections menu o=
n the Threads tab I can see the thread running (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHE=
RE ...). I refresh this tab periodically to see what stage the process is =
in. It does not display any information about rebuilding indexes, just tha=
t is running the DELETE query.

If I turn the DELETE FROM into a SELECT to see if it takes a long time to s=
elect the records to delete, it returns almost instantly so MySQL seems to =
be able to find the records to delete pretty fast. I also assume that turn=
ing the DELETE FROM into a SELECT is a reasonable way to determine this.

When I do a mass delete on the parent table (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE =
id BETWEEN 1 AND 500) all I can see in the process list is the DELETE runni=
ng. The parent records are deleted and the CASCADING DELETES then deletes =
the child records in the other two child tables. The process list does not=
show any information about deleting the child records through the CASCADIN=
G DELETES, just that it is deleting the parent records.

The parent and both child tables have multiple indexes on them, plus the FO=
REIGN KEY CONSTRAINTS. So all the indexes on the parent table must be rebu=
ilt, all the indexes on the two child tables must be rebuilt, and (I suspec=
t) the foreign key constraints must be rebuilt (not sure about this).

I have tried dropping the foreign keys and indexes, performing the deletes,=
then rebuilding the indexes and foreign keys. However, this process is eq=
ually as long (and maybe even longer) because dropping the foreign keys and=
indexes takes a long time, the delete seems to go pretty fast, and then re=
building the indexes and foreign keys then takes a long time. This techniq=
ue may be alright for deleting a large number of records, but for a small n=
umber it still takes a long time to drop and rebuild.

I have tried deleting from the bottom up (i.e., deleting the child records =
first, then the parent records) to see if that would maybe bypass the FOREI=
GN KEY rebuild (if there is actually a rebuild for this, not sure) and spee=
d up the process but it does not. It still takes a long time on a large nu=
mber of deletes.

So I am at a quandary as to how to make this delete process perform better.


-Randall Price

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Simpson [>]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:11 AM
To: Price, Randall
Cc: Johan De Meersman; Ananda Kumar; [MySQL]
Subject: RE: Question about DELETE

Hi Randall,

If you're talking about processes that are taking that long, then
running SHOW PROCESSLIST several times during the operation should give
you a rough idea what it is doing at each stage.

Also, do you have an index on the id column? It could just be taking a
long time to identify all the rows it needs to delete.

On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 10:03 -0400, Price, Randall wrote:
> Thanks for your responses on this.
> However, I suspect that the indexes are being rebuilt over and over durin=
g the mass delete operation.
> If I delete a small number of records (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id B=
ETWEEN 1 AND 5) it may only take a minute or so.
> If I delete a large number of records (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id B=
ETWEEN 1 AND 500) it may take upwards of an hour or more.
> So what would cause this increased slowness the more records you delete, =
unless the indexing is happening multiple times?
> Thanks,
> -Randall Price
> From: [mailto:vegivamp@gmai=] On Behalf Of Johan De Meersman
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 6:48 AM
> To: Ananda Kumar
> Cc: Price, Randall; [MySQL]
> Subject: Re: Question about DELETE
> Given that OP is talking about a single delete statement, I'm gonna be ve=
ry surprised if he manages to squeeze an intermediate commit in there :-)
> For a single-statement delete on a single table, the indexes will be rebu=
ilt only once. I'm not entirely sure what happens to cascaded deletes, thou=
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Ananda Kumar>>> wrot=
> Hi,
> It depends how frequently ur doing a commit.
> If you have written a plsql, with loop and if you commit after each row i=
> deleted, then it get update for each row. Else if you commit at the end t=
> loop, it commits only once for all the rows deleted.
> regards
> anandkl
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Price, Randall>>>>wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a simple question about deleting records from INNODB tables. I =
> > a master table with a few child tables linked via Foreign Key constrain=
> > Each table has several indexes as well.
> >
> > My question is: if I delete many records in a single delete statement
> > (i.e., DELETE FROM table WHERE id =3D 1 AND id =3D 5 ... AND ID =3D 100=
) how many
> > times are the foreign keys/indexes updated?
> >
> > Once for the entire DELETE operation or one time for each record that i=
> > deleted?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Randall Price
> >
> >
> --
> Bier met grenadyn
> Is als mosterd by den wyn
> Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
> Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

Ian Simpson
System Administrator

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