Get result of a https page with SSL after login.

Get result of a https page with SSL after login.

am 30.03.2010 14:56:40 von chew23

Hi all,
just my first technical post on this list.
To automate my work i have to get a html page by my company site after a
login in an secure area.
After a long googling job, I decided to use WWW:Selenium to do this.
It seems to be bugged and i would ask to you if there is e clear method
to do this.

Many thanks in advance.

There is my code:

---- CODE ----

use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use Test::WWW::Selenium;
use Test::More "no_plan";
use Test::Exception;

#system ('/usr/bin/selenium-server &');

my $line = '';
my $users_file = "config_user.cfg" ;

open ( USERS , "$users_file" ) or die "Unable to open file:
$users_file\n $!\n";

my $string = "";
## Perl trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the
sub trim($) {
$string = shift;
$string =~ s/.*\>(.*?)\<.*/$1/ ;
return $string;

my $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new( host => "localhost",
port => 4444,
browser => "*firefox",
browser_url =>
"" );

$sel->title_is("Sun Java System Access Manager (Login)");
$sel->type_ok("IDToken1", "xxxxxxxxx");
$sel->type_ok("IDToken2", "xxxxxxxxx");
$sel->open_ok('https://xxxxxxxxx/http://its-cslpsr-01.sorint .it/nextstage/jsp/index.jsp');

my $i = "";

while ($i = ) {
my $field1 = "";
my $field2 = "";
my $field3 = "";
my $line = "$i";
($field1,$field2,$field3) = split ';', $line;
print "$field1\t"."$field2\t"."$field3\n";

my $compurl0 =
'https://xxxxxxxxx/ contratti/resoconto/RiepilogoOre.jsp?matricola='."$field2".' &mese_m=mar&anno_a=2010&tipo=';
my $compurl1 =
'https://xxxxxxxxx/ contratti/resoconto/RiepilogoOreCommercio.jsp?matricola='."$ field2".'&mese_m=mar&anno_a=2010&tipo=';

if ( $field1 == 0 ) {
print "Il campo di controllo è 0 e quindi uso la stringa:\n
sleep 30;
} else {
print "Il campo di controllo è 1 e quindi uso la stringai:\n
sleep 30;

my $outfile = "out-$field2.htm";
my $output_page = $sel->get_html_source;
open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile");
print OUTFILE "$output_page";

open ( FILE , "$outfile" ) or die "Cannot open file: $outfile - $! \n";
open ( LINES , ">data-$field2.txt" ) or die "Cannot open file:
data-$field2.txt - $! \n";
open ( PIPPO , ">original-$field2.txt" ) or die "Cannot open file
original-$field2.txt: $! \n";
my $counter = 0;
my $row = "";
while ($row = ) {
if ($row =~ /$line/) {
$a = trim($row);
open ( LINES , ">>data-$field2.txt" ) or die "Cannot
open file data-$field2.txt: $! \n";
open ( PIPPO , ">>original-$field2.txt" ) or die
"Cannot open file original-$field2.txt: $! \n";
print PIPPO "$row";
print LINES "$a";
close LINES;
close PIPPO;
close FILE;
close LINES;
close USERS;

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RE: Get result of a https page with SSL after login.

am 30.03.2010 16:00:35 von Bob McConnell

From: chew23

> To automate my work i have to get a html page by my company site after
> login in an secure area.
> After a long googling job, I decided to use WWW:Selenium to do this.
> It seems to be bugged and i would ask to you if there is e clear
> to do this.

I believe the first step is to go to the Selenium home site and get an
updated copy of (Last I checked they hadn't posted recent
updates to CPAN.)

You might also want to look over my wiki page about SeRC and Perl at
. You are
welcome to modify or add to it.

The other option is their Google group at

Bob McConnell

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