problem creating an pdf fileincluding a image stored in mysql database
am 17.04.2010 00:57:18 von Sebastian ReinhardtHi,
I like to create an pdf file with some data, stored in a mysql database.
Most data is text based, but also one picture should be inserted into
the pdf file. To display the picture on an html site, I wrote an perl
script calle "". Now I thought, that I can use this script
to insert the picture into the pdf like this:
my $img =
$pdf->image('/cgi-bin/'.$dbase.'&dtable= '.$dtable.'&refnr='.$ref_nr.'&dcol=Bild0');
$page->image('image'=>$img, 'yalign' => 1,
'xscale'=>1.00,'yscale'=>1.00, 'xpos'=>100,'ypos'=>500);
If I try to create the pdf, it fails. Did anyone know why?
Kind regaards
Sebastian Reinhardt
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