

am 18.05.2010 21:35:06 von Gallego Juan

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I want to ask you the next topic,

I have to deliver some reports and i want to know if exists some reporting =
open source tool to generate them.

The reports that i need are:
- how many users, sessions,cursors by hour, day, week
How mysql manage them? is this information stored in some place?
- size of each database, data, logs, indexes. I kown how to obtain them
- Memory used, CPU used.

The main report that i want to make is the first one and i don't know how t=
o obtain it.

Thanks for your help.

Juan Gallego.

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Re: reports

am 19.05.2010 01:04:29 von rajlist

In infinite wisdom Gallego Juan wrote:

> [1 ]
> Hi,
> I want to ask you the next topic,
> I have to deliver some reports and i want to know if exists some reporting open source tool to generate them.
> The reports that i need are:
> - how many users, sessions,cursors by hour, day, week
> How mysql manage them? is this information stored in some place?
> - size of each database, data, logs, indexes. I kown how to obtain them
> - Memory used, CPU used.

Do you have monitoring for your db box? If not, you cannot generate
these reports. Check out cacti and cacti-mysql-templates
once you have cacti
monitoring on your db box.

Raj Shekhar
If there's anything more important than my ego around, I want it
caught and shot now.

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