Jobs not running

Jobs not running

am 22.05.2010 04:32:34 von Alex Kogan


RHEL 5.2 x86_64
Postgres 8.3.5
pgAgent3 1.8.4

I noticed that at some point a job I have defined in the agent stopped
running. I don't see any related errors in the logs at debug level.
The script that the job is supposed to run runs at command line fine.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this problem?

I also noticed that when I go to Dependencies and Dependents tabs in
pgAdmin3 - I get the "OID out of range" error. Not sure if this is
related to the jobs not running. Below is the error with the statement
from logs.

I appreciate any help.

Thanks, Alex.

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------
ERROR: OID out of range
STATEMENT: SELECT DISTINCT deptype, refclassid, cl.relkind,
CASE WHEN cl.relkind IS NOT NULL THEN cl.relkind ||
COALESCE(dep.refobjsubid::text, '')
WHEN tg.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'T'::text
WHEN ty.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'y'::text
WHEN ns.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'n'::text
WHEN pr.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'p'::text
WHEN la.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'l'::text
WHEN rw.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'R'::text
WHEN co.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'C'::text || contype
ELSE '' END AS type,
COALESCE(coc.relname, clrw.relname) AS ownertable,
COALESCE(cl.relname || '.' || att.attname, cl.relname,
conname, proname, tgname, typname, lanname, rulename, ns.nspname) AS
COALESCE(nsc.nspname, nso.nspname, nsp.nspname,
nst.nspname, nsrw.nspname) AS nspname
FROM pg_depend dep
LEFT JOIN pg_class cl ON dep.refobjid=cl.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute att ON dep.refobjid=att.attrelid AND
dep.refobjsubid=att.attnum LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsc ON
LEFT JOIN pg_proc pr on dep.refobjid=pr.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON pronamespace=nsp.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_trigger tg ON dep.refobjid=tg.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_type ty on dep.refobjid=ty.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nst ON typnamespace=nst.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_constraint co ON dep.refobjid=co.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_class coc ON conrelid=coc.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nso ON connamespace=nso.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_rewrite rw ON dep.refobjid=rw.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_class clrw ON clrw.oid=rw.ev_class
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsrw ON cl.relnamespace=nsrw.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_language la ON dep.refobjid=la.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace ns ON dep.refobjid=ns.oid
WHERE dep.objid=339302416466::oid
AND refclassid IN (
SELECT oid FROM pg_class
WHERE relname IN ('pg_class', 'pg_constraint',
'pg_conversion', 'pg_language', 'pg_proc',
'pg_rewrite', 'pg_namespace',
'pg_trigger', 'pg_type'))
ORDER BY refclassid, cl.relkind
ERROR: OID out of range
STATEMENT: SELECT rolname AS refname, refclassid, deptype
FROM pg_shdepend dep
LEFT JOIN pg_roles r ON refclassid=1260 AND refobjid=r.oid
WHERE dep.objid=339302416466::oid
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------

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Re: Jobs not running

am 23.05.2010 03:39:14 von Tom Lane

Alex Kogan writes:
> I also noticed that when I go to Dependencies and Dependents tabs in
> pgAdmin3 - I get the "OID out of range" error. Not sure if this is
> related to the jobs not running. Below is the error with the statement
> from logs.

Well, I dunno where that command is coming from, but it's quite broken:

> WHERE dep.objid=339302416466::oid

There's at least 2 digits too many for that to be a legitimate OID.

regards, tom lane

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