Anyone can help resolve this problem?
Anyone can help resolve this problem?
am 31.05.2010 00:44:50 von lancer
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Re: Anyone can help resolve this problem?
am 31.05.2010 05:09:37 von Rob Wultsch
This seems like a wordpress problem, not mysql.
On 5/30/10, Lancer wrote:
> Hi there. Sorry for my poor english.
> Iinstalled MySQL 5.5 m3 though original RPM package and I modified the MySQL
> root password. When Iinstall WordPress, I got the error message like 'Error
> establishing adatabase connection'. But when I clear MySQL root password,
> everything goes well. I don't know that why. For security, Idon't want keep
> the empty password for production service. Anyone can help me to resolve
> it?
> Btw, phpbb using mysql (not mysqli, it normal working) extension, phpbb will
> return error message like 'Access Denied for root@localhost (using
> password:NO), why display NO and why phpbb use root to connect to database?
> THX.
Rob Wultsch
MySQL General Mailing List
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ç”å¤: Re: Anyone can help resolve this problem?
am 31.05.2010 05:15:16 von lancer
Hi there. Actually phpbb returns error message 'Access Denied root@localhos=
t', I mean isn't wordpress problem. Because all the program a could not nor=
mal working that use the mysql(mysqli is normal working) function.
Sorry for my poor english grammar.
Sent from my HTC Touch Diamond2
----- åå§é®ä»¶ -----
å件äº=BA: Rob Wultsch
åéæ¶é´: 2010å¹=B45æ=8831æ=A5 =
ææä¸=80 11:09
æ¶ä»¶äº=BA: Lancer ; mysql@lists.mys=
主é¢: Re: Anyone can help resolve this problem?
This seems like a wordpress problem, not mysql.
On 5/30/10, Lancer wrote:
> Hi there. Sorry for my poor english.
> Iinstalled MySQL 5.5 m3 though original RPM package and I modified the My=
> root password. When Iinstall WordPress, I got the error message like 'Err=
> establishing adatabase connection'. But when I clear MySQL root password,
> everything goes well. I don't know that why. For security, Idon't want ke=
> the empty password for production service. Anyone can help me to resolve
> it?
> Btw, phpbb using mysql (not mysqli, it normal working) extension, phpbb w=
> return error message like 'Access Denied for root@localhost (using
> password:NO), why display NO and why phpbb use root to connect to databas=
> THX.
Rob Wultsch
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Anyone can help resolve this problem?
am 31.05.2010 05:20:44 von Carlos Proal
On 5/30/2010 5:44 PM, Lancer wrote:
> Hi there. Sorry for my poor english.
> Iinstalled MySQL 5.5 m3 though original RPM package and I modified the MySQL root password. When Iinstall WordPress, I got the error message like 'Error establishing adatabase connection'. But when I clear MySQL root password, everything goes well. I don't know that why. For security, Idon't want keep the empty password for production service. Anyone can help me to resolve it?
Im just guessing but, did you flush the privileges ? maybe the change
have no taken effect and then the valid password is still the old one.
> Btw, phpbb using mysql (not mysqli, it normal working) extension, phpbb will return error message like 'Access Denied for root@localhost (using password:NO), why display NO and why phpbb use root to connect to database?
I dont know the deep details on phpbb, but the account is usually setup
in a config file (there you can change root...).
Also note that mysql extension uses old style passwords and mysqli the
new ones, you can get more info on the manual:
Hope this helps.
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