optimizer behavior in the case of highly updated tables
am 09.06.2010 04:58:34 von Mark Rostron --_000_FD020D3E50E7FA479567872E5F5F31E304599C0B41ex01corpql2 co_
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I am looking for some specific information regarding optimizer behavior.
We recently experienced a situation where a query that was previously using=
a btree lookup (efficient) SWITCHED to using seqscan/hash lookup.
My questions would be:
- Under what circumstances is the optimizer likely to CHANGE behav=
ior from using a btree index lookup to using a seq scan/hash lookup?
- What are the critical decision factors that would feed into the =
optimizer making such a change?
- Is it possible to measure any metrics in a way that would enable=
a prediction of such a change?
- 8.3.10 (64bit) on RHEL5.
- Linux xxxxx 2.6.18-164.10.1.el5xen #1 SMP Thu Jan 7 20:28:30 EST=
2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The table in question is:
- 30m rows, variable length (contains varchar fields), rowlength a=
vg about 120B
- Approx. 3m unique values in the index column
Activity on the table would be, per row: "Insert, multiple updates, delete=
after 90 days"
We vacuum analyze this table once/weekly.
No partitions are used.
Our experience which prompts this question was as follows:
- If the table is not "vacuum analyze'd" at least once/week, the q=
uery plans become unpredictable as to whether they will use btree or seqsca=
n/hash lookup
- Until last week, "vacuum analyze" was sufficient
- Friday evening of last week, the query plan for selected queries=
against this index changed again, but "vacuum analyze" was insufficient
- Rebuilding index on primary key and on the column index was insu=
- It was necessary to take a site outage and perform a "vacuum ful=
l analyze" on the table
- Following this, the query plan reverted to the more efficient bt=
ree lookup
Clearly, the garbage buildup resulting from transaction activity on the tab=
le is the villain here.
- Is it possible to calculate expected space usage given row count=
and average row size
- At what point might the ratio of "expected"/"actual" space usage=
be able to indicate the need to perform "full vacuum", or similar maintena=
Any observations/comments that anyone would care to make are welcome.
Thanks in advance for your time
--_000_FD020D3E50E7FA479567872E5F5F31E304599C0B41ex01corpql2 co_
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I am looking for=
some specific information regarding optimizer behavior.
lass=3DMsoNormal>We recently experienced a situation where a query that was=
previously using a btree lookup (efficient) SWITCHED to using seqscan/hash=
=3DMsoNormal>My questions would be:
o-list:l0 level1 lfo2'>
>- &nbs=
p; Under what circumstances=
is the optimizer likely to CHANGE behavior from using a btree index lookup=
to using a seq scan/hash lookup?
style=3D'text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo2'>=
endif]>What are the critical decision factors that would feed into the opti=
mizer making such a change?
=3D'text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo2'>
>Is it possible to measure any metrics in a way that would enable a predict=
ion of such a change?
ist:l0 level1 lfo2'>-<=
span style=3D'font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'> &=
nbsp; 8.3.10 (64bit) on RHEL5.
t:l0 level1 lfo2'>-
l5xen #1 SMP Thu Jan 7 20:28:30 EST 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The table in question is:
:l2 level1 lfo1'>-
tains varchar fields), rowlength avg about 120B
oListParagraph style=3D'text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l2 level1 lfo1'>
imes New Roman"'>
pan>Approx. 3m unique values in the index column
y on the table would be, per row: “Insert, multiple updates, de=
lete after 90 days”
We vacuum analyze this table once/weekly.
No partitions are used.
Our experience whic=
h prompts this question was as follows:
agraph style=3D'text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l2 level1 lfo1'>
an>If the table is not “vacuum analyze’d” at le=
ast once/week, the query plans become unpredictable as to whether they will=
use btree or seqscan/hash lookup
style=3D'text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l2 level1 lfo1'>=
endif]>Until last week, “vacuum analyze” was sufficient
level1 lfo1'>-
yle=3D'font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'> &n=
bsp; Friday evening of last week, the q=
uery plan for selected queries against this index changed again, but “=
;vacuum analyze” was insufficient
agraph style=3D'text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l2 level1 lfo1'>
an>Rebuilding index on primary key and on the column index was in=
..25in;mso-list:l2 level1 lfo1'>
:Ignore'>- &n=
bsp; It was necessary=
to take a site outage and perform a “vacuum full analyze” on t=
he table
5in;mso-list:l2 level1 lfo1'>
gnore'>- &nbs=
p; Following this, th=
e query plan reverted to the more efficient btree lookup
Clearly, the gar=
bage buildup resulting from transaction activity on the table is the villai=
n here.
in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo3'>
nore'>- =
; Is it possible to c=
alculate expected space usage given row count and average row size
evel1 lfo3'>-
le=3D'font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'> &nb=
sp; At what point might the ratio of &#=
8220;expected”/”actual” space usage be able to indicate t=
he need to perform “full vacuum”, or similar maintenance
Any =
observations/comments that anyone would care to make are welcome.
Thanks in advance for your time
--_000_FD020D3E50E7FA479567872E5F5F31E304599C0B41ex01corpql2 co_--