MySQL 5.0.44 with Innodb Max memory problem :-(
am 21.07.2010 18:16:10 von Nunzio Daveri--0-2040802451-1279728970=:47863
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Hello Gurus, I just inhereted a Sun 2 U Server with 2 Intel Quad Core CPU's and
16 GB of ram. Here is the problem. The machine is constantly at 99% Memory
utilization and we get random row locking, we are only using InnoDB. The
database is around 150GB with over 5,000 tables. To make things worse, if I
shutdown MySQL, top-c still says all the memory is still used? Is this a bug,
why would it say all the memory is used when I turn off MySQL. The weird thing
is that when I reboot it is fine and purring. When I start to create reports and
run a few SUPER THICK queries, is starts to eat up memory and CPU then once it
hits it's 12GB limit that I have setup in the my.cnf file it just stays there.
The coders are using indexing for several hundread tables so I am wondering if
it just loaded all of the index into memory based on my query and then it just
leaves it there, BUT if that is the case why is the OS still max'd out of memory
when I shutdown MySQL??? :-(
Any help, guidance or advise is much appreciated.