[Jakarta Wiki] Update of "FrontPage" by Bodewig

[Jakarta Wiki] Update of "FrontPage" by Bodewig

am 29.07.2010 12:56:53 von Apache Wiki

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Jakarta Wiki" for c=
hange notification.

The "FrontPage" page has been changed by Bodewig.
The comment on this change is: spam.
http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/FrontPage?action=3Ddiff&rev1= 3D13&rev2=3D14


This wiki contains information pertaining to the Jakarta project as a who=
le (mostly management and administration information).
Links to the wiki pages for the various Jakarta sub-projects may be found=

- There is an external unofficial [[http://www.nabble.com/Jakarta-f288.html=
|Jakarta Forum]] that currently archives the mailing lists from all the Jak=
arta sub projects. You can browse or search the [[http://www.essaywriter.co=
..uk|essay]] messages, and find out what the entire Jakarta community is tal=
king about.
+ There is an external unofficial [[http://www.nabble.com/Jakarta-f288.html=
|Jakarta Forum]] that currently archives the mailing lists from all the Jak=
arta sub projects. You can browse or search the messages, and find out what=
the entire Jakarta community is talking about.

===3D Jakarta project management ===3D
The Jakarta project exists as part of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF=
). The ASF board delegates responsibility for overseeing all the Jakarta pr=
oducts to a committee known as the Jakarta PMC.