To join or not to join?
am 25.08.2010 20:48:56 von Chris WI need a single row from 2 different tables. It is rather trivial to
create a join that will join these two tables and give me all the
information I want in one query. It is also fairly easy to just execute
two different queries with out any join and get the data I need. Since
the both single table queries or the join query will always only return
a single row, I was wondering if there was a performance hit doing it
one way or the other. On one table the where clause is on the primary
key on the other table there where clause is on a single column that is
indexed but not unique. However in this situation it will be unique. I
can't put a unique key on this field in the second table because there
are other applications of the second table where I do need it to non
Hope that makes sense.
Chris W
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